Start writing a new type checker based on the ATAPL chapter on efficient type-inference.

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Evan Czaplicki 2013-07-03 14:35:51 +02:00
parent 74d3c35131
commit cdb63bd8d1
7 changed files with 456 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -15,25 +15,24 @@ data Expr t v
= Literal Literal.Literal
| Var String
| Range (LExpr t v) (LExpr t v)
| Access (LExpr t v) String
| Remove (LExpr t v) String
| Insert (LExpr t v) String (LExpr t v)
| Modify (LExpr t v) [(String, LExpr t v)]
| Record [(String, [String], LExpr t v)]
| ExplicitList [LExpr t v]
| Binop String (LExpr t v) (LExpr t v)
| Lambda String (LExpr t v)
| Lambda Pattern.Pattern (LExpr t v)
| App (LExpr t v) (LExpr t v)
| MultiIf [(LExpr t v,LExpr t v)]
| Let [Def t v] (LExpr t v)
| Case (LExpr t v) [(Pattern.Pattern, LExpr t v)]
| ExplicitList [LExpr t v]
| Data String [LExpr t v]
| Access (LExpr t v) String
| Remove (LExpr t v) String
| Insert (LExpr t v) String (LExpr t v)
| Modify (LExpr t v) [(String, LExpr t v)]
| Record [(String, [String], LExpr t v)] -- [Def t v]
| Markdown Pandoc.Pandoc
deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable)
data Def tipe var
= FnDef String [String] (LExpr tipe var)
| OpDef String String String (LExpr tipe var)
= Def String [String] (LExpr tipe var)
| TypeAnnotation String Type
deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable)
@ -49,15 +48,7 @@ instance Show (Expr t v) where
case e of
Literal lit -> show lit
Range e1 e2 -> "[" ++ show e1 ++ ".." ++ show e2 ++ "]"
Access e x -> show' e ++ "." ++ x
Remove e x -> Help.brkt (show e ++ " - " ++ x)
Insert (Location.L _ _ (Remove e y)) x v ->
Help.brkt (show e ++ " - " ++ y ++ " | " ++ x ++ " = " ++ show v)
Insert e x v -> Help.brkt (show e ++ " | " ++ x ++ " = " ++ show v)
Modify e fs -> Help.brkt (show e ++" | "++ intercalate ", " (map field fs))
where field (x,e) = x ++ " <- " ++ show e
Record r -> Help.brkt (intercalate ", " (map fields r))
where fields (f,args,e) = f ++ concatMap (' ':) args ++ " = " ++ show e
ExplicitList es -> "[" ++ intercalate "," (map show es) ++ "]"
Binop op e1 e2 -> show' e1 ++ " " ++ op ++ " " ++ show' e2
Lambda x e -> let (xs,e') = getLambdas (Location.none $ Lambda x e) in
concat [ "\\", intercalate " " xs, " -> ", show e' ]
@ -69,22 +60,34 @@ instance Show (Expr t v) where
Var (c:cs) -> if Help.isOp c then Help.parens (c:cs) else c:cs
Case e pats -> "case "++ show e ++" of " ++ Help.brkt (intercalate " ; " pats')
where pats' = map (\(p,e) -> show p ++ " -> " ++ show e) pats
ExplicitList es -> "[" ++ intercalate "," (map show es) ++ "]"
Data "::" [h,t] -> show h ++ " :: " ++ show t
Data "[]" [] -> "[]"
Data name es -> name ++ " " ++ intercalate " " (map show' es)
Access e x -> show' e ++ "." ++ x
Remove e x -> Help.brkt (show e ++ " - " ++ x)
Insert (Location.L _ _ (Remove e y)) x v ->
Help.brkt (show e ++ " - " ++ y ++ " | " ++ x ++ " = " ++ show v)
Insert e x v -> Help.brkt (show e ++ " | " ++ x ++ " = " ++ show v)
Modify e fs -> Help.brkt (show e ++" | "++ intercalate ", " (map field fs))
where field (x,e) = x ++ " <- " ++ show e
Record r -> Help.brkt (intercalate ", " (map fields r))
where fields (f,args,e) = f ++ concatMap (' ':) args ++ " = " ++ show e
Markdown _ -> "[markdown| ... |]"
instance Show (Def t v) where
show e =
case e of
FnDef v [] e -> v ++ " = " ++ show e
FnDef f args e -> f ++ concatMap (' ':) args ++ " = " ++ show e
OpDef op a1 a2 e -> intercalate " " [a1,op,a2] ++ " = " ++ show e
TypeAnnotation n t -> n ++ " : " ++ show t
Def name@(c:_) args e ->
value ++ " = " ++ show e
value = if not (Help.isOp c) then name ++ concatMap (' ':) args else
case args of
[] -> parens name
[a,b] -> a ++ " " ++ name ++ " " ++ b
getLambdas (Location.L _ _ (Lambda x e)) = (x:xs,e')
getLambdas (Location.L _ _ (Lambda x e)) = (show x:xs,e')
where (xs,e') = getLambdas e
getLambdas e = ([],e)

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
module Type.Constrain.Environment where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map ((!))
import qualified Data.UnionFind.IO as UF
import Type.Type
data Environment = Environment {
constructor :: Map.Map String ([Variable], Type),
builtin :: Map.Map String Type,
value :: Map.Map String Type
initialEnvironment :: IO Environment
initialEnvironment = do
let mkPair name = fmap ((,) name . VarN) (namedVar name)
list <- mkPair "[]"
prims <- mapM mkPair ["Int","Float","Char","Bool","Element"]
cons <- do v <- flexibleVar
let vlist = TermN (App1 (snd list) (VarN v))
return ([v], VarN v ==> vlist ==> vlist)
let builtins = list : prims
return $ Environment {
constructor = Map.singleton "::" cons,
builtin = Map.fromList builtins,
value = Map.empty
get :: Environment -> (Environment -> Map.Map String a) -> String -> a
get env subDict key = subDict env ! key

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@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
module Type.Constrain.Expression where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import Data.Map ((!))
import SourceSyntax.Location as Loc
import SourceSyntax.Pattern (Pattern(PVar))
import SourceSyntax.Expression
import Type.Type hiding (Descriptor(..))
import Type.Constrain.Fragment
import Type.Constrain.Environment as Env
import qualified Type.Constrain.Literal as Literal
import qualified Type.Constrain.Pattern as Pattern
constrain :: Environment -> LExpr a b -> Type -> IO TypeConstraint
constrain env (L _ _ expr) tipe =
let list t = TermN (App1 (Env.get env builtin "[]") t) in
case expr of
Literal lit -> return $ Literal.constrain env lit tipe
Var name -> return $ name <? tipe
Range lo hi ->
exists $ \x -> do
clo <- constrain env lo x
chi <- constrain env hi x
return $ CAnd [clo, chi, list x === tipe]
ExplicitList exprs ->
exists $ \x -> do
cs <- mapM (\e -> constrain env e x) exprs
return $ CAnd (list x === tipe : cs)
Binop op e1 e2 ->
exists $ \t1 ->
exists $ \t2 -> do
c1 <- constrain env e1 t1
c2 <- constrain env e2 t2
return $ CAnd [ c1, c2, (Env.get env value op) === (t1 ==> t2 ==> tipe) ]
Lambda p e ->
exists $ \t1 ->
exists $ \t2 -> do
fragment <- Pattern.constrain env p t1
c2 <- constrain env e t2
let c = ex (vars fragment) (CLet [Scheme [] [] CTrue (typeEnv fragment)]
(typeConstraint fragment /\ c2 ))
return $ c /\ tipe === (t1 ==> t2)
App e1 e2 ->
exists $ \t -> do
c1 <- constrain env e1 (t ==> tipe)
c2 <- constrain env e2 t
return $ c1 /\ c2
MultiIf branches -> CAnd <$> mapM constrain' branches
bool = Env.get env builtin "Bool"
constrain' (b,e) = do
cb <- constrain env b bool
ce <- constrain env e tipe
return (cb /\ ce)
Let defs body -> error "not defined yet"
Case e branches ->
exists $ \t -> do
ce <- constrain env e t
let branch (p,e) = do
fragment <- Pattern.constrain env p t
c <- constrain env e tipe
return $ ex (vars fragment)
(CLet [Scheme [] [] CTrue (typeEnv fragment)]
(typeConstraint fragment /\ c))
CAnd . (:) ce <$> mapM branch branches
Data name exprs ->
do pairs <- mapM pair exprs
(ctipe, cs) <- Monad.foldM step (tipe,CTrue) (reverse pairs)
return (cs /\ name <? ctipe)
pair e = do v <- flexibleVar -- needs an ex
return (e, VarN v)
step (t,c) (e,x) = do
c' <- constrain env e x
return (x ==> t, c /\ c')
Access e label ->
exists $ \t ->
constrain env e (record (Map.singleton label [tipe]) t)
Remove e label ->
exists $ \t ->
constrain env e (record (Map.singleton label [t]) tipe)
Insert e label value ->
exists $ \tVal ->
exists $ \tRec -> do
cVal <- constrain env value tVal
cRec <- constrain env e tRec
let c = tipe === record (Map.singleton label [tVal]) tRec
return (CAnd [cVal, cRec, c])
Modify e fields ->
exists $ \t -> do
dummyFields <- Map.fromList <$> mapM dummyField fields
cOld <- constrain env e (record dummyFields t)
(fieldTypes, constraints) <- unzip <$> mapM field fields
let cNew = tipe === record (Map.fromList fieldTypes) t
return (CAnd (cOld : cNew : constraints))
dummyField (label, _) = do
v <- flexibleVar -- needs an ex
return (label, [VarN v])
field (label, value) = do
v <- flexibleVar -- needs an ex
c <- ex [v] <$> constrain env value (VarN v)
return ((label, [VarN v]), c)
Record fields ->
do (pairs, cs) <- unzip <$> mapM field fields
let fieldTypes = Map.fromList (map (second (\t -> [VarN t])) pairs)
recordType = record fieldTypes (TermN EmptyRecord1)
return $ ex (map snd pairs) (CAnd (tipe === recordType : cs))
field (name, args, body) = do
let value = List.foldl' (\e arg -> Loc.none (Lambda (PVar arg) e)) body args
v <- flexibleVar -- needs an ex
c <- constrain env value (VarN v)
return ((name, v), c)
Markdown _ ->
return $ tipe === Env.get env builtin "Element"
--collapseDefs :: [Def t v] -> [(String, [String], LExpr t v, Maybe Type)]
collapseDefs = go Map.empty Map.empty
go defs typs [] = Map.union (Map.intersectionWith (\f t -> f (Just t)) defs typs)
( ($ Nothing) (Map.difference defs typs))
go defs typs (d:ds) =
case d of
Def name args body ->
go (Map.insert name ((,,) args body) defs) typs ds
TypeAnnotation name typ ->
go defs (Map.insert name typ typs) ds

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Type.Constrain.Fragment where
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Type.Type
import SourceSyntax.Pattern
data Fragment = Fragment {
typeEnv :: Map.Map String Type,
vars :: [Variable],
typeConstraint :: TypeConstraint
} deriving Show
emptyFragment = Fragment Map.empty [] CTrue
joinFragment f1 f2 = Fragment {
typeEnv = Map.union (typeEnv f1) (typeEnv f2),
vars = vars f1 ++ vars f2,
typeConstraint = typeConstraint f1 /\ typeConstraint f2
joinFragments = List.foldl' (flip joinFragment) emptyFragment

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
module Type.Constrain.Literal where
import Data.Map ((!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import SourceSyntax.Literal
import Type.Type
import Type.Constrain.Fragment
import Type.Constrain.Environment as Env
constrain :: Environment -> Literal -> Type -> TypeConstraint
constrain env literal tipe =
let prim name = Env.get env builtin name in
case literal of
IntNum _ -> tipe === prim "Int"
FloatNum _ -> tipe === prim "Float"
Chr _ -> tipe === prim "Char"
Str _ -> tipe === TermN (App1 (prim "[]") (prim "Char"))
Boolean _ -> tipe === prim "Bool"

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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
module Type.Constrain.Pattern where
import Control.Arrow (second)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
import Data.Map ((!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import SourceSyntax.Pattern
import Type.Type
import Type.Constrain.Fragment
import Type.Constrain.Environment as Env
import qualified Type.Constrain.Literal as Literal
constrain :: Environment -> Pattern -> Type -> IO Fragment
constrain env pattern tipe =
case pattern of
PAnything -> return emptyFragment
PLiteral lit ->
return $ emptyFragment {
typeConstraint = Literal.constrain env lit tipe
PVar name -> do
v <- flexibleVar
return $ Fragment {
typeEnv = Map.singleton name (VarN v),
vars = [v],
typeConstraint = VarN v === tipe
PAlias name p -> do
fragment <- constrain env p tipe
return $ fragment {
typeEnv = Map.insert name tipe (typeEnv fragment),
typeConstraint = name <? tipe /\ typeConstraint fragment
PData name patterns -> do
(cvars, ctipe) <- freshDataScheme env name
let (argTypes, resultType) = flattenFunction ctipe
msg = "Constructor '" ++ name ++ "' expects " ++ show (length argTypes) ++ " arguments."
if length patterns /= length argTypes then error msg else do
fragment <- Monad.liftM joinFragments (Monad.zipWithM (constrain env) patterns argTypes)
return $ fragment {
typeConstraint = typeConstraint fragment /\ tipe === resultType,
vars = cvars ++ vars fragment
PRecord fields -> do
pairs <- mapM (\name -> (,) name <$> flexibleVar) fields
let tenv = Map.fromList (map (second VarN) pairs)
c <- exists $ \t -> return (tipe === record ( (:[]) tenv) t)
return $ Fragment {
typeEnv = tenv,
vars = map snd pairs,
typeConstraint = c
freshDataScheme :: Environment -> [Char] -> IO ([Variable], Type)
freshDataScheme env name =
do let (vars, tipe) = Env.get env constructor name
freshVars <- mapM (\_ -> flexibleVar) vars
let assocList = zip vars freshVars
return (freshVars, substitute assocList tipe)
substitute :: Eq a => [(a, a)] -> TermN a -> TermN a
substitute assocs tipe =
case tipe of
VarN x -> VarN (Maybe.fromMaybe x (List.lookup x assocs))
TermN t -> TermN $
case t of
App1 a b -> App1 (substitute assocs a) (substitute assocs b)
Fun1 a b -> Fun1 (substitute assocs a) (substitute assocs b)
Var1 v -> Var1 (substitute assocs v)
EmptyRecord1 -> EmptyRecord1
Record1 fields extension ->
Record1 ( (map $ substitute assocs) fields)
(substitute assocs extension)
flattenFunction :: TermN t -> ([TermN t], TermN t)
flattenFunction = go []
where go args tipe =
case tipe of
TermN (Fun1 a b) -> go (a:args) b
_ -> (reverse args, tipe)

compiler/Type/Type.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
module Type.Type where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.UnionFind.IO as UF
import System.IO.Unsafe
data Term1 a
= App1 a a
| Fun1 a a
| Var1 a
| EmptyRecord1
| Record1 (Map.Map String [a]) a
deriving Show
data TermN a
= VarN a
| TermN (Term1 (TermN a))
record fs rec = TermN (Record1 fs rec)
type SchemeName = String
type TypeName = String
data Constraint a b
= CTrue
| CEqual a a
| CAnd [Constraint a b]
| CLet [Scheme a b] (Constraint a b)
| CInstance SchemeName a
deriving Show
data Scheme a b = Scheme {
rigidQuantifiers :: [b],
flexibleQuantifiers :: [b],
constraint :: Constraint a b,
header :: Map.Map String a -- mapping from names to types
} deriving Show
data Descriptor = Descriptor {
structure :: Maybe (Term1 Variable),
rank :: Int,
flex :: Flex,
name :: Maybe TypeName
noRank = 0
data Flex = Rigid | Flexible | Constant
deriving Show
type Variable = UF.Point Descriptor
type Type = TermN Variable
type TypeConstraint = Constraint Type Variable
type TypeScheme = Scheme Type Variable
infixl 8 /\
(/\) :: Constraint a b -> Constraint a b -> Constraint a b
a /\ b = CAnd [a,b]
(===) :: Type -> Type -> TypeConstraint
(===) = CEqual
(<?) :: SchemeName -> Type -> TypeConstraint
x <? t = CInstance x t
infixr 9 ==>
(==>) :: Type -> Type -> Type
a ==> b = TermN (Fun1 a b)
namedVar name = UF.fresh $ Descriptor {
structure = Nothing,
rank = noRank,
flex = Constant,
name = Just name
flexibleVar = UF.fresh $ Descriptor {
structure = Nothing,
rank = noRank,
flex = Flexible,
name = Nothing
-- ex qs constraint == exists qs. constraint
ex :: [Variable] -> TypeConstraint -> TypeConstraint
ex fqs constraint = CLet [Scheme [] fqs constraint Map.empty] CTrue
-- fl qs constraint == forall qs. constraint
fl :: [Variable] -> TypeConstraint -> TypeConstraint
fl rqs constraint = CLet [Scheme rqs [] constraint Map.empty] CTrue
exists :: (Type -> IO TypeConstraint) -> IO TypeConstraint
exists f = do
v <- flexibleVar
ex [v] <$> f (VarN v)
instance Show a => Show (UF.Point a) where
show point = unsafePerformIO $ fmap show (UF.descriptor point)
instance Show Descriptor where
show desc = case name desc of
Just n -> n
Nothing -> show (structure desc)
instance Show a => Show (TermN a) where
show term = case term of
VarN v -> show v
TermN t -> "(" ++ show t ++ ")"