module Generate.Cases (caseToMatch, Match (..), Clause (..), matchSubst) where import Control.Applicative ((<$>),(<*>)) import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad.State import Data.List (groupBy,sortBy,lookup) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import SourceSyntax.Location import SourceSyntax.Literal import SourceSyntax.Pattern import SourceSyntax.Expression import Transform.Substitute caseToMatch :: [(Pattern, LExpr t v)] -> (String, Match t v) caseToMatch patterns = flip evalState 0 $ do v <- newVar (,) v <$> match [v] (map (first (:[])) patterns) Fail newVar = do n <- get modify (+1) return $ "case" ++ show n data Match t v = Match String [Clause t v] (Match t v) | Break | Fail | Other (LExpr t v) | Seq [Match t v] deriving Show data Clause t v = Clause (Either String Literal) [String] (Match t v) deriving Show matchSubst :: [(String,String)] -> Match t v -> Match t v matchSubst _ Break = Break matchSubst _ Fail = Fail matchSubst pairs (Seq ms) = Seq (map (matchSubst pairs) ms) matchSubst pairs (Other (L s e)) = Other . L s $ foldr ($) e $ map (\(x,y) -> subst x (Var y)) pairs matchSubst pairs (Match n cs m) = Match (varSubst n) (map clauseSubst cs) (matchSubst pairs m) where varSubst v = fromMaybe v (lookup v pairs) clauseSubst (Clause c vs m) = Clause c (map varSubst vs) (matchSubst pairs m) isCon (p:ps, e) = case p of PData _ _ -> True PLiteral _ -> True _ -> False isVar p = not (isCon p) match :: [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> State Int (Match t v) match [] [] def = return def match [] [([],e)] Fail = return $ Other e match [] [([],e)] Break = return $ Other e match [] cs def = return $ Seq (map (Other . snd) cs ++ [def]) match vs@(v:_) cs def | all isVar cs' = matchVar vs cs' def | all isCon cs' = matchCon vs cs' def | otherwise = matchMix vs cs' def where cs' = map (dealias v) cs dealias v c@(p:ps, L s e) = case p of PAlias x pattern -> (pattern:ps, L s $ subst x (Var v) e) _ -> c matchVar :: [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> State Int (Match t v) matchVar (v:vs) cs def = match vs (map subVar cs) def where subVar (p:ps, ce@(L s e)) = (ps, L s $ subOnePattern p e) where subOnePattern pattern e = case pattern of PVar x -> subst x (Var v) e PAnything -> e PRecord fs -> foldr (\x -> subst x (Access (L s (Var v)) x)) e fs matchCon :: [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> State Int (Match t v) matchCon (v:vs) cs def = (flip (Match v) def) <$> mapM toClause css where css = groupBy eq (sortBy cmp cs) cmp (p1:_,_) (p2:_,_) = case (p1,p2) of (PData n1 _, PData n2 _) -> compare n1 n2 _ -> compare p1 p2 eq (p1:_,_) (p2:_,_) = case (p1,p2) of (PData n1 _, PData n2 _) -> n1 == n2 _ -> p1 == p2 toClause cs = case head cs of (PData name _ : _, _) -> matchClause (Left name) (v:vs) cs Break (PLiteral lit : _, _) -> matchClause (Right lit) (v:vs) cs Break matchClause :: Either String Literal -> [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> State Int (Clause t v) matchClause c (v:vs) cs def = do vs' <- getVars Clause c vs' <$> match (vs' ++ vs) (map flatten cs) def where flatten (p:ps, e) = case p of PData _ ps' -> (ps' ++ ps, e) PLiteral _ -> (ps, e) getVars = case head cs of (PData _ ps : _, _) -> mapM (\_ -> newVar) ps (PLiteral _ : _, _) -> return [] matchMix :: [String] -> [([Pattern],LExpr t v)] -> Match t v -> State Int (Match t v) matchMix vs cs def = foldM (flip $ match vs) def (reverse css) where css = groupBy (\p1 p2 -> isCon p1 == isCon p2) cs