added some guards. todo turn this into correct Gen. still one failcase

This commit is contained in:
John P Mayer Jr 2014-01-14 02:47:11 -05:00
parent d92ac795c1
commit c616557618
2 changed files with 23 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -13,16 +13,18 @@ import SourceSyntax.Pattern as Pat
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint (Pretty, pretty)
import Parse.Helpers (IParser, iParse)
import Parse.Literal (literal)
import Parse.Pattern (expr)
import qualified Parse.Pattern as Pat (expr)
import qualified Parse.Type as Type (expr)
import Tests.Property.Arbitrary
propertyTests :: Test
propertyTests =
testGroup "Parse/Print Agreement Tests"
testCase "Long Pattern test" $ assert (prop_parse_print expr longPat)
testCase "Long Pattern test" $ assert (prop_parse_print Pat.expr longPat)
, testProperty "Literal test" $ prop_parse_print literal
, testProperty "Pattern test" $ prop_parse_print expr
, testProperty "Pattern test" $ prop_parse_print Pat.expr
, testProperty "Type test" $ prop_parse_print Type.expr

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@ -56,18 +56,27 @@ instance Arbitrary Pattern where
PData s ps -> ps ++ (PData <$> shrinkWHead s <*> shrink ps)
where shrinkWHead (x:xs) = (x:) <$> shrink xs
isValidType :: Type -> Bool
isValidType (Lambda s t) = isValidType s && isValidType t
isValidType (Record [] (Just _)) = False
isValidType (Record (("",_):_) _) = False
isValidType (Record fs _) = all isValidType $ map snd fs
isValidType (Data _ []) = False
isValidType (Data _ ts) = all isValidType ts
isValidType _ = True
instance Arbitrary Type where
arbitrary = sized tipe
arbitrary = sized tipe `suchThat` isValidType
where tipe :: Int -> Gen Type
tipe n = oneof [ Lambda <$> depthTipe <*> depthTipe
, Var <$> arbitrary
, Data <$> arbitrary <*> listOf1 depthTipe
, Record <$> listOf ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> depthTipe) <*> arbitrary
, Var <$> lowVar
, Data <$> capVar <*> listOf1 depthTipe
, Record <$> listOf ((,) <$> lowVar <*> depthTipe) <*> maybeOf lowVar
where depthTipe :: Gen Type
depthTipe = choose (0,n) >>= tipe
shrink tipe = case tipe of
shrink tipe = filter isValidType $ case tipe of
Lambda s t -> Lambda <$> shrink s <*> shrink t
Var _ -> []
Data n ts -> Data n <$> shrink ts
@ -84,6 +93,9 @@ capVar = notReserved $ (:) <$> upper <*> listOf varLetter
varLetter :: Gen Char
varLetter = elements $ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['\'', '_']
maybeOf :: Gen a -> Gen (Maybe a)
maybeOf g = oneof [ pure Nothing, Just <$> g ]
notReserved :: Gen String -> Gen String
notReserved = flip exceptFor Parse.Helpers.reserveds