module Color where {-| Library for working with colors. Includes [RGB]( and [HSV]( creation, gradients, and built-in names. # Creation @docs rgb, rgba, hsv, hsva, grayscale, greyscale # From Other Colors @docs complementary # Gradients @docs linear, radial # Built-in Colors These colors come from the [Tango palette]( which provides aesthetically reasonable defaults for colors. Each color also comes with a light and dark version. ### Standard @docs red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown ### Light @docs lightRed, lightOrange, lightYellow, lightGreen, lightBlue, lightPurple, lightBrown ### Dark @docs darkRed, darkOrange, darkYellow, darkGreen, darkBlue, darkPurple, darkBrown ### Eight Shades of Grey These colors are a compatible series of shades of grey, fitting nicely with the Tango palette. @docs white, lightGrey, grey, darkGrey, lightCharcoal, charcoal, darkCharcoal, black These are identical to the *grey* versions. It seems the spelling is regional, but that has never helped me remember which one I should be writing. @docs lightGray, gray, darkGray -} import Native.Color import Basics ((-)) data Color = Color Int Int Int Float {-| Create RGB colors with an alpha component for transparency. The alpha component is specified with numbers between 0 and 1. -} rgba : Int -> Int -> Int -> Float -> Color rgba = Color {-| Create RGB colors from numbers between 0 and 255 inclusive. -} rgb : Int -> Int -> Int -> Color rgb r g b = Color r g b 1 lightRed = Color 239 41 41 1 red = Color 204 0 0 1 darkRed = Color 164 0 0 1 lightOrange = Color 252 175 62 1 orange = Color 245 121 0 1 darkOrange = Color 206 92 0 1 lightYellow = Color 255 233 79 1 yellow = Color 237 212 0 1 darkYellow = Color 196 160 0 1 lightGreen = Color 138 226 52 1 green = Color 115 210 22 1 darkGreen = Color 78 154 6 1 lightBlue = Color 114 159 207 1 blue = Color 52 101 164 1 darkBlue = Color 32 74 135 1 lightPurple = Color 173 127 168 1 purple = Color 117 80 123 1 darkPurple = Color 92 53 102 1 lightBrown = Color 233 185 110 1 brown = Color 193 125 17 1 darkBrown = Color 143 89 2 1 black = Color 0 0 0 1 white = Color 255 255 255 1 lightGrey = Color 238 238 236 1 grey = Color 211 215 207 1 darkGrey = Color 186 189 182 1 lightGray = Color 238 238 236 1 gray = Color 211 215 207 1 darkGray = Color 186 189 182 1 lightCharcoal = Color 136 138 133 1 charcoal = Color 85 87 83 1 darkCharcoal = Color 46 52 54 1 {-| Produce a gray based on the input. 0 is white, 1 is black. -} grayscale : Float -> Color grayscale p = hsv 0 0 (1-p) greyscale p = hsv 0 0 (1-p) {-| Produce a “complementary color”. The two colors will accent each other. -} complement : Color -> Color complement = Native.Color.complement {-| Create [HSV colors]( with an alpha component for transparency. -} hsva : Float -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color hsva = Native.Color.hsva {-| Create [HSV colors]( This is very convenient for creating colors that cycle and shift. Hue is an angle and should be given in standard Elm angles (radians). -} hsv : Float -> Float -> Float -> Color hsv = Native.Color.hsv data Gradient = Linear (Float,Float) (Float,Float) [(Float,Color)] | Radial (Float,Float) Float (Float,Float) Float [(Float,Color)] {-| Create a linear gradient. Takes a start and end point and then a series of “color stops” that indicate how to interpolate between the start and end points. See [this example](/edit/examples/Elements/LinearGradient.elm) for a more visual explanation. -} linear : (number, number) -> (number, number) -> [(Float,Color)] -> Gradient linear = Linear {-| Create a radial gradient. First takes a start point and inner radius. Then takes an end point and outer radius. It then takes a series of “color stops” that indicate how to interpolate between the inner and outer circles. See [this example](/edit/examples/Elements/RadialGradient.elm) for a more visual explanation. -} radial : (number,number) -> number -> (number,number) -> number -> [(Float,Color)] -> Gradient radial = Radial