{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module SourceSyntax.Type where import Data.Data import qualified Data.Map as Map import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint import Text.PrettyPrint as P data Type = Lambda Type Type | Var String | Data String [Type] | EmptyRecord | Record (Map.Map String [Type]) Type deriving (Eq, Show, Data, Typeable) fieldMap :: [(String,Type)] -> Map.Map String [Type] fieldMap fields = foldl (\r (x,t) -> Map.insertWith (++) x [t] r) Map.empty fields recordOf :: [(String,Type)] -> Type recordOf fields = Record (fieldMap fields) EmptyRecord listOf :: Type -> Type listOf t = Data "List" [t] tupleOf :: [Type] -> Type tupleOf ts = Data ("_Tuple" ++ show (length ts)) ts instance Pretty Type where pretty tipe = case tipe of Lambda t1 t2 -> P.sep [ t, P.sep (map (P.text "->" <+>) ts) ] where t:ts = collectLambdas tipe Var x -> P.text x Data name tipes -> P.hang (P.text name) 2 (P.sep $ map prettyParens tipes) EmptyRecord -> P.braces P.empty Record fields ext -> error "not done yet" collectLambdas tipe = case tipe of Lambda arg@(Lambda _ _) body -> P.parens (pretty arg) : collectLambdas body Lambda arg body -> pretty arg : collectLambdas body _ -> [pretty tipe] prettyParens tipe = parensIf needed (pretty tipe) where needed = case tipe of Lambda _ _ -> True Data _ _ -> True _ -> False