-- These are nicely curated inputs from the keyboard. See the -- [Keyboard.Raw library](/docs/Signal/KeyboardRaw.elm) for a -- lower-level interface that will let you define more complicated behavior. module Keyboard where import Native.Keyboard as N type KeyCode = Int -- A signal of records indicating which arrow keys are pressed. -- -- `{ x = 0, y = 0 }` when pressing no arrows. -- `{ x =-1, y = 0 }` when pressing the left arrow. -- `{ x = 1, y = 1 }` when pressing the up and right arrows. -- `{ x = 0, y =-1 }` when pressing the down, left, and right arrows. arrows : Signal { x:Int, y:Int } arrows = N.directions 37 39 38 40 -- Just like the arrows signal, but this uses keys w, a, s, and d, -- which are common controls for many computer games. wasd : Signal { x:Int, y:Int } wasd = N.directions 65 68 87 83 directions : KeyCode -> KeyCode -> KeyCode -> KeyCode -> Signal { x:Int, y:Int } isDown : KeyCode -> Signal Bool -- Whether the shift key is pressed. shift : Signal Bool shift = N.isDown 16 -- Whether the control key is pressed. ctrl : Signal Bool ctrl = N.isDown 17 -- Whether the space key is pressed. space : Signal Bool space = N.isDown 32 keysDown : Signal [KeyCode] charPressed : Signal (Maybe Char)