module Transform.Optimize (optimize) where import SourceSyntax.Everything import Control.Arrow (second, (***)) import Data.Char (isAlpha) optimize (Module name ims exs stmts) = Module name ims exs (map optimizeStmt stmts) optimizeStmt stmt = if stmt == stmt' then stmt' else optimizeStmt stmt' where stmt' = simp stmt class Simplify a where simp :: a -> a instance Simplify (Declaration t v) where simp (Definition def) = Definition (simp def) simp (ImportEvent js b elm t) = ImportEvent js (simp b) elm t simp stmt = stmt instance Simplify (Def t v) where simp (Def name e) = Def name (simp e) simp x = x instance Simplify e => Simplify (Located e) where simp (L t s e) = L t s (simp e) instance Simplify (Expr t v) where simp expr = let f = simp in case expr of Range e1 e2 -> Range (f e1) (f e2) Binop op e1 e2 -> binop op (f e1) (f e2) Lambda x e -> Lambda x (f e) Record fs -> Record (map (second simp) fs) App e1 e2 -> App (f e1) (f e2) Let defs e -> Let (map simp defs) (f e) Data name es -> Data name (map f es) MultiIf es -> MultiIf . clipBranches $ map (f *** f) es Case e cases -> Case (f e) (map (second f) cases) _ -> expr clipBranches [] = [] clipBranches (e:es) = case e of (L _ _ (Literal (Boolean True)), _) -> [e] _ -> e : clipBranches es isValue e = case e of Literal _ -> True Var _ -> True Data _ _ -> True _ -> False binop op ce1@(L s1 e1) ce2@(L s2 e2) = let c1 = L s1 c2 = L s2 int = Literal . IntNum str = Literal . Str bool = Literal . Boolean in case (op, e1, e2) of (_, Literal (IntNum n), Literal (IntNum m)) -> case op of { "+" -> int $ (+) n m ; "-" -> int $ (-) n m ; "*" -> int $ (*) n m ; "^" -> int $ n ^ m ; "div" -> int $ div n m ; "mod" -> int $ mod n m ; "rem" -> int $ rem n m ; "<" -> bool $ n < m ; ">" -> bool $ n > m ; "<=" -> bool $ n <= m ; ">=" -> bool $ n >= m ; "==" -> bool $ n == m ; "/=" -> bool $ n /= m ; _ -> Binop op ce1 ce2 } {-- -- flip order to move lone integers to the left ("+", _, IntNum n) -> binop "+" ce2 ce1 ("*", _, IntNum n) -> binop "*" ce2 ce1 ("+", IntNum 0, _) -> e2 ("+", IntNum n, Binop "+" (L _ _ (IntNum m)) ce) -> binop "+" (c1 $ IntNum (n+m)) ce ("+", Binop "+" (L _ _ (IntNum n)) ce1' , Binop "+" (L _ _ (IntNum m)) ce2') -> binop "+" (none $ IntNum (n+m)) (none $ Binop "+" ce1' ce2') ("*", IntNum 0, _) -> e1 ("*", IntNum 1, _) -> e2 ("*", IntNum n, Binop "*" (L _ _ (IntNum m)) ce) -> binop "*" (none $ IntNum (n*m)) ce ("*", Binop "*" (L _ _ (IntNum n)) ce1' , Binop "*" (L _ _ (IntNum m)) ce2') -> binop "*" (none $ IntNum (n*m)) (none $ Binop "*" ce1' ce2') ("-", _, IntNum 0) -> e1 ("/", _, IntNum 1) -> e1 ("div", _, IntNum 1) -> e1 --} (_, Literal (Boolean n), Literal (Boolean m)) -> case op of "&&" -> bool $ n && m "||" -> bool $ n || m _ -> Binop op ce1 ce2 ("&&", Literal (Boolean True), _) -> e2 ("&&", Literal (Boolean False), _) -> bool False ("||", Literal (Boolean True), _) -> bool True ("||", Literal (Boolean False), _) -> e2 ("::", _, _) -> Data "::" [ce1, ce2] ("++", Literal (Str s1), Literal (Str s2)) -> str $ s1 ++ s2 ("++", Literal (Str s1), Binop "++" (L _ _ (Literal (Str s2))) ce) -> Binop "++" (c1 . str $ s1 ++ s2) ce ("++", Binop "++" e (L _ _ (Literal (Str s1))), Literal (Str s2)) -> Binop "++" e (c1 . str $ s1 ++ s2) ("++", Data "[]" [], _) -> e2 ("++", _, Data "[]" []) -> e1 ("++", Data "::" [h,t], _) -> Data "::" [h, none $ binop "++" t ce2] _ | isAlpha (head op) || '_' == head op -> App (none $ App (none $ Var op) ce1) ce2 | otherwise -> Binop op ce1 ce2