module Parse.Pattern (term, expr) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>),pure) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char (isUpper) import Data.List (intercalate) import Unique import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces,State) import Text.Parsec.Indent import Parse.Helpers import Parse.Literal import qualified SourceSyntax.Pattern as Pattern import SourceSyntax.Everything hiding (parens, tuple) basic :: IParser Pattern basic = choice [ char '_' >> return PAnything , do v <- var return $ case v of "True" -> PLiteral (Boolean True) "False" -> PLiteral (Boolean False) c : _ -> if isUpper c then PData v [] else PVar v , do lit <- literal return $ case lit of Str s -> foldr combine (PData "[]" []) s where combine h t = PData "::" [PLiteral (Chr h),t] _ -> PLiteral lit ] asPattern :: Pattern -> IParser Pattern asPattern pattern = do var <- optionMaybe (try (whitespace >> reserved "as" >> whitespace >> lowVar)) return $ case var of Just v -> PAlias v pattern Nothing -> pattern record :: IParser Pattern record = PRecord <$> brackets (commaSep1 lowVar) tuple :: IParser Pattern tuple = do ps <- parens (commaSep expr) return $ case ps of { [p] -> p; _ -> Pattern.tuple ps } list :: IParser Pattern list = Pattern.list <$> braces (commaSep expr) term :: IParser Pattern term = (choice [ record, tuple, list, basic ]) "pattern" patternConstructor :: IParser Pattern patternConstructor = do v <- intercalate "." <$> dotSep1 capVar case v of "True" -> return $ PLiteral (Boolean True) "False" -> return $ PLiteral (Boolean False) _ -> PData v <$> spacePrefix term expr :: IParser Pattern expr = do patterns <- consSep1 (patternConstructor <|> term) asPattern (foldr1 Pattern.cons patterns) "pattern" {-- extract :: Pattern -> LExpr t v -> Unique (String, LExpr t v) extract pattern body@(L t s _) = let loc = L t s in let fn x e = (x,e) in case pattern of PAnything -> return $ fn "_" body PVar x -> return $ fn x body PAlias x PAnything -> return $ fn x body PAlias x p -> do (x', body') <- extract p body return $ fn x (loc $ Let [FnDef x' [] (loc $ Var x)] body') PData name ps -> do x <- guid let a = '_' : show x return . fn a . loc $ Case (loc (Var a)) [(pattern, body)] PRecord fs -> do x <- guid let a = '_' : show x toDef f = FnDef f [] (loc $ Access (loc $ Var a) f) return . fn a . loc $ Let (map toDef fs) body extracts :: [Pattern] -> LExpr t v -> Unique ([String], LExpr t v) extracts ps body = go [] (reverse ps) body where go args [] body = return (args, body) go args (p:ps) body = do (x,e) <- extract p body go (x:args) ps e flatten :: [Pattern] -> LExpr t v -> Unique (IParser [Def t v]) flatten patterns exp@(L t s _) = let loc = L t s in case patterns of PVar f : args -> do (as,e) <- extracts args exp return . return $ if isOp (head f) then let [a,b] = as in [ OpDef f a b e ] else [ FnDef f as e ] [p] -> return `liftM` matchSingle p exp p _ -> return . fail $ "Pattern (" ++ unwords (map show patterns) ++ ") cannot be used on the left-hand side of an assign statement." matchSingle :: Pattern -> LExpr t v -> Pattern -> Unique [Def t v] matchSingle pat exp@(L t s _) p = let loc = L t s in case p of PData _ ps -> do x <- guid let v = '_' : show x dss <- mapM (matchSingle pat . loc $ Var v) ps return (FnDef v [] exp : concat dss) PVar x -> return [ FnDef x [] (loc $ Case exp [(pat, loc $ Var x)]) ] PAlias x p' -> do subPat <- matchSingle p' (loc $ Var x) p' return $ (FnDef x [] (loc $ Case exp [(pat, loc $ Var x)])):subPat PRecord fs -> do a <- (\x -> '_' : show x) `liftM` guid let toDef f = FnDef f [] (loc $ Access (loc $ Var a) f) return (FnDef a [] exp : map toDef fs) PAnything -> return [] --}