module Set (empty,singleton,insert,remove ,member ,foldl,foldr,map ,union,intersect,diff ,toList,fromList ) where import Dict as Dict import List as List type Set t = Dict t () -- Create an empty set. empty : Set (Comparable k) empty = Dict.empty -- Create a set with one value. singleton : Comparable k -> Set (Comparable k) singleton k = Dict.singleton k () -- Insert a value into a set. insert : Comparable k -> Set (Comparable k) -> Set (Comparable k) insert k = Dict.insert k () -- Remove a value from a set. If the value is not found, no changes are made. remove : Comparable k -> Set (Comparable k) -> Set (Comparable k) remove = Dict.remove -- Determine if a value is in a set. member : Comparable k -> Set (Comparable k) -> Bool member = Dict.member -- Get the union of two sets. Keep all values. union : Set (Comparable k) -> Set (Comparable k) -> Set (Comparable k) union = Dict.union -- Get the intersection of two sets. Keeps values that appear in both sets. intersect : Set (Comparable k) -> Set (Comparable k) -> Set (Comparable k) intersect = Dict.intersect -- Get the difference between the first set and the second. Keeps values -- that do not appear in the second set. diff : Set (Comparable k) -> Set (Comparable k) -> Set (Comparable k) diff = Dict.diff -- Convert a set into a list. toList : Set (Comparable k) -> [Comparable k] toList = Dict.keys -- Convert a list into a set, removing any duplicates. fromList : [Comparable k] -> Set (Comparable k) fromList xs = List.foldl insert empty xs -- Fold over the values in a set, in order from lowest to highest. foldl : (Comparable a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set (Comparable a) -> b foldl f b s = Dict.foldl (\k _ b -> f k b) b s -- Fold over the values in a set, in order from highest to lowest. foldr : (Comparable a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set (Comparable a) -> b foldr f b s = Dict.foldr (\k _ b -> f k b) b s -- Map a function onto a set, creating a new set with no duplicates. map : (Comparable a -> Comparable b) -> Set (Comparable a) -> Set (Comparable b) map f s = fromList ( f (toList s))