module Type.Type where import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.UnionFind.IO as UF import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint import Text.PrettyPrint as P import System.IO.Unsafe import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>)) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Traversable (traverse) data Term1 a = App1 a a | Fun1 a a | Var1 a | EmptyRecord1 | Record1 (Map.Map String [a]) a deriving Show data TermN a = VarN a | TermN (Term1 (TermN a)) deriving Show record fs rec = TermN (Record1 fs rec) type SchemeName = String type TypeName = String data Constraint a b = CTrue | CEqual a a | CAnd [Constraint a b] | CLet [Scheme a b] (Constraint a b) | CInstance SchemeName a deriving Show data Scheme a b = Scheme { rigidQuantifiers :: [b], flexibleQuantifiers :: [b], constraint :: Constraint a b, header :: Map.Map String a } deriving Show monoscheme headers = Scheme [] [] CTrue headers data Descriptor = Descriptor { structure :: Maybe (Term1 Variable), rank :: Int, flex :: Flex, name :: Maybe TypeName, copy :: Maybe Variable, mark :: Int } deriving Show noRank = -1 outermostRank = 0 :: Int noMark = 0 initialMark = 1 data Flex = Rigid | Flexible | Constant deriving (Show, Eq) type Variable = UF.Point Descriptor type Type = TermN Variable type TypeConstraint = Constraint Type Variable type TypeScheme = Scheme Type Variable infixl 8 /\ (/\) :: Constraint a b -> Constraint a b -> Constraint a b a /\ b = CAnd [a,b] (===) :: Type -> Type -> TypeConstraint (===) = CEqual ( Type -> TypeConstraint x (==>) :: Type -> Type -> Type a ==> b = TermN (Fun1 a b) f <| a = TermN (App1 f a) namedVar name = UF.fresh $ Descriptor { structure = Nothing, rank = noRank, flex = Flexible, name = Just name, copy = Nothing, mark = noMark } flexibleVar = UF.fresh $ Descriptor { structure = Nothing, rank = noRank, flex = Flexible, name = Nothing, copy = Nothing, mark = noMark } rigidVar = UF.fresh $ Descriptor { structure = Nothing, rank = noRank, flex = Rigid, name = Nothing, copy = Nothing, mark = noMark } -- ex qs constraint == exists qs. constraint ex :: [Variable] -> TypeConstraint -> TypeConstraint ex fqs constraint = CLet [Scheme [] fqs constraint Map.empty] CTrue -- fl qs constraint == forall qs. constraint fl :: [Variable] -> TypeConstraint -> TypeConstraint fl rqs constraint = CLet [Scheme rqs [] constraint Map.empty] CTrue exists :: (Type -> IO TypeConstraint) -> IO TypeConstraint exists f = do v <- flexibleVar ex [v] <$> f (VarN v) instance Show a => Show (UF.Point a) where show point = unsafePerformIO $ fmap show (UF.descriptor point) instance Pretty a => Pretty (UF.Point a) where pretty point = unsafePerformIO $ fmap pretty (UF.descriptor point) instance Pretty a => Pretty (Term1 a) where pretty term = case term of App1 f x -> pretty f <+> pretty x Fun1 arg body -> formattedArg <+> P.text "->" <+> pretty body where prettyArg = pretty arg formattedArg = parensIf ("->" `List.isInfixOf` P.render prettyArg) prettyArg Var1 x -> pretty x EmptyRecord1 -> P.braces P.empty Record1 fields ext -> P.braces (pretty ext <+> P.text "|" <+> P.sep (P.punctuate P.comma prettyFields)) where mkPretty f t = P.text f <+> P.text ":" <+> pretty t prettyFields = concatMap (\(f,ts) -> map (mkPretty f) ts) (Map.toList fields) instance Pretty a => Pretty (TermN a) where pretty term = case term of VarN x -> pretty x TermN t1 -> pretty t1 instance Pretty Descriptor where pretty desc = case (structure desc, name desc) of (Just term, _) -> pretty term (_, Just name) -> P.text name _ -> P.text "?" instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Constraint a b) where pretty constraint = case constraint of CTrue -> P.text "True" CEqual a b -> pretty a <+> P.text "=" <+> pretty b CAnd [] -> P.text "True" CAnd cs -> P.parens . P.sep $ P.punctuate (P.text " and") (map pretty cs) CLet [Scheme [] fqs constraint header] CTrue | Map.null header -> P.sep [ binder, pretty c ] where mergeExists vs c = case c of CLet [Scheme [] fqs' c' _] CTrue -> mergeExists (vs ++ fqs') c' _ -> (vs, c) (fqs', c) = mergeExists fqs constraint binder = if null fqs' then P.empty else P.text "exists" <+> P.hsep (map pretty fqs') <> P.text "." CLet schemes constraint -> P.fsep [ P.hang (P.text "let") 4 (P.brackets . P.sep . P.punctuate P.comma $ map pretty schemes) , P.text "in", pretty constraint ] CInstance name tipe -> P.text name <+> P.text "<" <+> pretty tipe instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (Scheme a b) where pretty (Scheme rqs fqs constraint headers) = P.sep [ forall, cs, headers' ] where forall = if null rqs && null fqs then P.empty else P.text "forall" <+> frees <+> rigids frees = P.hsep $ map pretty fqs rigids = if null rqs then P.empty else P.braces . P.hsep $ map pretty rqs cs = case constraint of CTrue -> P.empty CAnd [] -> P.empty _ -> P.brackets (pretty constraint) headers' = if Map.size headers > 0 then dict else P.empty dict = P.parens . P.sep . P.punctuate P.comma . map prettyPair $ Map.toList headers prettyPair (n,t) = P.text n <+> P.text ":" <+> pretty t extraPretty :: (Pretty t, Crawl t) => t -> IO Doc extraPretty value = do (_, rawVars) <- runStateT (crawl getNames value) [] let vars = map head . $ List.sort rawVars letters = map (:[]) ['a'..'z'] suffix s = map (++s) allVars = letters ++ suffix "'" letters ++ concatMap (\n -> suffix (show n) letters) [0..] okayVars = filter (`notElem` vars) allVars runStateT (crawl rename value) okayVars return (pretty value) where getNames name vars = case name of Just var -> (name, var:vars) Nothing -> (name, vars) rename name vars = case name of Just var -> (name, vars) Nothing -> (Just (head vars), tail vars) -- Code for traversing all the type data-structures and giving -- names to the variables embedded deep in there. class Crawl t where crawl :: (Maybe TypeName -> [String] -> (Maybe TypeName, [String])) -> t -> StateT [String] IO t instance (Crawl t, Crawl v) => Crawl (Constraint t v) where crawl nextState constraint = let rnm = crawl nextState in case constraint of CTrue -> return CTrue CEqual a b -> CEqual <$> rnm a <*> rnm b CAnd cs -> CAnd <$> crawl nextState cs CLet schemes c -> CLet <$> crawl nextState schemes <*> crawl nextState c CInstance name tipe -> CInstance name <$> rnm tipe instance Crawl a => Crawl [a] where crawl nextState list = mapM (crawl nextState) list instance (Crawl t, Crawl v) => Crawl (Scheme t v) where crawl nextState (Scheme rqs fqs c headers) = let rnm = crawl nextState in Scheme <$> rnm rqs <*> rnm fqs <*> crawl nextState c <*> return headers instance Crawl t => Crawl (TermN t) where crawl nextState tipe = case tipe of VarN x -> VarN <$> crawl nextState x TermN term -> TermN <$> crawl nextState term instance Crawl t => Crawl (Term1 t) where crawl nextState term = let rnm = crawl nextState in case term of App1 a b -> App1 <$> rnm a <*> rnm b Fun1 a b -> Fun1 <$> rnm a <*> rnm b Var1 a -> Var1 <$> rnm a EmptyRecord1 -> return EmptyRecord1 Record1 fields ext -> Record1 <$> traverse (mapM rnm) fields <*> rnm ext instance Crawl a => Crawl (UF.Point a) where crawl nextState point = do desc <- liftIO $ UF.descriptor point desc' <- crawl nextState desc liftIO $ UF.setDescriptor point desc' return point instance Crawl Descriptor where crawl nextState desc = do state <- get let (name', state') = nextState (name desc) state structure' <- traverse (crawl nextState) (structure desc) put state' return $ desc { name = name', structure = structure' }