module Graphics.Element (widthOf, heightOf, sizeOf, width, height, size, opacity, color, tag, link, image, fittedImage, croppedImage, tiledImage, flow, up, down, left, right, inward, outward, above, below, beside, layers, container, absolute, relative, middle, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight, midLeft, midRight, midTop, midBottom, middleAt, topLeftAt, topRightAt, bottomLeftAt, bottomRightAt, midLeftAt, midRightAt, midTopAt, midBottomAt, spacer, newElement ) where import Native.Utils (guid, max, htmlHeight) import JavaScript as JS import List as List import Color import Maybe (Just, Nothing) type Properties = { id : Int, width : Int, height : Int, opacity : Float, color : Maybe Color, href : JSString, tag : JSString } type Element = { props : Properties, element : ElementPrim } -- Get the width of an Element widthOf : Element -> Int widthOf e = e.props.width -- Get the height of an Element heightOf : Element -> Int heightOf e = e.props.height -- Get the width and height of an Element sizeOf : Element -> (Int,Int) sizeOf e = (e.props.width, e.props.height) -- Create an `Element` with a given width. width : Int -> Element -> Element width nw e = let p = e.props props = case e.element of Image _ w h _ -> {p| height <- h/w*nw } RawHtml html -> {p| height <- let (w,h) = htmlHeight nw html in h} _ -> p in { element=e.element, props={props| width <- nw} } -- Create an `Element` with a given height. height : Int -> Element -> Element height nh e = let p = e.props props = case e.element of Image _ w h _ -> {p| width <- w/h*nh } _ -> p in { element=e.element, props={p| height <- nh} } -- Create an `Element` with a new width and height. size : Int -> Int -> Element -> Element size w h e = height h (width w e) -- Create an `Element` with a given opacity. Opacity is a number between 0 and 1 -- where 0 means totally clear. opacity : Float -> Element -> Element opacity o e = let p = e.props in { element=e.element, props={p| opacity <- o} } -- Create an `Element` with a given background color. color : Color -> Element -> Element color c e = let p = e.props in { element=e.element, props={p| color <- Just c} } -- Create an `Element` with a tag. This lets you link directly to it. -- The element `(tag "all-about-badgers" thirdParagraph)` can be reached -- with a link lik this: `/facts-about-animals.elm#all-about-badgers` tag : String -> Element -> Element tag name e = let p = e.props in { element=e.element, props={p| tag <- JS.fromString name} } -- Create an `Element` that is a hyper-link. link : String -> Element -> Element link href e = let p = e.props in { element=e.element, props={p| href <- JS.fromString href} } emptyStr = JS.fromString "" newElement w h e = { props = Properties (guid ()) w h 1 Nothing emptyStr emptyStr, element = e } data ElementPrim = Image ImageStyle Int Int JSString | Container Position Element | Flow Direction [Element] | Spacer | RawHtml JSString | Custom -- for custom Elements implemented in JS, see collage for example data ImageStyle = Plain | Fitted | Cropped (Int,Int) | Tiled -- Create an image given a width, height, and image source. image : Int -> Int -> String -> Element image w h src = newElement w h (Image Plain w h (JS.fromString src)) -- Create a fitted image given a width, height, and image source. -- This will crop the picture to best fill the given dimensions. fittedImage : Int -> Int -> String -> Element fittedImage w h src = newElement w h (Image Fitted w h (JS.fromString src)) -- Create a cropped image. Take a rectangle out of the picture starting -- at the given top left coordinate. If you have a 140-by-140 image, -- the following will cut a 100-by-100 square out of the middle of it. -- -- croppedImage (20,20) 100 100 "yogi.jpg" croppedImage : (Int,Int) -> Int -> Int -> String -> Element croppedImage pos w h src = newElement w h (Image (Cropped pos) w h (JS.fromString src)) tiledImage : Int -> Int -> String -> Element tiledImage w h src = newElement w h (Image Tiled w h (JS.fromString src)) data Three = P | Z | N data Pos = Absolute Int | Relative Float type Position = { horizontal : Three, vertical : Three, x : Pos, y : Pos } -- Put an element in a container. This lets you position the element really -- easily, and there are tons of ways to set the `Position`. -- To center `element` exactly in a 300-by-300 square you would say: -- -- container 300 300 middle element -- -- By setting the color of the container, you can create borders. container : Int -> Int -> Position -> Element -> Element container w h pos e = newElement w h (Container pos e) -- Create an empty box. This is useful for getting your spacing right and -- for making borders. spacer : Int -> Int -> Element spacer w h = newElement w h Spacer data Direction = DUp | DDown | DLeft | DRight | DIn | DOut -- Have a list of elements flow in a particular direction. -- The `Direction` starts from the first element in the list. -- -- flow right [a,b,c] -- -- +---+---+---+ -- | a | b | c | -- +---+---+---+ flow : Direction -> [Element] -> Element flow dir es = let ws = widthOf es hs = heightOf es newFlow w h = newElement w h (Flow dir es) in if es == [] then spacer 0 0 else case dir of DUp -> newFlow (List.maximum ws) (List.sum hs) DDown -> newFlow (List.maximum ws) (List.sum hs) DLeft -> newFlow (List.sum ws) (List.maximum hs) DRight -> newFlow (List.sum ws) (List.maximum hs) DIn -> newFlow (List.maximum ws) (List.maximum hs) DOut -> newFlow (List.maximum ws) (List.maximum hs) -- Stack elements vertically. To put `a` above `b` you would say: -- -- a `above` b above : Element -> Element -> Element above hi lo = newElement (max (widthOf hi) (widthOf lo)) (heightOf hi + heightOf lo) (Flow DDown [hi,lo]) -- Stack elements vertically. To put `a` below `b` you would say: -- -- a `below` b below : Element -> Element -> Element below lo hi = newElement (max (widthOf hi) (widthOf lo)) (heightOf hi + heightOf lo) (Flow DDown [hi,lo]) -- Put elements beside each other horizontally. beside : Element -> Element -> Element beside lft rht = newElement (widthOf lft + widthOf rht) (max (heightOf lft) (heightOf rht)) (Flow right [lft,rht]) -- Layer elements on top of each other, starting from the bottom. -- `(layers == flow outward)` layers : [Element] -> Element layers es = let ws = widthOf es hs = heightOf es in newElement (List.maximum ws) (List.maximum hs) (Flow DOut es) -- Repetitive things -- absolute : Int -> Pos absolute = Absolute relative : Float -> Pos relative = Relative middle : Position middle = { horizontal=Z, vertical=Z, x=Relative 0.5, y=Relative 0.5 } topLeft : Position topLeft = { horizontal=N, vertical=P, x=Absolute 0, y=Absolute 0 } topRight : Position topRight = { topLeft | horizontal <- P } bottomLeft : Position bottomLeft = { topLeft | vertical <- N } bottomRight : Position bottomRight = { bottomLeft | horizontal <- P } midLeft : Position midLeft = { middle | horizontal <- N, x <- Absolute 0 } midRight : Position midRight = { midLeft | horizontal <- P } midTop : Position midTop = { middle | vertical <- P, y <- Absolute 0 } midBottom : Position midBottom = { midTop | vertical <- N } middleAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position middleAt x y = { horizontal = Z, vertical = Z, x = x, y = y } topLeftAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position topLeftAt x y = { horizontal = N, vertical = P, x = x, y = y } topRightAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position topRightAt x y = { horizontal = P, vertical = P, x = x, y = y } bottomLeftAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position bottomLeftAt x y = { horizontal = N, vertical = N, x = x, y = y } bottomRightAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position bottomRightAt x y = { horizontal = P, vertical = N, x = x, y = y } midLeftAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position midLeftAt x y = { horizontal = N, vertical = Z, x = x, y = y } midRightAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position midRightAt x y = { horizontal = P, vertical = Z, x = x, y = y } midTopAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position midTopAt x y = { horizontal = Z, vertical = P, x = x, y = y } midBottomAt : Pos -> Pos -> Position midBottomAt x y = { horizontal = Z, vertical = N, x = x, y = y } up : Direction up = DUp down : Direction down = DDown left : Direction left = DLeft right : Direction right = DRight inward : Direction inward = DIn outward : Direction outward = DOut