Properly parse out module names, defaulting to Main if no name is given.

This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-08-06 21:20:08 -07:00
parent 43b604e0ca
commit ed6b255ba5
3 changed files with 29 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Metadata.Prelude as Prelude
import qualified Transform.Canonicalize as Canonical
import SourceSyntax.Module
import Parse.Module (getModuleName)
import Initialize (buildFromSource, getSortedDependencies)
import Generate.JavaScript (jsModule)
import Generate.Html (createHtml, JSStyle(..), JSSource(..))
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ elmi :: Flags -> FilePath -> FilePath
elmi flags filePath = cachePath flags filePath "elmi"
buildFile :: Flags -> Int -> Int -> Interfaces -> FilePath -> IO ModuleInterface
buildFile :: Flags -> Int -> Int -> Interfaces -> FilePath -> IO (String,ModuleInterface)
buildFile flags moduleNum numModules interfaces filePath =
do compiled <- alreadyCompiled
case compiled of
@ -104,13 +105,11 @@ buildFile flags moduleNum numModules interfaces filePath =
True -> do
handle <- openBinaryFile (elmi flags filePath) ReadMode
bits <- L.hGetContents handle
let iface = getInterface (Binary.decode bits)
let info :: (String, ModuleInterface)
info = Binary.decode bits
L.length bits `seq` hClose handle
return iface
return info
getInterface :: (String, ModuleInterface) -> ModuleInterface
getInterface = snd
alreadyCompiled :: IO Bool
alreadyCompiled = do
existsi <- doesFileExist (elmi flags filePath)
@ -124,15 +123,16 @@ buildFile flags moduleNum numModules interfaces filePath =
number :: String
number = "[" ++ show moduleNum ++ " of " ++ show numModules ++ "]"
name :: String
name = List.intercalate "." (splitDirectories (dropExtensions filePath))
compile :: IO ModuleInterface
compile :: IO (String,ModuleInterface)
compile = do
source <- readFile filePath
let name = case getModuleName source of
Just n -> n
Nothing -> "Name"
putStrLn $ concat [ number, " Compiling ", name
, replicate (max 1 (20 - length name)) ' '
, "( " ++ filePath ++ " )" ]
source <- readFile filePath
createDirectoryIfMissing True (cache_dir flags)
createDirectoryIfMissing True (build_dir flags)
metaModule <-
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ buildFile flags moduleNum numModules interfaces filePath =
L.hPut handle (Binary.encode (name,interface))
hClose handle
writeFile (elmo flags filePath) (jsModule metaModule)
return interface
return (name,interface)
printTypes metaModule = do
putStrLn ""
@ -207,7 +207,6 @@ build flags rootFile = do
buildFiles :: Flags -> Int -> Interfaces -> String -> [FilePath] -> IO (String, Interfaces)
buildFiles _ _ interfaces moduleName [] = return (moduleName, interfaces)
buildFiles flags numModules interfaces _ (filePath:rest) = do
interface <- buildFile flags (numModules - length rest) numModules interfaces filePath
let moduleName = List.intercalate "." . splitDirectories $ dropExtensions filePath
interfaces' = Map.insert moduleName interface interfaces
buildFiles flags numModules interfaces' moduleName rest
(name,interface) <- buildFile flags (numModules - length rest) numModules interfaces filePath
let interfaces' = Map.insert name interface interfaces
buildFiles flags numModules interfaces' name rest

View file

@ -17,11 +17,9 @@ import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Generate.JavaScript (jsModule)
import Generate.Html (generateHtml)
import Initialize (buildFromSource)
import Parse.Helpers
import Parse.Module (moduleDef)
import Parse.Module (getModuleName)
import SourceSyntax.Module
import Text.Blaze.Html (Html)
import Text.Parsec (option,optional)
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as P
import qualified Metadata.Prelude as Prelude
import Paths_Elm
@ -36,14 +34,7 @@ compile source =
-- |This function extracts the module name of a given source program.
moduleName :: String -> Maybe String
moduleName source = case iParse getModuleName "" source of
Right name -> Just name
Left _ -> Nothing
getModuleName = do
optional freshLine
(names, _) <- moduleDef
return (List.intercalate "." names)
moduleName = getModuleName
-- |This function compiles Elm code into a full HTML page.
toHtml :: String -- ^ Location of elm-min.js as expected by the browser

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Parse.Module (moduleDef, imports) where
module Parse.Module (moduleDef, getModuleName, imports) where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.List (intercalate)
@ -11,6 +11,17 @@ import SourceSyntax.Module (Module(..), ImportMethod(..), Imports)
varList :: IParser [String]
varList = parens $ commaSep1 (var <|> parens symOp)
getModuleName :: String -> Maybe String
getModuleName source =
case iParse getModuleName "" source of
Right name -> Just name
Left _ -> Nothing
getModuleName = do
optional freshLine
(names, _) <- moduleDef
return (intercalate "." names)
moduleDef :: IParser ([String], [String])
moduleDef = do
try (reserved "module")