{-# OPTIONS_GHC -W #-} module Metadata.Prelude (interfaces, add) where import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Control.Exception as E import System.Exit import System.IO import SourceSyntax.Module import qualified Build.Interface as Interface import Build.Utils (getDataFile) add :: Bool -> Module def -> Module def add noPrelude (Module name exs ims decls) = Module name exs (customIms ++ ims) decls where customIms = if noPrelude then [] else concatMap addModule prelude addModule (n, method) = case lookup n ims of Nothing -> [(n, method)] Just (As _) -> [(n, method)] Just _ -> [] prelude :: [(String, ImportMethod)] prelude = string : text ++ map (\n -> (n, Hiding [])) modules where text = map ((,) "Text") [ As "Text", Hiding ["link", "color", "height"] ] string = ("String", As "String") modules = [ "Basics", "Signal", "List", "Maybe", "Time", "Prelude" , "Graphics.Element", "Color", "Graphics.Collage", "Native.Ports" ] interfaces :: Bool -> IO Interfaces interfaces noPrelude = if noPrelude then return Map.empty else safeReadDocs =<< getDataFile "interfaces.data" safeReadDocs :: FilePath -> IO Interfaces safeReadDocs name = E.catch (readDocs name) $ \err -> do let _ = err :: IOError hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines $ [ "Error reading types for standard library from file " ++ name , " If you are using a stable version of Elm, please report an issue at" , " specifying version numbers for" , " Elm and your OS." ] exitFailure readDocs :: FilePath -> IO Interfaces readDocs filePath = do interfaces <- Interface.load filePath case mapM (Interface.isValid filePath) (interfaces :: [(String, ModuleInterface)]) of Left err -> do hPutStrLn stderr err exitFailure Right [] -> do hPutStrLn stderr "No interfaces found in serialized Prelude!" exitFailure Right ifaces -> return $ Map.fromList ifaces