module Parse.Binops (binops) where import Ast import Control.Monad (liftM,guard) import Control.Monad.Error import Data.List (foldl',splitAt,elemIndices ,group,groupBy,sortBy,find,intercalate) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Located (epos) import Text.Parsec import Parse.Library data Assoc = L | N | R deriving (Eq,Show) type OpTable = [(Int, Assoc, String)] table :: OpTable table = [ (9, R, ".") , (8, R, "^") , (7, L, "*"), (7, L, "/"), (7, L, "mod"), (7, L, "div"), (7, L, "rem") , (6, L, "+"), (6, L, "-") , (5, R, "::"), (5, R, "++") , (4, N, "<="), (4, N, ">="), (4, N, "<") , (4, N, "=="), (4, N, "/="), (4, N, ">") , (4, L, "~"), (4, L, "<~") , (3, R, "&&") , (2, R, "||") , (0, R, "$") , (0, R, "<|"), (0, L, "|>") ] opLevel op = Map.findWithDefault 9 op dict where dict = Map.fromList (map (\(lvl,_,op) -> (op,lvl)) table) opAssoc op = Map.findWithDefault R op dict where dict = Map.fromList (map (\(_,assoc,op) -> (op,assoc)) table) hasLevel n (op,e) = opLevel op == n sortOps :: OpTable -> OpTable sortOps = sortBy (\(i,_,_) (j,_,_) -> compare i j) binops :: IParser CExpr -> IParser String -> IParser CExpr binops term anyOp = do e <- term split 0 e =<< many (commitIf (whitespace >> anyOp) $ do whitespace ; op <- anyOp whitespace ; e <- term return (op,e)) split :: Int -> CExpr -> [(String, CExpr)] -> IParser CExpr split _ e [] = return e split n e eops = do assoc <- getAssoc n eops es <- sequence (splitLevel n e eops) let ops = map fst (filter (hasLevel n) eops) case assoc of R -> joinR es ops _ -> joinL es ops splitLevel :: Int -> CExpr -> [(String, CExpr)] -> [IParser CExpr] splitLevel n e eops = case break (hasLevel n) eops of (lops, (op,e'):rops) -> split (n+1) e lops : splitLevel n e' rops (lops, []) -> [ split (n+1) e lops ] joinL :: [CExpr] -> [String] -> IParser CExpr joinL [e] [] = return e joinL (a:b:es) (op:ops) = joinL (epos a b (Binop op a b) : es) ops joinL _ _ = fail "Ill-formed binary expression. Report a compiler bug." joinR :: [CExpr] -> [String] -> IParser CExpr joinR [e] [] = return e joinR (a:b:es) (op:ops) = do e <- joinR (b:es) ops return (epos a e (Binop op a e)) joinR _ _ = fail "Ill-formed binary expression. Report a compiler bug." getAssoc :: Int -> [(String,CExpr)] -> IParser Assoc getAssoc n eops | all (==L) assocs = return L | all (==R) assocs = return R | all (==N) assocs = case assocs of [_] -> return N _ -> fail msg where levelOps = filter (hasLevel n) eops assocs = map (opAssoc . fst) levelOps msg = concat [ "Conflicting precedence for binary operators (" , intercalate ", " (map fst eops), "). " , "Consider adding parentheses to disambiguate." ]