module Generate.Cases (caseToMatch, Match (..), Clause (..), matchSubst) where import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad (liftM,foldM) import Data.List (groupBy,sortBy,lookup) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Unique import SourceSyntax.Location import SourceSyntax.Literal import SourceSyntax.Pattern import SourceSyntax.Expression import Transform.Substitute caseToMatch patterns = do v <- newVar match [v] (map (first (:[])) patterns) Fail newVar = do n <- guid return $ "case" ++ show n data Match t v = Match String [Clause t v] (Match t v) | Break | Fail | Other (LExpr t v) | Seq [Match t v] deriving Show data Clause t v = Clause (Either String Literal) [String] (Match t v) deriving Show matchSubst :: [(String,String)] -> Match t v -> Match t v matchSubst _ Break = Break matchSubst _ Fail = Fail matchSubst pairs (Seq ms) = Seq (map (matchSubst pairs) ms) matchSubst pairs (Other (L t s e)) = Other . L t s $ foldr ($) e $ map (\(x,y) -> subst x (Var y)) pairs matchSubst pairs (Match n cs m) = Match (varSubst n) (map clauseSubst cs) (matchSubst pairs m) where varSubst v = fromMaybe v (lookup v pairs) clauseSubst (Clause c vs m) = Clause c (map varSubst vs) (matchSubst pairs m) isCon (p:ps, e) = case p of PData _ _ -> True PLiteral _ -> True _ -> False isVar p = not (isCon p) match :: [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> Unique (Match t v) match [] [] def = return def match [] [([],e)] Fail = return $ Other e match [] [([],e)] Break = return $ Other e match [] cs def = return $ Seq (map (Other . snd) cs ++ [def]) match vs@(v:_) cs def | all isVar cs' = matchVar vs cs' def | all isCon cs' = matchCon vs cs' def | otherwise = matchMix vs cs' def where cs' = map (dealias v) cs dealias v c@(p:ps, L t s e) = case p of PAlias x pattern -> (pattern:ps, L t s $ subst x (Var v) e) _ -> c matchVar :: [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> Unique (Match t v) matchVar (v:vs) cs def = match vs (map subVar cs) def where subVar (p:ps, ce@(L t s e)) = (ps, L t s $ subOnePattern p e) where loc = L t s subOnePattern pattern e = case pattern of PVar x -> subst x (Var v) e PAnything -> e PRecord fs -> foldr (\x -> subst x (Access (loc (Var v)) x)) e fs matchCon :: [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> Unique (Match t v) matchCon (v:vs) cs def = (flip (Match v) def) `liftM` mapM toClause css where css = groupBy eq (sortBy cmp cs) cmp (p1:_,_) (p2:_,_) = case (p1,p2) of (PData n1 _, PData n2 _) -> compare n1 n2 _ -> compare p1 p2 eq (p1:_,_) (p2:_,_) = case (p1,p2) of (PData n1 _, PData n2 _) -> n1 == n2 _ -> p1 == p2 toClause cs = case head cs of (PData name _ : _, _) -> matchClause (Left name) (v:vs) cs Break (PLiteral lit : _, _) -> matchClause (Right lit) (v:vs) cs Break matchClause :: Either String Literal -> [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> Unique (Clause t v) matchClause c (v:vs) cs def = do vs' <- getVars Clause c vs' `liftM` match (vs' ++ vs) (map flatten cs) def where flatten (p:ps, e) = case p of PData _ ps' -> (ps' ++ ps, e) PLiteral _ -> (ps, e) getVars = case head cs of (PData _ ps : _, _) -> mapM (\_ -> newVar) ps (PLiteral _ : _, _) -> return [] matchMix :: [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> Unique (Match t v) matchMix vs cs def = foldM (flip $ match vs) def (reverse css) where css = groupBy (\p1 p2 -> isCon p1 == isCon p2) cs