module Types.Hints (hints) where import Context import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad (liftM,mapM) import Types.Types import Types.Substitutions (rescheme) ctx str = C (Just str) NoSpan prefix pre xs = map (first (\x -> pre ++ "." ++ x)) xs hasType t = map (-: t) -------- Text and Elements -------- textToText = [ "header", "italic", "bold", "underline" , "overline", "strikeThrough", "monospace" ] textAttrs = [ "toText" -: string ==> text , "Text.typeface" -: string ==> text ==> text , "" -:: string ==> text ==> text , numScheme (\t -> t ==> text ==> text) "Text.height" ] ++ prefix "Text" (hasType (text ==> text) textToText) elements = let iee = int ==> element ==> element in [ "plainText" -: string ==> element , "link" -:: string ==> element ==> element , "flow" -: direction ==> listOf element ==> element , "layers" -: listOf element ==> element , "text" -: text ==> element , "image" -: int ==> int ==> string ==> element , "video" -: int ==> int ==> string ==> element , "opacity" -: float ==> element ==> element , "width" -: iee , "height" -: iee , "size" -: int ==> iee , "widthOf" -: element ==> int , "heightOf"-: element ==> int , "sizeOf" -: element ==> pairOf int , "color" -: color ==> element ==> element , "container" -: int ==> int ==> position ==> element ==> element , "spacer" -: int ==> int ==> element , "rightedText" -: text ==> element , "centeredText" -: text ==> element , "justifiedText" -: text ==> element , "asText" -:: a ==> element , "collage" -: int ==> int ==> listOf form ==> element , "fittedImage" -: int ==> int ==> string ==> element ] directions = hasType direction ["up","down","left","right","inward","outward"] positions = hasType position ["topLeft","midLeft","bottomLeft","midTop","middle" ,"midBottom","topRight","midRight","bottomRight"] ++ hasType (location ==> location ==> position) ["topLeftAt","bottomLeftAt","middleAt","topRightAt","bottomRightAt"] ++ [ "absolute" -: int ==> location, "relative" -: float ==> location ] lineTypes = [ numScheme (\n -> listOf (pairOf n) ==> line) "line" , numScheme (\n -> pairOf n ==> pairOf n ==> line) "segment" , "customLine" -: listOf int ==> color ==> line ==> form ] ++ hasType (color ==> line ==> form) ["solid","dashed","dotted"] shapes = [ twoNums (\n m -> listOf (pairOf n) ==> pairOf m ==> shape) "polygon" , "filled" -: color ==> shape ==> form , "outlined" -: color ==> shape ==> form , "textured" -: string ==> shape ==> form , "customOutline" -: listOf int ==> color ==> shape ==> form ] ++ map (twoNums (\n m -> n ==> n ==> pairOf m ==> shape)) [ "ngon" , "rect" , "oval" ] collages = [ numScheme (\n -> pairOf n ==> element ==> form) "toForm" , numScheme (\n -> string ==> n ==> n ==> pairOf n ==> form) "sprite" , numScheme (\n -> n ==> n ==> form ==> form) "move" , numScheme (\n -> n ==> form ==> form) "rotate" , numScheme (\n -> n ==> form ==> form) "scale" , numScheme (\n -> pairOf n ==> form ==> bool) "isWithin" ] graphicsElement = prefix "Graphics" (concat [elements,directions,positions,lineTypes,shapes,collages]) graphicsColor = prefix "Color" clrs where clrs = [ numScheme (\n -> n ==> n ==> n ==> color) "rgb" , numScheme (\n -> n ==> n ==> n ==> n ==> color) "rgba" , "complement" -: color ==> color ] ++ hasType color ["red","green","blue","black","white" ,"yellow","cyan","magenta","grey","gray"] -------- Foreign -------- casts = [ "castJSBoolToBool" -: jsBool ==> bool , "castBoolToJSBool" -: bool ==> jsBool , "castJSNumberToInt" -: jsNumber ==> int , "castIntToJSNumber" -: int ==> jsNumber , "castJSElementToElement" -: int ==> int ==> jsElement ==> element , "castElementToJSElement" -: element ==> jsElement , "castJSStringToString" -: jsString ==> string , "castStringToJSString" -: string ==> jsString , "castJSNumberToFloat" -: jsNumber ==> float , "castFloatToJSNumber" -: float ==> jsNumber ] castToTuple n = (,) name $ Forall [1..n] [] (jsTuple vs ==> tupleOf vs) where vs = map VarT [1..n] name = "castJSTupleToTuple" ++ show n castToJSTuple n = (,) name $ Forall [1..n] [] (tupleOf vs ==> jsTuple vs) where vs = map VarT [1..n] name = "castTupleToJSTuple" ++ show n polyCasts = map castToTuple [2..5] ++ map castToJSTuple [2..5] ++ [ "castJSArrayToList" -:: jsArray a ==> listOf a , "castListToJSArray" -:: listOf a ==> jsArray a ] javascript = prefix "JavaScript" (concat [casts,polyCasts]) json = prefix "JSON" [ "JsonString" -: string ==> jsonValue , "JsonBool" -: bool ==> jsonValue , "JsonNull" -: jsonValue , "JsonArray" -: listOf jsonValue ==> jsonValue , "JsonObject" -: jsonObject ==> jsonValue , numScheme (\n -> n ==> jsonValue) "JsonNumber" , "toString" -: jsonObject ==> string , "fromString" -: string ==> maybeOf jsonObject , "lookup" -: string ==> jsonObject ==> maybeOf jsonValue , "findObject" -: string ==> jsonObject ==> jsonObject , "findArray" -: string ==> jsonObject ==> listOf jsonValue , "findString" -: string ==> jsonObject ==> string , "findNumber" -: float ==> jsonObject ==> float , "findWithDefault" -:: jsonValue ==> string ==> jsonObject ==> jsonValue , "toPrettyString" -: string ==> jsonObject ==> string , "toPrettyJSString" -: string ==> jsonObject ==> jsString , "toList" -: jsonObject ==> listOf (tupleOf [string,jsonValue]) , "fromList" -: listOf (tupleOf [string,jsonValue]) ==> jsonObject , "toJSString" -: jsonObject ==> jsString , "fromJSString" -: jsString ==> jsonObject ] -------- Signals -------- lyft n = sig (n+1) ("lift" ++ show n) sig n name = (,) name $ Forall [1..n] [] (fn ts ==> fn (map signalOf ts)) where fn = foldr1 (==>) ts = map VarT [1..n] signals = prefix "Signal" [ sig 1 "constant" , sig 2 "lift" ] ++ map lyft [2..8] ++ [ "<~" -:: (a ==> b) ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf b , "~" -:: signalOf (a ==> b) ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf b , "foldp" -:: (a ==> b ==> b) ==> b ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf b , "foldp1" -:: (a ==> a ==> a) ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf a , "foldp'" -:: (a ==> b ==> b) ==> (a ==> b) ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf b , "count" -:: signalOf a ==> signalOf int , "countIf" -:: (a ==> bool) ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf int , "keepIf" -:: (a ==> bool) ==> a ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf a , "dropIf" -:: (a ==> bool) ==> a ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf a , "keepWhen" -:: signalOf bool ==> a ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf a , "dropWhen" -:: signalOf bool ==> a ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf a , "dropRepeats" -:: signalOf a ==> signalOf a , "sampleOn" -:: signalOf a ==> signalOf b ==> signalOf b , "timestamp" -:: signalOf a ==> signalOf (tupleOf [time,a]) , "timeOf" -:: signalOf a ==> signalOf time , "merge" -:: signalOf a ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf a , "merges" -:: listOf (signalOf a) ==> signalOf a , "mergeEither" -:: signalOf a ==> signalOf b ==> signalOf (eitherOf a b) , numScheme (\n -> int ==> signalOf n ==> signalOf float) "average" ] http = prefix "HTTP" [ "send" -:: signalOf (request a) ==> signalOf (response string) , "sendGet" -:: signalOf string ==> signalOf (response string) , "get" -: string ==> request string , "post" -: string ==> string ==> request string , "request" -: string ==> string ==> string ==> listOf (pairOf string) ==> request string , "Waiting" -:: response a , "Failure" -:: int ==> string ==> response a , "Success" -:: a ==> response a ] where request t = ADT "Request" [t] response t = ADT "Response" [t] concreteSignals = [ "Random.inRange" -: int ==> int ==> signalOf int , "Random.randomize" -:: int ==> int ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf int , "Window.dimensions" -: signalOf point , "Window.width" -: signalOf int , "Window.height" -: signalOf int , "Mouse.position" -: signalOf point , "Mouse.x" -: signalOf int , "Mouse.y" -: signalOf int , "Mouse.isDown" -: signalOf bool , "Mouse.isClicked" -: signalOf bool , "Mouse.clicks" -: signalOf (tupleOf []) , "Input.textField" -: string ==> tupleOf [element, signalOf string] , "Input.password" -: string ==> tupleOf [element, signalOf string] , "Input.textArea" -: int ==> int ==> tupleOf [element, signalOf string] , "Input.checkBox" -: bool ==> tupleOf [element, signalOf bool] , "Input.button" -: string ==> tupleOf [element, signalOf bool] , "Input.stringDropDown" -: listOf string ==> tupleOf [element, signalOf string] , "Input.dropDown" -:: listOf (tupleOf [string,a]) ==> tupleOf [element, signalOf a] ] keyboards = prefix "Keyboard" [ "Raw.keysDown" -: signalOf (listOf int) , "Raw.charPressed" -: signalOf (maybeOf int) , "arrows" -: signalOf (recordOf [("x",int),("y",int)]) , "wasd" -: signalOf (recordOf [("x",int),("y",int)]) , "ctrl" -: signalOf bool , "space" -: signalOf bool , "shift" -: signalOf bool ] touches = prefix "Touch" [ "touches" -: signalOf (listOf (recordOf [("x" ,int) ,("y" ,int) ,("x0",int) ,("y0",int) ,("t0",time),("id",int)])) , "taps" -: signalOf (recordOf [("x",int),("y",int)]) ] times = prefix "Time" [ numScheme (\n -> n ==> signalOf time) "fps" , numScheme (\n -> n ==> signalOf bool ==> signalOf time) "fpsWhen" , "every" -: time ==> signalOf time , "delay" -:: time ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf a , "since" -:: time ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf bool , "hour" -: time , "minute" -: time , "second" -: time , "ms" -: time , "inHours" -: time ==> float , "inMinutes" -: time ==> float , "inSeconds" -: time ==> float , "inMss" -: time ==> float , "toDate" -: time ==> date , "read" -: string ==> maybeOf time ] dates = let days = map (-: day) ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"] months = map (-: month) [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun" , "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ] in prefix "Date" ([ "read" -: string ==> maybeOf date , "year" -: date ==> int , "month" -: date ==> month , "day" -: date ==> int , "hour" -: date ==> int , "minute" -: date ==> int , "second" -: date ==> int , "dayOfWeek" -: date ==> day , "toTime" -: date ==> time ] ++ days ++ months) -------- Math and Binops -------- binop t = t ==> t ==> t scheme1 super t name = (name, Forall [0] [ ctx name $ VarT 0 :<: super ] (t (VarT 0))) scheme2 s1 s2 t name = (name, Forall [0,1] [ ctx name $ VarT 0 :<: s1 , ctx name $ VarT 1 :<: s2 ] (t (VarT 0) (VarT 1))) numScheme t name = scheme1 number t name twoNums f name = scheme2 number number f name math = map (numScheme (\t -> t ==> binop t)) ["clamp"] ++ map (numScheme (\t -> binop t)) ["+","-","*","max","min"] ++ [ numScheme (\t -> t ==> t) "abs" ] ++ hasType (binop float) [ "/", "logBase" ] ++ hasType (binop int) ["rem","div","mod"] ++ hasType (float ==> float) ["sin","cos","tan","asin","acos","atan","sqrt"] ++ hasType float ["pi","e"] ++ hasType (int ==> float) ["toFloat","castIntToFloat"] ++ hasType (float ==> int) ["round","floor","ceiling","truncate"] ++ [ "show" -:: a ==> string , "readInt" -: string ==> maybeOf int , "readFloat" -: string ==> maybeOf float ] bools = [ "not" -: bool ==> bool ] ++ hasType (binop bool) ["&&","||","xor"] ++ map (scheme1 comparable (\t -> t ==> t ==> bool)) ["<",">","<=",">="] ++ [ ( "compare" , Forall [0,1] [ ctx "compare" $ VarT 0 :<: comparable ] (VarT 0 ==> VarT 0 ==> VarT 1) ) ] chars = prefix "Char" (classify ++ convert1 ++ convert2) where classify = hasType (char ==> bool) ["isDigit","isOctDigit","isHexDigit","isUpper","isLower"] convert1 = hasType (char ==> char) ["toUpper","toLower","toLocaleUpper","toLocaleLower"] convert2 = [ "toCode" -: char ==> int, "fromCode" -: int ==> char ] -------- Polymorphic Functions -------- [a,b,c] = map VarT [1,2,3] infix 8 -:: name -:: tipe = (name, Forall [1,2,3] [] tipe) funcs = [ "id" -:: a ==> a , "==" -:: a ==> a ==> bool , "/=" -:: a ==> a ==> bool , "flip" -:: (a ==> b ==> c) ==> (b ==> a ==> c) , "." -:: (b ==> c) ==> (a ==> b) ==> (a ==> c) , "$" -:: (a ==> b) ==> a ==> b , ":" -:: a ==> listOf a ==> listOf a , (,) "++" . Forall [0,1] [ ctx "++" $ VarT 0 :<: appendable (VarT 1) ] $ VarT 0 ==> VarT 0 ==> VarT 0 , "Cons" -:: a ==> listOf a ==> listOf a , "Nil" -:: listOf a , "Just" -:: a ==> maybeOf a , "Nothing" -:: maybeOf a , "Left" -:: a ==> eitherOf a b , "Right" -:: b ==> eitherOf a b , "curry" -:: (tupleOf [a,b] ==> c) ==> a ==> b ==> c , "uncurry" -:: (a ==> b ==> c) ==> tupleOf [a,b] ==> c ] ++ map tuple [0..8] tuple n = ("Tuple" ++ show n, Forall [1..n] [] $ foldr (==>) (tupleOf vs) vs) where vs = map VarT [1..n] lists = prefix "List" [ "and" -:: listOf bool ==> bool , "or" -:: listOf bool ==> bool , numScheme (\n -> listOf n ==> listOf n) "sort" , "head" -:: listOf a ==> a , "tail" -:: listOf a ==> listOf a , "length" -:: listOf a ==> int , "filter" -:: (a ==> bool) ==> listOf a ==> listOf a , "foldr1" -:: (a ==> a ==> a) ==> listOf a ==> a , "foldl1" -:: (a ==> a ==> a) ==> listOf a ==> a , "scanl1" -:: (a ==> a ==> a) ==> listOf a ==> a , "all" -:: (a ==> bool) ==> listOf a ==> bool , "any" -:: (a ==> bool) ==> listOf a ==> bool , "reverse" -:: listOf a ==> listOf a , "take" -:: int ==> listOf a ==> listOf a , "drop" -:: int ==> listOf a ==> listOf a , "partition" -:: (a ==> bool) ==> listOf a ==> tupleOf [listOf a,listOf a] , "intersperse" -:: a ==> listOf a ==> listOf a , "zip" -:: listOf a ==>listOf b ==>listOf(tupleOf [a,b]) , "map" -:: (a ==> b) ==> listOf a ==> listOf b , "foldr" -:: (a ==> b ==> b) ==> b ==> listOf a ==> b , "foldl" -:: (a ==> b ==> b) ==> b ==> listOf a ==> b , "scanl" -:: (a ==> b ==> b) ==> b ==> listOf a ==> listOf b , (,) "concat" . Forall [0,1] [ ctx "concat" $ VarT 0 :<: appendable (VarT 1) ] $ listOf (VarT 0) ==> VarT 0 , (,) "concatMap" . Forall [0,1,2] [ ctx "concatMap" $ VarT 0 :<: appendable (VarT 1) ] $ (VarT 2 ==> VarT 0) ==> listOf (VarT 2) ==> VarT 0 , (,) "intercalate" . Forall [0,1] [ ctx "intercalate" $ VarT 0 :<: appendable (VarT 1) ] $ VarT 0 ==> listOf (VarT 0) ==> VarT 0 , "zipWith" -:: (a ==> b ==> c) ==> listOf a ==> listOf b ==> listOf c ] ++ map (numScheme (\n -> listOf n ==> n)) [ "sum", "product" , "maximum", "minimum" ] maybeFuncs = prefix "Maybe" [ "maybe" -:: b ==> (a ==> b) ==> maybeOf a ==> b , "isJust" -:: maybeOf a ==> bool , "isNothing" -:: maybeOf a ==> bool , "cons" -:: maybeOf a ==> listOf a ==> listOf a , "justs" -:: listOf (maybeOf a) ==> listOf a ] eithers = prefix "Either" [ "isLeft" -:: eitherOf a b ==> bool , "isRight" -:: eitherOf a b ==> bool , "either" -:: (a ==> c) ==> (b ==> c) ==> eitherOf a b ==> c , "lefts" -:: listOf (eitherOf a b) ==> listOf a , "rights" -:: listOf (eitherOf a b) ==> listOf b , "partition" -:: listOf (eitherOf a b) ==> tupleOf [listOf a,listOf b] ] dictionary = let dict k v = ADT "Dict" [k,v] in prefix "Dict" [ "empty" -:: dict a b , "singleton" -:: a ==> b ==> dict a b , "insert" -:: a ==> b ==> dict a b ==> dict a b , "remove" -:: a ==> dict a b ==> dict a b , "member" -:: a ==> dict a b ==> bool , "lookup" -:: a ==> dict a b ==> maybeOf b , "findWithDefault" -:: b ==> a ==> dict a b ==> b , "intersect" -:: dict a b ==> dict a c ==> dict a b , "union" -:: dict a b ==> dict a b ==> dict a b , "diff" -:: dict a b ==> dict a c ==> dict a b , "map" -:: (b ==> c) ==> dict a b ==> dict a c , "foldl" -:: (a ==> b ==> c ==> c) ==> c ==> dict a b ==> c , "foldr" -:: (a ==> b ==> c ==> c) ==> c ==> dict a b ==> c , "keys" -:: dict a b ==> listOf a , "values" -:: dict a b ==> listOf b , "toList" -:: dict a b ==> listOf (tupleOf [a,b]) , "fromList" -:: listOf (tupleOf [a,b]) ==> dict a b ] sets = let set v = ADT "Set" [v] in prefix "Set" [ "empty" -:: set a , "singleton" -:: a ==> set a , "insert" -:: a ==> set a ==> set a , "remove" -:: a ==> set a ==> set a , "member" -:: a ==> set a ==> bool , "intersect" -:: set a ==> set a ==> set a , "union" -:: set a ==> set a ==> set a , "diff" -:: set a ==> set a ==> set a , "map" -:: (a ==> b) ==> set a ==> set b , "foldl" -:: (a ==> b ==> b) ==> b ==> set a ==> b , "foldr" -:: (a ==> b ==> b) ==> b ==> set a ==> b , "toList" -:: set a ==> listOf a , "fromList" -:: listOf a ==> set a ] automaton = let auto a b = ADT "Automaton" [a,b] in prefix "Automaton" [ "pure" -:: (a ==> b) ==> auto a b , "init" -:: b ==> (a ==> b ==> b) ==> auto a b , "init'" -:: c ==> (a ==> c ==> tupleOf [b,c]) ==> auto a b , ">>>" -:: auto a b ==> auto b c ==> auto a c , "<<<" -:: auto b c ==> auto a b ==> auto a c , "combine" -:: listOf (auto a b) ==> auto a (listOf b) , "run" -:: auto a b ==> signalOf a ==> signalOf b , "step" -:: auto a b ==> a ==> tupleOf [b,auto a b] , "count" -:: auto a int , "draggable" -:: form ==> auto (tupleOf [bool,point]) form ] -------- Everything -------- hints = mapM (\(n,s) -> (,) n `liftM` rescheme s) (concat hs) where hs = [ funcs, lists, signals, math, bools, textAttrs , graphicsElement, graphicsColor, eithers, keyboards, touches , concreteSignals, javascript, json, maybeFuncs , http, dictionary, sets, automaton, times, dates ]