module Maybe where {-| Represents an optional value. Maybe it is there, maybe it is not. # Type and Constructors @docs Maybe # Taking Maybes apart @docs maybe, isJust, isNothing # Maybes and Lists @docs justs -} import Basics (not, (.)) import List (foldr) {-| The Maybe datatype. Useful when a computation may or may not result in a value (e.g. logarithm is defined only for positive numbers). -} data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing {-| Apply a function to the contents of a `Maybe`. Return default when given `Nothing`. -} maybe : b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b maybe b f m = case m of Just v -> f v Nothing -> b {-| Check if constructed with `Just`. -} isJust : Maybe a -> Bool isJust = maybe False (\_ -> True) {-| Check if constructed with `Nothing`. -} isNothing : Maybe a -> Bool isNothing = not . isJust cons mx xs = maybe xs (\x -> x :: xs) mx {-| Filters out Nothings and extracts the remaining values. -} justs : [Maybe a] -> [a] justs = foldr cons []