module Type.Alias (realias, rules, canonicalRealias, Rules) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>)) import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow (second) import Data.Map ((!)) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.List as List import SourceSyntax.Type import SourceSyntax.Module type Rules = ([(String,[String],Type)], Type -> Type) rules interfaces metaModule = (collect interfaces metaModule, localizer metaModule) collect interfaces metaModule = filter (not . isPrimitive) rawAliases where rawAliases = aliases metaModule ++ concatMap iAliases (Map.elems interfaces) isPrimitive (_,_,tipe) = case tipe of Data _ [] -> True _ -> False localizer metaModule = go where go tipe = case tipe of Var _ -> tipe EmptyRecord -> tipe Lambda t1 t2 -> Lambda (go t1) (go t2) Data name ts -> Data (localize name) (map go ts) Record fs ext -> Record (map (second go) fs) (go ext) byMethod = foldr (\(n,m) d -> Map.insertWith (++) n [m] d) Map.empty (imports metaModule) separate name = case List.elemIndices '.' name of [] -> ("",name) is -> let i = last is in (take i name, drop (i+1) name) shortest = List.minimumBy (\a b -> compare (length a) (length b)) localize name = shortest (name : concatMap (localize' value) methods) where (modul, value) = separate name methods = Map.findWithDefault [] modul byMethod localize' name method = case method of As modul -> [modul ++ "." ++ name] Hiding xs | name `notElem` xs -> [name] Importing xs | name `elem` xs -> [name] _ -> [] realias :: Rules -> Type -> Type realias (aliases,localize) tipe = localize (canonicalRealias aliases tipe) -- Realias using canonical aliases, so results will have aliases -- that are fully qualified and possible to compare. canonicalRealias :: [(String,[String],Type)] -> Type -> Type canonicalRealias aliases tipe = case concatMap tryRealias aliases of [tipe''] -> f tipe'' _ -> if tipe == tipe' then tipe else f tipe' where tryRealias (name, args, t) = case diff t tipe of Nothing -> [] Just kvs -> let holes = collectFields kvs hasArgs = List.sort args == Map.keys holes isConsistent = all allEqual (Map.elems holes) in case hasArgs && isConsistent of False -> [] True -> [Data name $ map (\arg -> head (holes ! arg)) args] f = canonicalRealias aliases tipe' = case tipe of Var _ -> tipe EmptyRecord -> tipe Lambda t1 t2 -> Lambda (f t1) (f t2) Data name ts -> Data name (map f ts) Record fs ext -> Record (map (second f) fs) (f ext) allEqual [] = True allEqual (x:xs) = all (==x) xs diff :: Type -> Type -> Maybe [(String,Type)] diff general specific = case (general, specific) of (Lambda g1 g2, Lambda s1 s2) -> (++) <$> diff g1 s1 <*> diff g2 s2 (Var x, t) -> Just [(x,t)] (Data gname gts, Data sname sts) | gname == sname && length gts == length sts -> concat <$> zipWithM diff gts sts (EmptyRecord, EmptyRecord) -> Just [] (Record _ _, Record _ _) -> let (gfs,gext) = collectRecords general (sfs,sext) = collectRecords specific gfields = collectFields gfs sfields = collectFields sfs overlap = Map.intersectionWith (\gs ss -> length gs == length ss) sfields gfields isAligned = Map.size gfields == Map.size overlap && and (Map.elems overlap) in case isAligned of False -> Nothing True -> let remaining = Map.difference sfields gfields sext' = if Map.null remaining then sext else Record (flattenFields remaining) sext matchMap = Map.intersectionWith (zipWith diff) gfields sfields in concat <$> sequence (diff gext sext' : concat (Map.elems matchMap)) (_,_) -> Nothing collectFields fields = foldr (\(f,t) fs -> Map.insertWith (++) f [t] fs) Map.empty fields flattenFields fields = concatMap (\(f,ts) -> map ((,) f) ts) (Map.toList fields)