{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} module SourceSyntax.Declaration where import Data.Binary import qualified SourceSyntax.Expression as Expr import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as T import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint import Text.PrettyPrint as P data Declaration' port def = Definition def | Datatype String [String] [(String,[T.Type])] [Derivation] | TypeAlias String [String] T.Type [Derivation] | Port port | Fixity Assoc Int String deriving (Eq, Show) data Assoc = L | N | R deriving (Eq) data Derivation = Json | JS | Binary | New deriving (Eq, Show) data ParsePort = PortAnnotation String T.Type | SendDefinition String Expr.LParseExpr | RecvDefinition String Expr.LParseExpr data Port = Send String Expr.LExpr T.Type | Recv String Expr.LExpr T.Type deriving (Eq,Show) type ParseDeclaration = Declaration' ParsePort Expr.ParseDef type Declaration = Declaration' Port Expr.Def instance Binary Derivation where get = do n <- getWord8 return $ case n of 0 -> Json 1 -> JS 2 -> Binary 3 -> New _ -> error "Unable to decode Derivation. You may have corrupted binary files,\n\ \so please report an issue at " put derivation = putWord8 $ case derivation of Json -> 0 JS -> 1 Binary -> 2 New -> 3 instance Show Assoc where show assoc = case assoc of L -> "left" N -> "non" R -> "right" instance (Pretty port, Pretty def) => Pretty (Declaration' port def) where pretty decl = case decl of Definition def -> pretty def Datatype tipe tvars ctors deriveables -> P.hang (P.text "data" <+> P.text tipe <+> P.hsep (map P.text tvars)) 4 (P.sep $ zipWith join ("=" : repeat "|") ctors) <+> prettyDeriving deriveables where join c ctor = P.text c <+> prettyCtor ctor prettyCtor (name, tipes) = P.hang (P.text name) 2 (P.sep (map T.prettyParens tipes)) TypeAlias name tvars tipe deriveables -> alias <+> prettyDeriving deriveables where name' = P.text name <+> P.hsep (map P.text tvars) alias = P.hang (P.text "type" <+> name' <+> P.equals) 4 (pretty tipe) Port port -> pretty port Fixity assoc prec op -> P.text "infix" <> assoc' <+> P.int prec <+> P.text op where assoc' = case assoc of L -> P.text "l" N -> P.empty R -> P.text "r" instance Pretty ParsePort where pretty port = case port of PortAnnotation name tipe -> prettyPort name ":" tipe SendDefinition name expr -> prettyPort name "<-" expr RecvDefinition name expr -> prettyPort name "->" expr instance Pretty Port where pretty port = case port of Send name expr tipe -> mkPort "<-" name expr tipe Recv name expr tipe -> mkPort "->" name expr tipe where mkPort arrow name expr tipe = P.vcat [ prettyPort name ":" tipe , prettyPort name arrow expr ] prettyPort :: (Pretty a) => String -> String -> a -> Doc prettyPort name op e = P.text "port" <+> P.text name <+> P.text op <+> pretty e prettyDeriving :: [Derivation] -> Doc prettyDeriving deriveables = case deriveables of [] -> P.empty [d] -> P.text "deriving" <+> P.text (show d) ds -> P.text "deriving" <+> P.parens (P.hsep $ P.punctuate P.comma $ map (P.text . show) ds)