{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Build.Flags where import qualified Build.Info as Info import System.Console.CmdArgs data Flags = Flags { make :: Bool , files :: [FilePath] , runtime :: Maybe FilePath , only_js :: Bool , print_types :: Bool , scripts :: [FilePath] , no_prelude :: Bool , cache_dir :: FilePath , build_dir :: FilePath , src_dir :: [FilePath] } deriving (Data,Typeable,Show,Eq) flags = Flags { files = def &= args &= typ "FILES" , make = False &= help "automatically compile dependencies." , only_js = False &= help "Compile only to JavaScript." , no_prelude = False &= help "Do not import Prelude by default, used only when compiling standard libraries." , scripts = [] &= typFile &= help "Load JavaScript files in generated HTML. Files will be included in the given order." , runtime = Nothing &= typFile &= help "Specify a custom location for Elm's runtime system." , cache_dir = "cache" &= typFile &= help "Directory for files cached to make builds faster. Defaults to cache/ directory." , build_dir = "build" &= typFile &= help "Directory for generated HTML and JS files. Defaults to build/ directory." , src_dir = ["."] &= typFile &= help "Additional source directories besides project root. Searched when using --make" , print_types = False &= help "Print out infered types of top-level definitions." } &= help "Compile Elm programs to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript." &= helpArg [explicit, name "help", name "h"] &= versionArg [explicit, name "version", name "v", summary Info.version] &= summary ("The Elm Compiler " ++ Info.version ++ ", (c) Evan Czaplicki 2011-2013")