module Char where import Native.Char as N -- Selects upper case letters. isUpper : Char -> Bool -- Selects lower case letters. isLower : Char -> Bool -- Selects ASCII digits (0..9). isDigit : Char -> Bool -- Selects ASCII octal digits (0..7). isOctDigit : Char -> Bool -- Selects ASCII hexadecimal digits (0..9a..fA..F). isHexDigit : Char -> Bool -- Convert to upper case. toUpper : Char -> Char -- Convert to lower case. toLower : Char -> Char -- Convert to upper case, according to any locale-specific case mappings. toLocaleUpper : Char -> Char -- Convert to lower case, according to any locale-specific case mappings. toLocaleLower : Char -> Char -- Convert to unicode. toCode : Char -> KeyCode -- Convert from unicode. fromCode : KeyCode -> Char