From 441d09c4a76a6d4da3948d47b64aeada9f4e530c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mads Flensted-Urech Date: Sun, 24 Mar 2013 13:45:56 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Docs update: copy documentation from - Copy documentation from (dev branch) to .elm files in libraries folder - Added TODO's for stuff that was not found in 0.8 version - Added Review TODO in json.elm --- libraries/Automaton.elm | 18 ++++++- libraries/Date.elm | 33 ++++++++++++- libraries/Dict.elm | 20 +++++++- libraries/Either.elm | 18 +++++-- libraries/Graphics/Color.elm | 17 +++++++ libraries/Graphics/Text.elm | 56 ++++++++++++++++++---- libraries/JavaScript.elm | 22 +++++++++ libraries/Json.elm | 18 ++++++- libraries/Keyboard.elm | 1 - libraries/List.elm | 72 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++- libraries/Set.elm | 15 +++++- libraries/Signal.elm | 91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- libraries/Time.elm | 16 +++++-- libraries/Touch.elm | 1 - libraries/WebSocket.elm | 1 - 15 files changed, 371 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/libraries/Automaton.elm b/libraries/Automaton.elm index 7ae9fd3..dd4428a 100644 --- a/libraries/Automaton.elm +++ b/libraries/Automaton.elm @@ -1,16 +1,22 @@ - +-- This library is a way to package up dynamic behavior. It makes it easier to +-- dynamically create dynamic components. See the [original release +-- notes](/blog/announce/version-0.5.0.elm) on this library to get a feel for how +-- it can be used. module Automaton where data Automaton a b = Automaton (a -> (b, Automaton a b)) +-- Run an automaton on a given signal. The automaton takes in ‘a’ values and returns ‘b’ values. The automaton steps forward whenever the input signal updates. run : Automaton a b -> Signal a -> Signal b run (Automaton m0) input = lift fst $ foldp' (\a (b, Automaton m) -> m a) m0 input +-- Step an automaton forward once with a given input. step : Automaton a b -> a -> (b, Automaton a b) step (Automaton m) a = m a +-- Compose two automatons, chaining them together. (>>>) : Automaton a b -> Automaton b c -> Automaton a c a1 >>> a2 = let Automaton m1 = a1 @@ -19,23 +25,29 @@ a1 >>> a2 = (c,m2') = m2 b in (c, m1' >>> m2')) +-- Compose two automatons, chaining them together. (<<<) : Automaton b c -> Automaton a b -> Automaton a c a2 <<< a1 = a1 >>> a2 +-- Combine a list of automatons into a single automaton that produces a list. combine : [Automaton a b] -> Automaton a [b] combine autos = Automaton (\a -> let (bs,autos') = unzip $ map (\(Automaton m) -> m a) autos in (bs, combine autos')) +-- Create an automaton with no memory. It just applies the given function to every input. pure : (a -> b) -> Automaton a b pure f = Automaton (\x -> (f x, pure f)) +-- Create an automaton with no memory. It just applies the given function to every input. init : b -> (a -> b -> b) -> Automaton a b init s step = Automaton (\a -> let s' = step a s in (s', init s' step)) +-- Create an automaton with hidden state. Requires an initial state and a step function to step the state forward and produce an output. init' : s -> (a -> s -> (b,s)) -> Automaton a b init' s step = Automaton (\a -> let (b,s') = step a s in (b , init' s' step)) +-- Count the number of steps taken. count : Automaton a Int count = init 0 (\_ c -> c + 1) @@ -56,6 +68,7 @@ stepDrag (press,pos) (ds,form) = else (let form' = uncurry move (vecSub pos p0) form in (form', (Listen,form'))) +-- Create a draggable form that can be dynamically created and added to a scene. draggable : Form -> Automaton (Bool,(Int,Int)) Form draggable form = init' (Listen,form) stepDrag @@ -68,4 +81,5 @@ draggable form = init' (Listen,form) stepDrag Speeding things up is a really low priority. Language features and libraries with nice APIs and are way more important! ---} \ No newline at end of file +--} + diff --git a/libraries/Date.elm b/libraries/Date.elm index 07b95fc..a7c43ef 100644 --- a/libraries/Date.elm +++ b/libraries/Date.elm @@ -1,19 +1,50 @@ +-- Library for working with dates. It is still a work in progress, so email +-- the mailing list if you are having issues with internationalization or +-- locale formatting or something. module Date where +-- Represents the days of the week. data Day = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun +-- Represents the month of the year. data Month = Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec -read : String -> Date +-- Attempt to read a date from a string. +read : String -> Maybe Date + +-- Convert a date into a time since midnight (UTC) of 1 January 1990 (i.e. +-- [UNIX time]( Given the date 23 June +-- 1990 at 11:45AM this returns the corresponding time. toTime : Date -> Time +-- Extract the year of a given date. Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM +-- this returns the integer `1990`. year : Date -> Int + +-- Extract the month of a given date. Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM +-- this returns the Month `Jun` as defined below. month : Date -> Month + + +-- Extract the day of a given date. Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM +-- this returns the integer `23`. day : Date -> Int + +-- Extract the day of the week for a given date. Given the date 23 June +-- 1990 at 11:45AM this returns the Day `Thu` as defined below. dayOfWeek : Date -> Day + +-- Extract the hour of a given date. Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM +-- this returns the integer `11`. hour : Date -> Int + +-- Extract the minute of a given date. Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM +-- this returns the integer `45`. minute : Date -> Int + +-- Extract the second of a given date. Given the date 23 June 1990 at 11:45AM +-- this returns the integer `0`. second : Date -> Int diff --git a/libraries/Dict.elm b/libraries/Dict.elm index afb6a5c..6457144 100644 --- a/libraries/Dict.elm +++ b/libraries/Dict.elm @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ data NColor = Red | Black data Dict k v = Node NColor k v (Dict k v) (Dict k v) | Empty +-- Create an empty dictionary. empty : Dict k v empty = Empty @@ -114,6 +115,7 @@ max t = } --} +-- Lookup the value associated with a key. lookup : k -> Dict k v -> Maybe v lookup k t = case t of @@ -124,6 +126,7 @@ lookup k t = EQ -> Just v GT -> lookup k r +-- Find the value associated with a key. If the key is not found, return the default value. findWithDefault : v -> k -> Dict k v -> v findWithDefault base k t = case t of @@ -135,6 +138,7 @@ findWithDefault base k t = GT -> findWithDefault base k r {-- +-- Find the value associated with a key. If the key is not found, there will be a runtime error. find k t = case t of { Empty -> Error.raise "Key was not found in dictionary!" @@ -146,8 +150,9 @@ find k t = } --} --- Does t contain k? +-- Determine if a key is in a dictionary. member : k -> Dict k v -> Bool +-- Does t contain k? member k t = Maybe.isJust $ lookup k t rotateLeft : Dict k v -> Dict k v @@ -201,6 +206,7 @@ ensureBlackRoot t = Node Red k v l r -> Node Black k v l r _ -> t +-- Insert a key-value pair into a dictionary. Replaces value when there is a collision. -- Invariant: t is a valid left-leaning rb tree *) insert : k -> v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v insert k v t = @@ -223,6 +229,7 @@ insert k v t = else new_t) --} +-- Create a dictionary with one key-value pair. singleton : k -> v -> Dict k v singleton k v = insert k v Empty @@ -303,6 +310,7 @@ deleteMax t = in ensureBlackRoot (del t) --} +-- Remove a key-value pair from a dictionary. If the key is not found, no changes are made. remove : k -> Dict k v -> Dict k v remove k t = let eq_and_noRightNode t = @@ -335,43 +343,53 @@ remove k t = Error.raise "invariants broken after remove") --} +-- Apply a function to all values in a dictionary. map : (a -> b) -> Dict k a -> Dict k b map f t = case t of Empty -> Empty Node c k v l r -> Node c k (f v) (map f l) (map f r) +-- Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from lowest key to highest key. foldl : (k -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> Dict k v -> b foldl f acc t = case t of Empty -> acc Node _ k v l r -> foldl f (f k v (foldl f acc l)) r +-- Fold over the key-value pairs in a dictionary, in order from highest key to lowest key. foldr : (k -> v -> b -> b) -> b -> Dict k v -> b foldr f acc t = case t of Empty -> acc Node _ k v l r -> foldr f (f k v (foldr f acc r)) l +-- Combine two dictionaries. If there is a collision, preference is given to the first dictionary. union : Dict k v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v union t1 t2 = foldl insert t2 t1 +-- Keep a key-value pair when its key appears in the second dictionary. Preference is given to values in the first dictionary. intersect : Dict k v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v intersect t1 t2 = let combine k v t = if k `member` t2 then insert k v t else t in foldl combine empty t1 +-- Keep a key-value pair when its key does not appear in the second dictionary. Preference is given to the first dictionary. diff : Dict k v -> Dict k v -> Dict k v diff t1 t2 = foldl (\k v t -> remove k t) t1 t2 +-- Get all of the keys in a dictionary. keys : Dict k v -> [k] keys t = foldr (\k v acc -> k :: acc) [] t +-- Get all of the values in a dictionary. values : Dict k v -> [v] values t = foldr (\k v acc -> v :: acc) [] t +-- Convert a dictionary into an association list of key-value pairs. toList : Dict k v -> [(k,v)] toList t = foldr (\k v acc -> (k,v) :: acc) [] t +-- Convert an association list into a dictionary. fromList : [(k,v)] -> Dict k v fromList assocs = List.foldl (uncurry insert) empty assocs diff --git a/libraries/Either.elm b/libraries/Either.elm index 24f607d..8a7576e 100644 --- a/libraries/Either.elm +++ b/libraries/Either.elm @@ -3,24 +3,34 @@ module Either where import List +-- Represents any data that can take two different types. +-- +-- This can also be used for error handling `(Either String a)` where error +-- messages are stored on the left, and the correct values (“right” values) are stored on the right. data Either a b = Left a | Right b +-- Apply the first function to a `Left` and the second function to a `Right`. +-- This allows the extraction of a value from an `Either`. either : (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c either f g e = case e of { Left x -> f x ; Right y -> g y } - +-- True if the value is a `Left`. isLeft : Either a b -> Bool isLeft e = case e of { Left _ -> True ; _ -> False } +-- True if the value is a `Right`. isRight : Either a b -> Bool isRight e = case e of { Right _ -> True ; _ -> False } - +-- Keep only the values held in `Left` values. --lefts : [Either a b] -> [a] lefts es = List.filter isLeft es +-- Keep only the values held in `Right` values. --rights : [Either a b] -> [b] rights es = List.filter isRight es ---partition : [Either a b] -> ([a],[b]) -partition es = List.partition isLeft es \ No newline at end of file +-- Split into two lists, lefts on the left and rights on the right. So we +-- have the equivalence: `(partition es == (lefts es, rights es))` +-- partition : [Either a b] -> ([a],[b]) +partition es = List.partition isLeft es diff --git a/libraries/Graphics/Color.elm b/libraries/Graphics/Color.elm index 158d4e0..da0b218 100644 --- a/libraries/Graphics/Color.elm +++ b/libraries/Graphics/Color.elm @@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ module Graphics.Color (rgba,rgb,hsva,hsv, data Color = Color Int Int Int Float +-- Create RGB colors with an alpha component for transparency. The alpha component is specified with numbers between 0 and 1. rgba = Color + +-- Create RGB colors from numbers between 0 and 255 inclusive. rgb r g b = Color r g b 1 red = Color 255 0 0 1 @@ -38,8 +41,22 @@ purple = Color 128 0 128 1 forestGreen = Color 34 139 34 1 violet = Color 238 130 238 1 +-- Produce a “complementary color”. The two colors will accent each other. complement : Color -> Color + +-- Create HSV colors with an alpha component for transparency. The alpha component is specified with numbers between 0 and 1. hsva : Int -> Float -> Float -> Float -> Color + +-- Create HSV colors. HSV stands for hue-saturation-value. +-- +-- Hue is a degree from 0 to 360 representing a color wheel: red at 0°, green at 120°, blue at 240°, and red again at 360°. +-- This makes it easy to cycle through colors and compute color complements, triads, tetrads, etc. +-- +-- Saturation is a number between 1 and 0 where lowering this number makes your color more grey. This can help you tone a color down. +-- +-- Value is also a number between 1 and 0. Lowering this number makes your color more black. +-- +-- Look up the “HSV cylinder” for more information. hsv : Int -> Float -> Float -> Color data Gradient diff --git a/libraries/Graphics/Text.elm b/libraries/Graphics/Text.elm index 77761f3..5d2393d 100644 --- a/libraries/Graphics/Text.elm +++ b/libraries/Graphics/Text.elm @@ -4,21 +4,57 @@ module Graphics.Text where import Native.Graphics.Text as T +-- Convert a string into text which can be styled and displayed. toText : String -> Text -typeface : String -> Text -> Text -href : String -> Text -> Text -height : Float -> Text -> Text -color : Color -> Text -> Text -bold : Text -> Text -italic : Text -> Text -overline : Text -> Text +-- Set the typeface of some text. The first argument should be a comma separated listing of the desired typefaces +-- "helvetica, arial, sans-serif" +-- Works the same as the CSS font-family property. +typeface : String -> Text -> Text + +-- Switch to a monospace typeface. Good for code snippets. +monospace : Text -> Text + +-- Make text big and noticable. +header : Text -> Text + +-- Create a link. +href : String -> Text -> Text + +-- Set the height of text in \"ems\". 1em is the normal height of text. 2ems is twice that height. +height : Float -> Text -> Text + +-- Set the color of a string. +color : Color -> Text -> Text + +-- Make a string bold. +bold : Text -> Text + +-- Italicize a string. +italic : Text -> Text + +-- Draw a line above a string. +overline : Text -> Text + +-- Underline a string. underline : Text -> Text + +-- Draw a line through a string. strikeThrough : Text -> Text +-- Display justified, styled text. justified : Text -> Element -centered : Text -> Element -righted : Text -> Element -text : Text -> Element +-- Display centered, styled text. +centered : Text -> Element + +-- Display right justified, styled text. +righted : Text -> Element + +-- Display styled text. +text : Text -> Element + +-- Convert anything to it's textual representation and make it displayable in browser +-- asText = text . monospace . show +-- Excellent for debugging asText : a -> Element diff --git a/libraries/JavaScript.elm b/libraries/JavaScript.elm index 14e1c19..34103c7 100644 --- a/libraries/JavaScript.elm +++ b/libraries/JavaScript.elm @@ -5,17 +5,39 @@ module JavaScript where -- To Elm toString : JSString -> String + +-- Requires that the input array be uniform (all members have the same type) toList : JSArray a -> [a] + toInt : JSNumber -> Int toFloat : JSNumber -> Float + +-- Conversion from JavaScript boolean values to Elm boolean values. toBool : JSBool -> Bool -- From Elm fromString : String -> JSString + +-- Produces a uniform JavaScript array with all members of the same type. fromList : [a] -> JSArray a + fromInt : Int -> JSNumber fromFloat : Float -> JSNumber + +-- Conversion from Elm boolean values to JavaScript boolean values. fromBool : Bool -> JSBool +{-- TODO: only found in docs + + , ("castTupleToJSTuple2" , "(a,b) -> JSTuple2 a b", "A JSTupleN is an array of size N with nonuniform types. Each member can have a different type.") + , ("castJSTupleToTuple2" , "JSTuple2 a b -> (a,b)", "") + , ("castTupleToJSTuple3" , "(a,b,c) -> JSTuple3 a b c", "") + , ("castJSTupleToTuple3" , "JSTuple3 a b c > (a,b,c)", "") + , ("castTupleToJSTuple4" , "(a,b,c,d) -> JSTuple4 a b c d", "") + , ("castJSTupleToTuple4" , "JSTuple4 a b c d -> (a,b,c,d)", "") + , ("castTupleToJSTuple5" , "(a,b,c,d,e) -> JSTuple5 a b c d e", "") + , ("castJSTupleToTuple5" , "JSTuple5 a b c d e -> (a,b,c,d,e)", "") + +--} diff --git a/libraries/Json.elm b/libraries/Json.elm index 9e70bcb..b0c65f4 100644 --- a/libraries/Json.elm +++ b/libraries/Json.elm @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ +-- TOOD: Evan please review texts + module Json where import Dict as Dict import JavaScript as JS import Native.Json as Native - +-- This datatype can represent all valid values that can be held in a JSON object. +-- In Elm, a proper JSON object is represented as a (Dict String Value) which is a mapping from strings to Json Values. data Value = String String | Number Float @@ -17,18 +20,25 @@ data Value -- String Converters +-- Convert a proper JSON object into a string. toString : Value -> String toString v = JS.toString (Native.toPrettyJSString "" v) +-- Convert a proper JSON object into a prettified string. +-- The first argument is a separator token (e.g. \" \", \"\\n\", etc.) that will be used for indentation in the prettified string version of the JSON object. toPrettyString : String -> Value -> String toPrettyString sep v = JS.toString (Native.toPrettyJSString sep v) +-- Convert a proper JSON object into a JavaScript string. +-- Note that the type JSString seen here is not the same as the type constructor JsonString used elsewhere in this module. toJSString : Value -> JSString toJSString v = Native.toPrettyJSString "" v +-- Parse a string representation of a proper JSON object into its Elm's representation. fromString : String -> Maybe Value fromString s = Native.fromJSString (JS.fromString s) +-- Parse a JavaScript string representation of a proper JSON object into its Elm's representation. fromJSString : JSString -> Maybe Value @@ -52,6 +62,7 @@ object v = case v of { Object o -> o ; _ -> Dict.empty } -- Extract Elm values from dictionaries of Json values +-- Find a value in a Json Object using the passed get function. If the key is not found, this returns the given default/base value. find get base = let f key dict = case Dict.lookup key dict of @@ -59,17 +70,22 @@ find get base = Just v -> get v in f +-- Find a string value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not a string, this returns the empty string. findString : String -> Dict String Value -> String findString = find string "" +-- Find a number value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not a number, this returns 0 findNumber : String -> Dict String Value -> Float findNumber = find number 0 +-- Find a boolean value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not a boolean, this returns the False. findBoolean : String -> Dict String Value -> Bool findBoolean = find boolean False +-- Find an array value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not an array, this returns an empty list. findArray : String -> Dict String Value -> [Value] findArray = find array [] +-- Find an object value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the value found is not an object, this returns an empty object. findObject : String -> Dict String Value -> Dict String Value findObject = find object Dict.empty diff --git a/libraries/Keyboard.elm b/libraries/Keyboard.elm index 2d85f2e..815e120 100644 --- a/libraries/Keyboard.elm +++ b/libraries/Keyboard.elm @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ -- These are nicely curated inputs from the keyboard. See the -- [Keyboard.Raw library](/docs/Signal/KeyboardRaw.elm) for a -- lower-level interface that will let you define more complicated behavior. - module Keyboard where import Native.Keyboard as N diff --git a/libraries/List.elm b/libraries/List.elm index 61899a5..07d2884 100644 --- a/libraries/List.elm +++ b/libraries/List.elm @@ -4,36 +4,77 @@ module List where import Native.Utils (min, max) import Native.List as L +-- Extract the first element of a list. List must be non-empty. head : [a] -> a + +-- Extract the elements after the head of the list. List must be non-empty. tail : [a] -> [a] + +-- Extract the last element of a list. List must be non-empty. last : [a] -> a + +-- Apply a function to every element of a list. map : (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] + +-- Reduce a list from the left. foldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b + +-- Reduce a list from the right. foldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b + +-- Reduce a list from the left without a base case. List must be non-empty. foldl1 : (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a + +-- Reduce a list from the right without a base case. List must be non-empty. foldr1 : (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a +-- Reduce a list from the left, building up all of the intermediate results into a list. scanl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b] + +-- Same as scanl but it doesn't require a base case. List must be non-empty. scanl1 : (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a] +-- Filter out elements which do not satisfy the predicate. filter : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] + +-- Determine the length of a list. length : [a] -> Int + +-- Reverse a list. reverse : [a] -> [a] +-- Check to see if all elements satisfy the predicate. all : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool + +-- Check to see if any elements satisfy the predicate. any : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool + +-- Check to see if all elements are True. and : [Bool] -> Bool + +-- Check to see if any elements are True. or : [Bool] -> Bool +-- Flatten a list of lists. concat : [[a]] -> [a] + +-- Map a given function onto a list and flatten the resulting lists. (concatMap f xs == concat (map f xs)) concatMap : (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] concatMap f = L.concat . f +-- Get the sum of the list elements. sum = L.foldl (+) 0 + +-- Get the product of the list elements. product = L.foldl (*) 1 + +-- Find the highest number in a non-empty list. maximum = L.foldl1 max + +-- Find the lowest number in a non-empty list. minimum = L.foldl1 min +-- Split a list based on the predicate. partition : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a]) partition pred lst = case lst of @@ -41,18 +82,28 @@ partition pred lst = x::xs -> let (bs,cs) = partition pred xs in if pred x then (x::bs,cs) else (bs,x::cs) -zipWith : (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] +-- Combine two lists, combining them into tuples pairwise. If one input list has extra elements (it is longer), those elements are dropped. zip : [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)] +-- Combine two lists, combining them with the given function. If one input list has extra elements (it is longer), those elements are dropped. +zipWith : (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c] + +-- Decompose a list of tuples unzip : [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b]) unzip pairs = case pairs of [] -> ([],[]) (x,y)::ps -> let (xs,ys) = (unzip ps) in (x::xs,y::ys) +-- Split a list +-- split "," "hello,there,friend" == ["hello", "there", "friend"] split : [a] -> [a] -> [[a]] + +-- Places the given value between all of the lists in the second argument and concatenates the result. +-- join xs xss = concat (intersperse xs xss) join : [a] -> [[a]] -> [a] +-- Places the given value between all members of the given list. intersperse : a -> [a] -> [a] intersperse sep xs = case xs of @@ -60,3 +111,22 @@ intersperse sep xs = [a] -> [a] [] -> [] +{-- TODO: only found in docs + +-- Add an element to the front of a list +-- a :: [b,c] = [a,b,c] +(::) : a -> [a] -> [a] + +-- Appends two lists. +(++) : [a] -> [a] -> [a] + +-- Take the first n members of a list. +-- take 2 [1,2,3,4]) ==> [1,2] +take : Int -> [a] -> [a] + +-- Drop the first n members of a list. +-- drop 2 [1,2,3,4]) ==> [3,4] +drop : Int -> [a] -> [a] + +--} + diff --git a/libraries/Set.elm b/libraries/Set.elm index 73652e7..b3ababc 100644 --- a/libraries/Set.elm +++ b/libraries/Set.elm @@ -11,41 +11,54 @@ import List as List type Set t = Dict t () +-- Create an empty set. empty : Set t empty = Dict.empty +-- Create a set with one value. singleton : t -> Set t singleton k = Dict.singleton k () +-- Insert a value into a set. insert : t -> Set t -> Set t insert k = Dict.insert k () +-- Remove a value from a set. If the value is not found, no changes are made. remove : t -> Set t -> Set t remove = Dict.remove +-- Determine if a value is in a set. member : t -> Set t -> Bool member = Dict.member +-- Get the union of two sets. Keep all values. union : Set t -> Set t -> Set t union = Dict.union +-- Get the intersection of two sets. Keeps values that appear in both sets. intersect : Set t -> Set t -> Set t intersect = Dict.intersect +-- Get the difference between the first set and the second. Keeps values that do not appear in the second set. diff : Set t -> Set t -> Set t diff = Dict.diff +-- Convert a set into a list. toList : Set t -> [t] toList = Dict.keys +-- Convert a list into a set, removing any duplicates. fromList : [t] -> Set t fromList xs = List.foldl (\k t -> Dict.insert k () t) empty xs +-- Fold over the values in a set, in order from lowest to highest. foldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set a -> b foldl f b s = Dict.foldl (\k _ b -> f k b) b s +-- Fold over the values in a set, in order from highest to lowest. foldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Set a -> b foldr f b s = Dict.foldr (\k _ b -> f k b) b s +-- Map a function onto a set, creating a new set with no duplicates. map : (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b -map f s = fromList ( f (toList s)) \ No newline at end of file +map f s = fromList ( f (toList s)) diff --git a/libraries/Signal.elm b/libraries/Signal.elm index 0e70a64..b5bfb58 100644 --- a/libraries/Signal.elm +++ b/libraries/Signal.elm @@ -1,12 +1,24 @@ +-- The library for general signal manipulation. Some useful functions for +-- working with time (e.g. setting FPS) and combining signals and time (e.g. +-- delaying updates, getting timestamps) can be found in the +-- [`Time`](/docs/Signal/Time.elm) library. +-- +-- Note: There are lift functions up to `lift8`. module Signal where import Native.Signal as Native +-- Create a constant signal that never changes. constant : a -> Signal a +-- Transform a signal with a given function. lift : (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b + +-- Combine two signals with a given function. lift2 : (a -> b -> c) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c + +-- Combine three signals with a given function. lift3 : (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d lift4 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> Signal e lift5 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> Signal e -> Signal f @@ -14,21 +26,98 @@ lift6 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> lift7 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> Signal e -> Signal f -> Signal g -> Signal h lift8 : (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h -> i) -> Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal c -> Signal d -> Signal e -> Signal f -> Signal g -> Signal h -> Signal i +-- Create a past-dependent signal. Each value given on the input signal will +-- be accumulated, producing a new output value. +-- +-- For instance, `(foldp (\\t acc -> acc + 1) 0 (Time.every second))` increments every second. foldp : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Signal a -> Signal b +-- Merge two signals into one, biased towards the first signal if both signals +-- update at the same time. merge : Signal a -> Signal a -> Signal a + +-- Merge many signals into one, biased towards the left-most signal if multiple +-- signals update simultaneously. merges : [Signal a] -> Signal a + +-- Merge two signals into one, but distinguishing the values by marking the first +-- signal as `Left` and the second signal as `Right`. This allows you to easily +-- fold over non-homogeneous inputs. mergeEither : Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal (Either a b) +-- Count the number of events that have occured. count : Signal a -> Signal Int + +-- Count the number of events that have occured that satisfy a given predicate. countIf : (a -> Bool) -> Signal a -> Signal Int +-- Keep only events that satisfy the given predicate. Elm does not allow +-- undefined signals, so a base case must be provided in case the predicate is +-- never satisfied. keepIf : (a -> Bool) -> a -> Signal a -> Signal a + +-- Drop events that satisfy the given predicate. Elm does not allow undefined +-- signals, so a base case must be provided in case the predicate is never +-- satisfied. dropIf : (a -> Bool) -> a -> Signal a -> Signal a + +-- Keep events only when the first signal is true. When the first signal becomes +-- true, the most recent value of the second signal will be propagated. Until +-- the first signal becomes false again, all events will be propagated. Elm does +-- not allow undefined signals, so a base case must be provided in case the first +-- signal is never true. keepWhen : Signal Bool -> a -> Signal a -> Signal a + +-- Drop events when the first signal is true. When the first signal becomes false, +-- the most recent value of the second signal will be propagated. Until the first +-- signal becomes true again, all events will be propagated. Elm does not allow +-- undefined signals, so a base case must be provided in case the first signal is +-- always true. dropWhen : Signal Bool -> a -> Signal a -> Signal a + +-- Drop sequential repeated values. For example, if a signal produces the +-- sequence `[1,1,2,2,1]`, it becomes `[1,2,1]` by dropping the values that +-- are the same as the previous value. dropRepeats : Signal a -> Signal a +-- Sample from the second input every time an event occurs on the first input. +-- For example, `(sampleOn clicks (every second))` will give the approximate +-- time of the latest click. sampleOn : Signal a -> Signal b -> Signal b -timestamp : Signal a -> Signal (Time, a) \ No newline at end of file +-- Add a timestamp to any signal. Timestamps increase monotonically. Each timestamp is +-- related to a specfic event, so `Mouse.x` and `Mouse.y` will always have the same +-- timestamp because they both rely on the same underlying event. +timestamp : Signal a -> Signal (Time, a) + +-- Delay a signal by a certain amount of time. So `(delay second Mouse.clicks)` +-- will update one second later than any mouse click. +delay : Time -> Signal a -> Signal a + +{-- TODO: only found in docs + , ("average", "Int -> Signal Number -> Signal Float", [markdown| + +Takes an integer `n` and a signal of numbers. Computes the running +average of the signal over the last `n` events. + +So `(average 20 (fps 40))` would be the average time between the frames for +the last 20 frames.|]) + , ("foldp1", "(a -> a -> a) -> Signal a -> Signal a", [markdown| +Create a past-dependent signal. The first value on the signal is used +as the base case.|]) + , ("foldp'", "(a -> b -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b", [markdown| +Just like foldp, but instead of a base case, you provide a function to be +applied to the first value, creating the base case.|]) + [ ("(<~)", "(a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b", [markdown| +An alias for `lift`. A prettier way to apply a +function to the current value of a signal.|]) + , ("(~)", "Signal (a -> b) -> Signal a -> Signal b", [markdown| +Signal application. This takes two signals, holding a function and +a value. It applies the current function to the current value. + +So the following expressions are equivalent: + + scene <~ Mouse.x ~ Mouse.y + lift2 scene Mouse.x Mouse.y|]) +--} + diff --git a/libraries/Time.elm b/libraries/Time.elm index f15e658..7eaf55d 100644 --- a/libraries/Time.elm +++ b/libraries/Time.elm @@ -1,6 +1,4 @@ --- Library for working with time. Type `Time` represents some number of --- milliseconds. - +-- Library for working with time. Type `Time` represents some number of milliseconds. module Time where import Native.Time as T @@ -50,3 +48,15 @@ fpsWhen : Number -> Signal Bool -> Signal Time -- Takes a time interval t. The resulting signal is the current time, -- updated every t. every : Time -> Signal Time + +-- Takes a time `t` and any signal. The resulting boolean signal +-- is true for time `t` after every event on the input signal. +-- So ``(second `since` Mouse.clicks)`` would result in a signal +-- that is true for one second after each mouse click and false +-- otherwise. +since : Time -> Signal a -> Signal Bool + +{-- TODO: Only found in docs + , ("timeOf", "Signal a -> Signal Time", [markdown| + Same as `timestamp` but it throws out the incoming value. So `(timeOf == lift fst . timestamp)`.|]) +--} diff --git a/libraries/Touch.elm b/libraries/Touch.elm index 93f3aba..5f22e89 100644 --- a/libraries/Touch.elm +++ b/libraries/Touch.elm @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ -- This is an early version of the touch library. It will likely grow to -- include gestures that would be useful for both games and web-pages. - module Touch where import Native.Touch as T diff --git a/libraries/WebSocket.elm b/libraries/WebSocket.elm index 7d733b4..c73f57e 100644 --- a/libraries/WebSocket.elm +++ b/libraries/WebSocket.elm @@ -1,6 +1,5 @@ -- A library for low latency HTTP communication. See the HTTP library for -- standard requests like GET, POST, etc. - module WebSocket where import Native.WebSocket as WS