import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo import Distribution.Simple.Setup import Distribution.PackageDescription import System.Cmd import System.Directory import System.FilePath import System.IO import Control.Monad -- Part 1 -- ------ -- Add a build callout -- We need to build elm-doc and run it because that generates the file "docs.json" needs by Libraries.hs -- which is part of the elm library and executable -- Unfort. there seems to be no way to tell cabal that: -- (a) elm-doc generates docs.json, and -- (b) elm (library) depends on docs.json -- Therefore, we either use make instead (or a script), or hack around in cabal -- Part 2 -- ------ -- Add a post-build callout. -- We need to build the runtime.js after we've built elm (because we use elm to generate some of the JavaScript), -- but before cabal does the install file copy step -- Assumptions -- Elm.cabal expects the generated files to end up in dist/data rtsDir lbi = (buildDir lbi) ".." "data" -- git won't look in dist + cabal will clean it -- The runtime is called: rts lbi = (rtsDir lbi) "elm-runtime.js" -- The json file is called: -- The elm-docs executable is called: elmDoc = "elm-doc" elm_doc lbi = (buildDir lbi) elmDoc elmDoc types lbi = (rtsDir lbi) "docs.json" -- buildDir with LocalBuildInfo points to "dist/build" (usually) elm lbi = (buildDir lbi) "elm" "elm" -- "touch" is available as a system command. -- There is no portable file touch (unix-compat might work but leads to cabal library dependency -- issues: see: ) -- Files that need recompilation after docs.json is updated -- (Would be nice if this list was in the cabal file, but can't see any way to do that) docTouches = ["compiler" "Model" "LoadLibraries.hs"] -- Care! This appears to be based on an unstable API -- See: main :: IO () main = defaultMainWithHooks simpleUserHooks { buildHook = myBuild, postBuild = myPostBuild } -- Build myBuild :: PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> BuildFlags -> IO () myBuild pd lbi uh bf = do putStrLn $ "Custom build step started: compile " ++ elmDoc withExe pd (\x -> putStrLn (exeName x)) buildHook simpleUserHooks (filterExe elmDoc pd) (filterLBI elmDoc lbi) uh bf putStrLn "Custom build step started: build docs.json" buildTypes lbi forM_ docTouches (\s -> system ("touch " ++ s)) -- NB non-portable putStrLn "Custom build step started: compile everything" buildHook simpleUserHooks pd lbi uh bf -- In the PackageDescription, the list of stuff to build is held in library (in a Maybe) -- and the executables list. We want a PackageDescription that only mentions the executable 'name' filterExe name pd = pd { library = Nothing, executables = filter (\x -> (exeName x == name)) (executables pd) } -- It's not enough to fix the PackageDescription, we also have to fix the LocalBuildInfo. -- This includes the component build order (data ComponentName) which is horribly internal. filterLBI name lbi = lbi { libraryConfig = Nothing, compBuildOrder = [CExeName name], executableConfigs = filter (\a -> (fst a == name)) (executableConfigs lbi) } buildTypes lbi = do createDirectoryIfMissing False (rtsDir lbi) -- dist should already exist files <- getFiles ".elm" "libraries" system (elm_doc lbi ++ " " ++ unwords files ++ " > " ++ (types lbi)) putStrLn $ "Custom build step completed: " ++ elmDoc -- Post Build myPostBuild :: Args -> BuildFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO () myPostBuild as bfs pd lbi = do putStrLn "Custom post build step started: build elm-runtime.js" buildRuntime lbi postBuild simpleUserHooks as bfs pd lbi getFiles ext dir = do contents <- map (dir ) `fmap` getDirectoryContents dir let files = filter (\f -> takeExtension f == ext) contents dirs = filter (not . hasExtension) contents filess <- mapM (getFiles ext) dirs return (files ++ concat filess) appendJS lbi file = do putStrLn (dropExtension file) str <- readFile file length str `seq` return () appendFile (rts lbi) str appendElm lbi file = do system (elm lbi ++ " --only-js " ++ file) let jsFile = replaceExtension file ".js" appendJS lbi jsFile removeFile jsFile buildRuntime lbi = do createDirectoryIfMissing False (rtsDir lbi) -- dist should already exist writeFile (rts lbi) "Elm = {}; Elm.Native = {}; Elm.Native.Graphics = {};\n\ \Elm.Graphics = {}; ElmRuntime = {}; ElmRuntime.Render = {}\n" mapM_ (appendJS lbi) =<< getFiles ".js" "libraries" mapM_ (appendElm lbi) =<< getFiles ".elm" "libraries" mapM_ (appendJS lbi) =<< getFiles ".js" "runtime" putStrLn "\n+------------------------------------------+\ \\n| Success building runtime and libraries! |\ \\n+------------------------------------------+\n"