This commit is contained in:
evancz 2013-01-30 03:57:15 -08:00
commit cd3571976c
5 changed files with 247 additions and 247 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ try{
var $op={};
for(this['i'] in Elm){eval('var '+this['i']+'=Elm[this.i];');}
if (Elm.Automaton) throw "Module name collision, 'Automaton' is already defined.";
if (Elm.Automaton) throw new Error("Module name collision, 'Automaton' is already defined.");
if (!(Elm.Prelude instanceof Object)) throw 'module not found';
@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ Elm.Automaton=function(){
case "Automaton":
return Automaton$m1_26[1];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
var Automaton$m2_28=a2_25;
var m2_29=function(){
case "Automaton":
return Automaton$m2_28[1];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
return Automaton_0(function(a_32){
return function(){
var Tuple2$bm1__33=m1_27(a_32);
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ Elm.Automaton=function(){
case "Tuple2":
return Tuple2$bm1__33[1];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
var m1__35=function(){
case "Tuple2":
return Tuple2$bm1__33[2];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
return function(){
var Tuple2$cm2__40=m2_29(b_34);
var c_41=function(){
@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ Elm.Automaton=function(){
case "Tuple2":
return Tuple2$cm2__40[1];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
var m2__42=function(){
case "Tuple2":
return Tuple2$cm2__40[2];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
return ["Tuple2",c_41,$op['>>>'](m1__35)(m2__42)];}();}();});}();};};
$op['<<<'] = function(a2_47){
return function(a1_48){
@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ Elm.Automaton=function(){
return Tuple2$bAutomaton$m_18[2][1](a_17);
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};})(Automaton$m0_14[1])(input_15));
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};})(Automaton$m0_14[1])(input_15));
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};}
function step_2(Automaton$m_21){
return function(a_22){
return function(){
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Elm.Automaton=function(){
case "Automaton":
return Automaton$m_21[1](a_22);
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};}
function combine_3(autos_57){
return Automaton_0(function(a_58){
return function(){
@ -121,19 +121,19 @@ Elm.Automaton=function(){
case "Automaton":
return Automaton$m_62[1](a_58);
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();})(autos_57));
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();})(autos_57));
var bs_60=function(){
case "Tuple2":
return Tuple2$bsautos__59[1];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
var autos__61=function(){
case "Tuple2":
return Tuple2$bsautos__59[2];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
return ["Tuple2",bs_60,combine_3(autos__61)];}();});}
function pure_4(f_68){
return Automaton_0(function(x_69){
@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ Elm.Automaton=function(){
case "Tuple2":
return Tuple2$bs__77[1];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
var s__79=function(){
case "Tuple2":
return Tuple2$bs__77[2];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
return ["Tuple2",b_78,init__6(s__79)(step_75)];}();});};}
function vecSub_11(Tuple2$x1y1_86){
return function(Tuple2$x2y2_87){
@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ Elm.Automaton=function(){
case "Tuple2":
return ["Tuple2",(Tuple2$x1y1_86[1]-Tuple2$x2y2_87[1]),(Tuple2$x1y1_86[2]-Tuple2$x2y2_87[2])];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};}
function stepDrag_12(Tuple2$presspos_92){
return function(Tuple2$dsform_93){
return function(){
@ -197,11 +197,11 @@ Elm.Automaton=function(){
case "Listen":
return wrap_98((not(Tuple2$presspos_92[1])?Listen_8:(isWithin(Tuple2$presspos_92[2])(Tuple2$dsform_93[2])?DragFrom_10(Tuple2$presspos_92[2]):Ignore_9)));
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();}();
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};}
function draggable_13(form_102){
return init__6(["Tuple2",Listen_8,form_102])(stepDrag_12);}
return {$op : {'>>>' : $op['>>>'], '<<<' : $op['<<<'], '^>>' : $op['^>>'], '>>^' : $op['>>^'], '^<<' : $op['^<<'], '<<^' : $op['<<^']},

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
return min_6(t_42[4]);
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();}
function lookup_7(k_46){
return function(t_47){
return function(){
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'LT':
return lookup_7(k_46)(t_47[4]);
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};}
function findWithDefault_8(base_52){
return function(k_53){
return function(t_54){
@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'LT':
return findWithDefault_8(base_52)(k_53)(t_54[4]);
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};};}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};};}
function member_9(k_59){
return function(t_60){
return isJust(lookup_7(k_59)(t_60));};}
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'Red':
return Black_1;
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();}
function color_flip_15(t_84){
return function(){
@ -199,10 +199,10 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'LT':
return RBNode_2(t_109[1])(t_109[2])(t_109[3])(ins_108(t_109[4]))(t_109[5]);
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
return fixUp_17(h_115);}();
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();}
return ensureBlackRoot_18(ins_108(t_107));}();};};}
function singleton_20(k_116){
return function(v_117){
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'RBNode':
return fixUp_17(RBNode_2(case198[1])(case198[2])(case198[3])(del_135(case198[4]))(case198[5]));
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();}();}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();}();}
return ensureBlackRoot_18(del_135(t_134));}();}
function remove_31(k_142){
return function(t_143){
@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'RBNode':
return fixUp_17(RBNode_2(case216[1])(case216[2])(case216[3])(del_149(case216[4]))(case216[5]));
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();}
function delEQ_147(t_160){
return function(){
@ -367,16 +367,16 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'Tuple2':
return Tuple2$k_v__164[1];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
var v__166=function(){
case 'Tuple2':
return Tuple2$k_v__164[2];
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();
return fixUp_17(RBNode_2(t_160[1])(k__165)(v__166)(t_160[4])(deleteMin_30(t_160[5])));}();
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();}
function delGT_148(t_171){
return function(){
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'RBNode':
return fixUp_17(RBNode_2(t_171[1])(t_171[2])(t_171[3])(t_171[4])(del_149(t_171[5])));
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();}
function del_149(t_177){
return function(){
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
var t__180=moveRedRightIfNeeded_29(t_177);
return (eq_145(t__180)?delEQ_147(t__180):delGT_148(t__180));}());}());
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();}
return (member_9(k_142)(t_143)?ensureBlackRoot_18(del_149(t_143)):t_143);}();};}
function map_32(f_181){
return function(t_182){
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'RBNode':
return RBNode_2(t_182[1])(t_182[2])(f_181(t_182[3]))(map_32(f_181)(t_182[4]))(map_32(f_181)(t_182[5]));
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};}
function foldl_33(f_188){
return function(acc_189){
return function(t_190){
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'RBNode':
return foldl_33(f_188)(f_188(t_190[2])(t_190[3])(foldl_33(f_188)(acc_189)(t_190[4])))(t_190[5]);
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};};}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};};}
function foldr_34(f_195){
return function(acc_196){
return function(t_197){
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ Elm.Dict=function(){
case 'RBNode':
return foldr_34(f_195)(f_195(t_197[2])(t_197[3])(foldr_34(f_195)(acc_196)(t_197[5])))(t_197[4]);
throw "Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";}();};};}
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");}();};};}
function union_35(t1_202){
return function(t2_203){
return foldl_33(insert_19)(t2_203)(t1_202);};}

View file

@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ Elm.Graphics = function() {
var case1 = case0[1], case2 = case0[2], case3 = case0[3], case4 = case0[4];
return Form_84(t_212 + case1)(case2)(case3)(case4)
throw"Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ Elm.Graphics = function() {
throw"Non-exhaustive pattern match in case";
throw new Error("Non-exhaustive pattern match in case");

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Elm.List = function() {
var throwError = function(f) {
throw "Function '" + f + "' expecting a list!";
throw new Error("Function '" + f + "' expecting a list!");
function length(xs) {
@ -46,19 +46,19 @@ Elm.List = function() {
var minimum = foldl1(function(x) { return function(y) { return Math.min(x,y) } });
function head(v) {
if (v[0] !== "Cons") {
throw "Error: 'head' only accepts lists of length greater than one.";
throw new Error("Error: 'head' only accepts lists of length greater than one.");
return v[1];
function tail(v) {
if (v[0] !== "Cons") {
throw "Error: 'tail' only accepts lists of length greater than one.";
throw new Error("Error: 'tail' only accepts lists of length greater than one.");
return v[2];
function last(v) {
if (v[0] !== "Cons") {
throw "Error: 'last' only accepts lists of length greater than one.";
throw new Error("Error: 'last' only accepts lists of length greater than one.");
var out = v[1];
while (v[0] === "Cons") {
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ Elm.List = function() {
function foldr1(f) {
return function(xs) {
if (xs[0] === "Nil") { throw "'foldr1' requires an non-empty list." }
if (xs[0] === "Nil") { throw new Error("'foldr1' requires an non-empty list.") }
if (xs[0] !== "Cons") { throwError('foldr1'); }
var arr = [];
while (xs[0] === "Cons") {
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ Elm.List = function() {
function scanl1(f) {
return function(xs) {
if (xs[0] !== "Cons") {
throw "Error: 'scanl1' requires a list of at least length 1.";
throw new Error("Error: 'scanl1' requires a list of at least length 1.");
return scanl(f)(xs[1])(xs[2]);

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@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Elm.Prelude = function() {
var uncurry = function(f) { return function(p) {
if (p[0] !== "Tuple2") {
throw "Function was uncurry'd but was not given a pair.";
throw new Error("Function was uncurry'd but was not given a pair.");
return f(p[1])(p[2]); };