module Parse.Expression (def,term,typeAnnotation,expr) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Data.List (foldl') import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces) import Text.Parsec.Indent import Parse.Helpers import qualified Parse.Pattern as Pattern import qualified Parse.Type as Type import Parse.Binop import Parse.Literal import SourceSyntax.Location as Location import SourceSyntax.Pattern hiding (tuple,list) import qualified SourceSyntax.Literal as Literal import SourceSyntax.Expression -------- Basic Terms -------- varTerm :: IParser ParseExpr varTerm = toVar <$> var "variable" toVar :: String -> ParseExpr toVar v = case v of "True" -> Literal (Literal.Boolean True) "False" -> Literal (Literal.Boolean False) _ -> Var v accessor :: IParser ParseExpr accessor = do (start, lbl, end) <- located (try (string "." >> rLabel)) let loc e = start end e return (Lambda (PVar "_") (loc $ Access (loc $ Var "_") lbl)) negative :: IParser ParseExpr negative = do (start, nTerm, end) <- located (try (char '-' >> notFollowedBy (char '.' <|> char '-')) >> term) let loc e = start end e return (Binop "-" (loc $ Literal (Literal.IntNum 0)) nTerm) -------- Complex Terms -------- listTerm :: IParser ParseExpr listTerm = markdown' <|> braces (try range <|> ExplicitList <$> commaSep expr) where range = do lo <- expr padded (string "..") Range lo <$> expr markdown' = do pos <- getPosition let uid = show (sourceLine pos) ++ ":" ++ show (sourceColumn pos) (rawText, exprs) <- markdown (interpolation uid) return (Markdown uid (filter (/='\r') rawText) exprs) span uid index = "{{ markdown interpolation is in the pipeline, but still needs more testing }}" interpolation uid md exprs = do try (string "{{") e <- padded expr string "}}" return (md ++ span uid (length exprs), exprs ++ [e]) parensTerm :: IParser LParseExpr parensTerm = try (parens opFn) <|> parens (tupleFn <|> parened) where opFn = do (start, op, end) <- located anyOp let loc = start end return . loc . Lambda (PVar "x") . loc . Lambda (PVar "y") . loc $ Binop op (loc $ Var "x") (loc $ Var "y") tupleFn = do let comma = char ',' "comma ','" (start, commas, end) <- located (comma >> many (whitespace >> comma)) let vars = map (('v':) . show) [ 0 .. length commas + 1 ] loc = start end return $ foldr (\x e -> loc $ Lambda x e) (loc . tuple $ map (loc . Var) vars) (map PVar vars) parened = do (start, es, end) <- located (commaSep expr) return $ case es of [e] -> e _ -> start end (tuple es) recordTerm :: IParser LParseExpr recordTerm = brackets $ choice [ misc, addLocation record ] where field = do label <- rLabel patterns <- spacePrefix Pattern.term padded equals body <- expr return (label, makeFunction patterns body) record = Record <$> commaSep field change = do lbl <- rLabel padded (string "<-") (,) lbl <$> expr remove r = addLocation (string "-" >> whitespace >> Remove r <$> rLabel) insert r = addLocation $ do string "|" >> whitespace Insert r <$> rLabel <*> (padded equals >> expr) modify r = addLocation (string "|" >> whitespace >> Modify r <$> commaSep1 change) misc = try $ do record <- addLocation (Var <$> rLabel) opt <- padded (optionMaybe (remove record)) case opt of Just e -> try (insert e) <|> return e Nothing -> try (insert record) <|> try (modify record) term :: IParser LParseExpr term = addLocation (choice [ Literal <$> literal, listTerm, accessor, negative ]) <|> accessible (addLocation varTerm <|> parensTerm <|> recordTerm) "basic term (4, x, 'c', etc.)" -------- Applications -------- appExpr :: IParser LParseExpr appExpr = do t <- term ts <- constrainedSpacePrefix term $ \str -> if null str then notFollowedBy (char '-') else return () return $ case ts of [] -> t _ -> foldl' (\f x -> Location.merge f x $ App f x) t ts -------- Normal Expressions -------- binaryExpr :: IParser LParseExpr binaryExpr = binops appExpr lastExpr anyOp where lastExpr = addLocation (choice [ ifExpr, letExpr, caseExpr ]) <|> lambdaExpr ifExpr :: IParser ParseExpr ifExpr = reserved "if" >> whitespace >> (normal <|> multiIf) where normal = do bool <- expr padded (reserved "then") thenBranch <- expr whitespace "an 'else' branch" ; reserved "else" "an 'else' branch" ; whitespace elseBranch <- expr return $ MultiIf [(bool, thenBranch), (Location.sameAs elseBranch (Literal . Literal.Boolean $ True), elseBranch)] multiIf = MultiIf <$> spaceSep1 iff where iff = do string "|" ; whitespace b <- expr ; padded arrow (,) b <$> expr lambdaExpr :: IParser LParseExpr lambdaExpr = do char '\\' <|> char '\x03BB' "anonymous function" whitespace args <- spaceSep1 Pattern.term padded arrow body <- expr return (makeFunction args body) defSet :: IParser [ParseDef] defSet = block (do d <- def ; whitespace ; return d) letExpr :: IParser ParseExpr letExpr = do reserved "let" ; whitespace defs <- defSet padded (reserved "in") Let defs <$> expr caseExpr :: IParser ParseExpr caseExpr = do reserved "case"; e <- padded expr; reserved "of"; whitespace Case e <$> (with <|> without) where case_ = do p <- Pattern.expr padded arrow (,) p <$> expr with = brackets (semiSep1 (case_ "cases { x -> ... }")) without = block (do c <- case_ ; whitespace ; return c) expr :: IParser LParseExpr expr = addLocation (choice [ ifExpr, letExpr, caseExpr ]) <|> lambdaExpr <|> binaryExpr "an expression" defStart :: IParser [Pattern] defStart = choice [ do p1 <- try Pattern.term infics p1 <|> func p1 , func =<< (PVar <$> parens symOp) , (:[]) <$> Pattern.expr ] "the definition of a variable (x = ...)" where func pattern = case pattern of PVar _ -> (pattern:) <$> spacePrefix Pattern.term _ -> do try (lookAhead (whitespace >> string "=")) return [pattern] infics p1 = do o:p <- try (whitespace >> anyOp) p2 <- (whitespace >> Pattern.term) return $ if o == '`' then [ PVar $ takeWhile (/='`') p, p1, p2 ] else [ PVar (o:p), p1, p2 ] makeFunction :: [Pattern] -> LParseExpr -> LParseExpr makeFunction args body@(L s _) = foldr (\arg body' -> L s $ Lambda arg body') body args definition :: IParser ParseDef definition = withPos $ do (name:args) <- defStart padded equals body <- expr return . Def name $ makeFunction args body typeAnnotation :: IParser ParseDef typeAnnotation = TypeAnnotation <$> try start <*> Type.expr where start = do v <- lowVar <|> parens symOp padded hasType return v def :: IParser ParseDef def = typeAnnotation <|> definition