{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-} module Generate.JavaScript.Ports (incoming, outgoing) where import Generate.JavaScript.Helpers import qualified SourceSyntax.Helpers as Help import SourceSyntax.Type as T import Language.ECMAScript3.Syntax data JSType = JSNumber | JSBoolean | JSString | JSArray | JSObject [String] deriving Show check :: Expression () -> JSType -> Expression () -> Expression () check x jsType continue = CondExpr () (jsFold OpLOr checks x) continue throw where jsFold op checks value = foldl1 (InfixExpr () op) (map ($value) checks) throw = obj "_E.raise" <| InfixExpr () OpAdd msg x msg = string ("invalid input, expecting " ++ show jsType ++ " but got ") checks = case jsType of JSNumber -> [typeof "number"] JSBoolean -> [typeof "boolean"] JSString -> [typeof "string", instanceof "String"] JSArray -> [instanceof "Array"] JSObject fields -> [jsFold OpLAnd (typeof "object" : map member fields)] incoming :: Type -> Expression () incoming tipe = case tipe of Data "Signal.Signal" [t] -> obj "Native.Ports.incomingSignal" <| incoming t _ -> ["v"] ==> inc tipe (ref "v") inc :: Type -> Expression () -> Expression () inc tipe x = case tipe of Lambda _ _ -> error "functions should not be allowed through input ports" Var _ -> error "type variables should not be allowed through input ports" Data ctor [] | ctor == "Int" -> elm JSNumber | ctor == "Float" -> elm JSNumber | ctor == "Bool" -> elm JSBoolean | ctor == "String" -> elm JSString | ctor == "JavaScript.JSNumber" -> js JSNumber | ctor == "JavaScript.JSBool" -> js JSBoolean | ctor == "JavaScript.JSString" -> js JSString where elm checks = check x checks (obj ("_J.to" ++ ctor) <| x) js checks = check x checks x Data ctor [t] | ctor == "Maybe.Maybe" -> CondExpr () (equal x (NullLit ())) (obj "Maybe.Nothing") (obj "Maybe.Just" <| inc t x) | ctor == "_List" -> check x JSArray (obj "_J.toList" <| array) where array = DotRef () x (var "map") <| incoming t Data ctor ts | Help.isTuple ctor -> check x JSArray tuple where tuple = ObjectLit () $ (PropId () (var "ctor"), string ctor) : values values = zipWith convert [0..] ts convert n t = ( PropId () $ var ('_':show n) , inc t (BracketRef () x (IntLit () n))) Data _ _ -> error "bad ADT got to port generation code" Record _ (Just _) -> error "bad record got to port generation code" Record fields Nothing -> check x (JSObject (map fst fields)) object where object = ObjectLit () $ (PropId () (var "_"), ObjectLit () []) : keys keys = map convert fields convert (f,t) = (PropId () (var f), inc t (DotRef () x (var f))) outgoing tipe = case tipe of Data "Signal.Signal" [t] -> obj "Native.Ports.outgoingSignal" <| outgoing t _ -> ["v"] ==> out tipe (ref "v") out :: Type -> Expression () -> Expression () out tipe x = case tipe of Lambda _ _ | numArgs > 1 && numArgs < 10 -> func (ref ('A':show numArgs) `call` (x:values)) | otherwise -> func (foldl (<|) x values) where ts = T.collectLambdas tipe numArgs = length ts - 1 args = map (\n -> '_' : show n) [0..] values = zipWith inc (init ts) (map ref args) func body = function (take numArgs args) [ VarDeclStmt () [VarDecl () (var "_r") (Just body)] , ret (out (last ts) (ref "_r")) ] Var _ -> error "type variables should not be allowed through input ports" Data ctor [] | ctor `elem` ["Int","Float","Bool","String"] -> obj ("_J.from" ++ ctor) <| x | ctor `elem` jsPrims -> x where jsPrims = map ("JavaScript.JS"++) ["Number","Bool","String"] Data ctor [t] | ctor == "Maybe.Maybe" -> CondExpr () (equal (DotRef () x (var "ctor")) (string "Nothing")) (NullLit ()) (DotRef () x (var "_0")) | ctor == "_List" -> DotRef () (obj "_J.fromList" <| x) (var "map") <| outgoing t Data ctor ts | Help.isTuple ctor -> ArrayLit () $ zipWith convert [0..] ts where convert n t = out t $ DotRef () x $ var ('_':show n) Data _ _ -> error "bad ADT got to port generation code" Record _ (Just _) -> error "bad record got to port generation code" Record fields Nothing -> ObjectLit () keys where keys = map convert fields convert (f,t) = (PropId () (var f), out t (DotRef () x (var f)))