Rename Form to Collage. Add the LineStyle module.

This commit is contained in:
evancz 2013-03-06 09:24:17 -08:00
parent d10dcdc820
commit ea4fe54a2a
3 changed files with 95 additions and 85 deletions

core/Graphics/Collage.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
module Graphics.Collage where
import Either
import Graphics.LineStyle
import Geometry
data Transform
= Rotate Float
| Move Float Float
| Scale Float Float
| Transform Float Float Float Float Float Float
type Form = { transforms : [Transform], form : BasicForm }
data FillStyle
= NoFill
| Solid Color
| Texture String
| Gradient Gradient
data BasicForm
= FLine LineStyle Line
| FShape (Either LineStyle FillStyle) Shape
| FImage Int Int (Int,Int) String
| FElement Element
| FGroup [Form]
fill style shape = Form [] (FShape (Right style) shape)
filled : Color -> Shape -> Form
filled color shape = fill (Solid color) shape
textured : String -> Shape -> Form
textured src shape = fill (Texture src) shape
gradient : Gradient -> Shape -> Form
gradient grad shape = fill (Gradient grad) shape
outline style shape = Form [] (FShape (Left style) shape)
trace style line = Form [] (FLine style line)
sprite w h pos src = Form [] (FImage w h pos src)
toForm e = Form [] (FElement e)
group fs = Form [] (FGroup fs)
add t f = { transforms = t :: f.transforms, form = f.form }
radians t = t
degrees dep = pi * deg / 180
rotations rot = 2 * pi * rot
rotate t = add (Rotate t)
scale s = add (Scale s s)
scaleX s = add (Scale s 1)
scaleY s = add (Scale 1 s)
move x y = add (Move x y)
moveX x = add (Move x 0)
moveY y = add (Move 0 y)
transform a b c d e f = add (Transform a b c d e f)

View file

@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
module Graphics.Collage where
import Either
import Graphics.LineStyle
import Geometry
data Transform
= Rotate Float
| Move Float Float
| Scale Float Float
| Transform Float Float Float Float Float Float
data Form = Form [Transform] BasicForm
data FillStyle
= NoFill
| Solid Color
| Texture String
| Gradient Gradient
data BasicForm
= FLine LineStyle Line
| FShape (Either LineStyle FillStyle) Shape
| FImage Int Int Int Int String
| FElement Element
| FGroup [Form]
fill style shape = FShape (Right style) shape
filled : Color -> Shape -> Form
filled color shape = fill (Solid color) shape
textured : String -> Shape -> Form
textured src shape = fill (Texture src) shape
gradient : Gradient -> Shape -> Form
gradient grad shape = fill (Gradient grad) shape
outline style shape = FShape (Left style) shape
trace = FLine
linearGradient stops start end = setFillStyle (LinearGradient stops start end)
radialGradient stops innerP innerR outerP outerR =
setStyle (RadialGradient stops innerP innerR outerP outerR)
plain = { width=1, cap=Butt, join=Miter, miterLimit=10,
dashing=[], dashOffset=0 }
solid c = Form [] . FLine c
dotted c = Form [] . FLine c
dashed c = Form [] . FLine c
lineStyle = Form [] . FLine
filled clr shp = Form [] (FShape shp)
outlined clr shp = Form [] (FShape shp)
customOutline pattern clr (Shape ps pos) =
Form [] (FShape (CustomOutline pattern) clr (Shape ps pos))
textured src (Shape ps pos) = Form [] (FShape (Textured src) black (Shape ps pos))
fromLine = FLine
fromShape = FShape
fromElement = FElement
sprite w h pos src = Form 0 1 pos (FImage w h src)
toForm pos e = Form 0 1 pos (FElement e)
addTransform t (Form ts form) = Form (t:ts) form
rotateRad rad = addTransform $ Rotate rad
rotateDeg deg = addTransform $ Rotate (pi * deg / 180)
rotate rot = addTransform $ Rotate (2 * pi * rot)
scale s = addTransform (Scale s s)
scaleX s = addTransform (Scale s 1)
scaleY s = addTransform (Scale 1 s)
move x y = addTransform (Move x y)
moveX x = addTransform (Move x 0)
moveY y = addTransform (Move 0 y)
transform a b c d e f = addTransform (Transform a b c d e f)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module Graphics.LineStyle where
import Graphics.Color
data LineCap = Butt | Round | Square
data LineJoin = Round | Bevel | Miter
type LineStyle = {
color : Color,
width : Float,
cap : LineCap,
join : LineJoin,
miterLimit : Float,
dashing : [Int],
dashOffset : Int
default = {
color = black,
width = 1,
cap = Butt,
join = Miter,
dashing = [],
dashOffset = 0,
miterLimit = 10
solid clr = { default | color <- clr }
dashed clr = { default | color <- clr, dashing = [8,4] }
dotted clr = { default | color <- clr, dashing = [3,3] }