module Main where import Control.Monad (msum,guard,when) import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(liftIO)) import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, (\\)) import Data.Version (showVersion) import Happstack.Server import Happstack.Server.Compression import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Process import GHC.IO.Handle import qualified Language.Elm as Elm import Paths_elm_server runtime = "/elm-runtime.js" serve :: Int -> String -> IO () serve portNumber libLoc = do putStrLn $ "Elm Server " ++ showVersion version ++ ": running at " putStrLn "Just refresh a page to recompile it!" simpleHTTP httpConf $ do _ <- compressedResponseFilter msum [ uriRest serveElm , uriRest (serveLib libLoc) , serveDirectory EnableBrowsing [] "." ] where httpConf = nullConf { port = portNumber } pageTitle :: String -> String pageTitle = dropExtension . takeBaseName defaultCacheDirectory = "elm-server-cache" serveElm :: FilePath -> ServerPartT IO Response serveElm fp = do fileExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist file guard $ fileExists && takeExtension fp == ".elm" (_, stdout, _, handle) <- liftIO $ createProcess $ (proc "elm" args) { std_out = CreatePipe } exitCode <- liftIO $ waitForProcess handle dirExists <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist defaultCacheDirectory when dirExists $ liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive defaultCacheDirectory case (exitCode, stdout) of (ExitFailure 127, _) -> badRequest $ toResponse "Error: elm binary not found in your path." (ExitFailure _, Just out) -> do str <- liftIO $ hGetContents out badRequest $ toResponse str (ExitFailure _, Nothing) -> badRequest $ toResponse "See command line for error message." (ExitSuccess, _) -> serveFile (asContentType "text/html") ("build" replaceExtension file "html") where file = tail fp args = [ "--make" ,"--runtime=" ++ runtime, "--cache-dir=" ++ defaultCacheDirectory, file ] serveLib :: FilePath -> [Char] -> ServerPartT IO Response serveLib libLoc fp = do guard (fp == runtime) serveFile (asContentType "application/javascript") libLoc main :: IO () main = getArgs >>= parse parse :: [String] -> IO () parse ("--help":_) = putStrLn usage parse ("--version":_) = putStrLn ("The Elm Server " ++ showVersion version) parse args = case null remainingArgs of True -> serve portNumber =<< elmRuntime False -> putStrLn usageMini where runtimeArg = filter (isPrefixOf "--runtime-location=") args portArg = filter (isPrefixOf "--port=") args remainingArgs = (args \\ runtimeArg) \\ portArg argValue arg = tail $ dropWhile (/= '=') (head arg) portNumber = if null portArg then 8000 else read (argValue portArg) :: Int elmRuntime = if null runtimeArg then Elm.runtime else return $ argValue runtimeArg usageMini :: String usageMini = "Usage: elm-server [OPTIONS]\n\ \Try `elm-server --help' for more information." usage :: String usage = "Usage: elm-server [OPTIONS]\n\ \Compiles and serves .elm files from the current directory.\n\ \Example: elm-server\n\ \\n\ \Server configuration:\n\ \ --port set the port to listen on (default: 8000)\n\ \\n\ \Resource Locations:\n\ \ --runtime-location set the location of the Elm runtime\n\ \\n\ \Compiler Information:\n\ \ --version print the version information and exit\n\ \ --help display this help and exit\n\ \\n\ \Elm home page: "