module Transform.Canonicalize (interface, metadataModule) where import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad.Identity import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Either as Either import SourceSyntax.Module import SourceSyntax.Expression import SourceSyntax.Location as Loc import SourceSyntax.Pattern import SourceSyntax.Helpers (isOp) import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as Type import qualified Transform.SortDefinitions as SD import Text.PrettyPrint as P interface :: String -> ModuleInterface -> ModuleInterface interface moduleName iface = ModuleInterface { iTypes = Map.mapKeys prefix ( renameType' (iTypes iface)) , iImports = iImports iface , iAdts = map (both prefix renameCtors) (iAdts iface) , iAliases = map (both prefix renameType') (iAliases iface) , iFixities = iFixities iface -- cannot have canonicalized operators while parsing } where both f g (a,b,c) = (f a, b, g c) prefix name = moduleName ++ "." ++ name pair name = (name, moduleName ++ "." ++ name) canon (name,_,_) = pair name canons = Map.fromList $ concat [ map canon (iAdts iface), map canon (iAliases iface) ] renameCtors ctors = map (prefix *** map renameType') ctors renameType' = runIdentity . renameType (\name -> return $ Map.findWithDefault name name canons) renameType :: (Monad m) => (String -> m String) -> Type.Type -> m Type.Type renameType rename tipe = let rnm = renameType rename in case tipe of Type.Lambda a b -> Type.Lambda `liftM` rnm a `ap` rnm b Type.Var x -> return tipe Type.Data name ts -> Type.Data `liftM` rename name `ap` mapM rnm ts Type.EmptyRecord -> return tipe Type.Record fields ext -> Type.Record `liftM` mapM rnm' fields `ap` rnm ext where rnm' (f,t) = (,) f `liftM` rnm t metadataModule :: Interfaces -> MetadataModule t v -> Either [Doc] (MetadataModule t v) metadataModule ifaces modul = do _ <- case filter (\m -> Map.notMember m ifaces) (map fst realImports) of [] -> Right () missings -> Left [ P.text $ "The following imports were not found: " ++ List.intercalate ", " missings ] program' <- rename initialEnv (program modul) aliases' <- mapM (third renameType') (aliases modul) datatypes' <- mapM (third (mapM (second (mapM renameType')))) (datatypes modul) exports' <- mapM (third renameType') (foreignExports modul) imports' <- mapM (twoAndFour (rename initialEnv) renameType') (foreignImports modul) return $ modul { program = program' , aliases = aliases' , datatypes = datatypes' , foreignExports = exports' , foreignImports = imports' } where second f (a,b) = (,) a `fmap` f b third f (a,b,c) = (,,) a b `fmap` f c twoAndFour f g (a,b,c,d) = do b' <- f b d' <- g d return (a,b',c,d') renameType' = Either.either (\err -> Left [P.text err]) return . renameType (replace "type" initialEnv) get1 (a,_,_) = a canon (name, importMethod) = let pair pre var = (pre ++ drop (length name + 1) var, var) iface = ifaces Map.! name allNames = concat [ Map.keys (iTypes iface) , map get1 (iAliases iface) , concat [ n : map fst ctors | (n,_,ctors) <- iAdts iface ] ] in case importMethod of As alias -> map (pair (alias ++ ".")) allNames Hiding vars -> map (pair "") $ filter (flip Set.notMember vs) allNames where vs = Set.fromList vars Importing vars -> map (pair "") $ filter (flip Set.member vs) allNames where vs = Set.fromList $ map (\v -> name ++ "." ++ v) vars pair n = (n,n) localEnv = map pair (map get1 (aliases modul) ++ map get1 (datatypes modul)) globalEnv = map pair $ ["_List",saveEnvName,"::","[]","Int","Float","Char","Bool","String"] ++ map (\n -> "_Tuple" ++ show n) [0..9] realImports = filter (not . List.isPrefixOf "Native." . fst) (imports modul) initialEnv = Map.fromList (concatMap canon realImports ++ localEnv ++ globalEnv) type Env = Map.Map String String extend :: Env -> Pattern -> Env extend env pattern = Map.union (Map.fromList (zip xs xs)) env where xs = Set.toList (SD.boundVars pattern) replace :: String -> Env -> String -> Either String String replace variable env v = if List.isPrefixOf "Native." v then return v else case Map.lookup v env of Just v' -> return v' Nothing -> Left $ "Could not find " ++ variable ++ " '" ++ v ++ "'." ++ msg where matches = filter (List.isInfixOf v) (Map.keys env) msg = if null matches then "" else "\nClose matches include: " ++ List.intercalate ", " matches rename :: Env -> LExpr t v -> Either [Doc] (LExpr t v) rename env lexpr@(L s expr) = let rnm = rename env throw err = Left [ P.text $ "Error " ++ show s ++ "\n" ++ err ] format = Either.either throw return in L s `liftM` case expr of Literal lit -> return expr Range e1 e2 -> Range `liftM` rnm e1 `ap` rnm e2 Access e x -> Access `liftM` rnm e `ap` return x Remove e x -> flip Remove x `liftM` rnm e Insert e x v -> flip Insert x `liftM` rnm e `ap` rnm v Modify e fs -> Modify `liftM` rnm e `ap` mapM (\(x,e) -> (,) x `liftM` rnm e) fs Record fs -> Record `liftM` mapM frnm fs where frnm (f,e) = (,) f `liftM` rename env e Binop op e1 e2 -> do op' <- format (replace "variable" env op) Binop op' `liftM` rnm e1 `ap` rnm e2 Lambda pattern e -> let env' = extend env pattern in Lambda `liftM` format (renamePattern env' pattern) `ap` rename env' e App e1 e2 -> App `liftM` rnm e1 `ap` rnm e2 MultiIf ps -> MultiIf `liftM` mapM grnm ps where grnm (b,e) = (,) `liftM` rnm b `ap` rnm e Let defs e -> Let `liftM` mapM rename' defs `ap` rename env' e where env' = foldl extend env [ pattern | Def pattern _ <- defs ] rename' def = case def of Def p exp -> Def `liftM` format (renamePattern env' p) `ap` rename env' exp TypeAnnotation name tipe -> TypeAnnotation name `liftM` renameType (format . replace "variable" env') tipe Var x -> Var `liftM` format (replace "variable" env x) Data name es -> Data name `liftM` mapM rnm es ExplicitList es -> ExplicitList `liftM` mapM rnm es Case e cases -> Case `liftM` rnm e `ap` mapM branch cases where branch (pattern,e) = (,) `liftM` format (renamePattern env pattern) `ap` rename (extend env pattern) e Markdown md es -> Markdown md `liftM` mapM rnm es renamePattern :: Env -> Pattern -> Either String Pattern renamePattern env pattern = case pattern of PVar _ -> return pattern PLiteral _ -> return pattern PRecord _ -> return pattern PAnything -> return pattern PAlias x p -> PAlias x `liftM` renamePattern env p PData name ps -> PData `liftM` replace "pattern" env name `ap` mapM (renamePattern env) ps