Change the style of some documentation, experimenting with styles for elm-doc

This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-09-02 19:28:52 -07:00
parent e2d2c45228
commit c4d07300a1
2 changed files with 224 additions and 140 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
module Graphics.Input where
import Basics (String)
@ -9,118 +8,158 @@ import Graphics.Element (Element)
import Maybe (Maybe)
import JavaScript (JSString)
This module is for creating standard input widgets such as buttons and
text boxes. In general, functions in this library return a signal representing
events from the user.
The simplest inputs are *one-way inputs*, meaning the user can update
them, but the programmer cannot. If you need to update an input from
within the program you want the slightly more complex *two-way inputs*.
This document will always show the one-way inputs first, *then* the
two-way inputs.
# Buttons
@docs button, customButton, buttons, customButtons
# Fields
@docs field, password, email, fields, FieldState, emptyFieldState
# Checkboxes
@docs checkbox, checkboxes
# Drop Downs
@docs stringDropDown, dropDown
# Mouse Hover
@docs hoverable, hoverables
id x = x
-- Create a group of buttons.
-- * The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
-- * The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
-- of buttons.
-- * The `button` function creates a button
-- with the given name, like “Submit” or “Cancel”.
-- The `a` value is sent to `events` whenever the button is pressed.
{-| Create a group of buttons.
* The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
* The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
of buttons.
* The `button` function creates a button
with the given name, like “Submit” or “Cancel”.
The `a` value is sent to `events` whenever the button is pressed.
buttons : a -> { events : Signal a,
button : a -> String -> Element }
buttons = Native.Graphics.Input.buttons
-- Create a button with a given label. The result is an `Element` and
-- a signal of units. This signal triggers whenever the button is pressed.
{-| Create a button with a given label. The result is an `Element` and
a signal of units. This signal triggers whenever the button is pressed.
button : String -> (Element, Signal ())
button txt =
let pool = buttons ()
in (pool.button () txt,
-- Create a group of custom buttons.
-- * The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
-- * The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
-- of custom buttons.
-- * The `customButton` function creates a button with three different visual
-- states, one for up, hovering, and down. The resulting button has dimensions
-- large enough to fit all three possible `Elements`.
-- The `a` value is sent to `events` whenever the button is pressed.
{-| Create a group of custom buttons.
* The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
* The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
of custom buttons.
* The `customButton` function creates a button with three different visual
states, one for up, hovering, and down. The resulting button has dimensions
large enough to fit all three possible `Elements`.
The `a` value is sent to `events` whenever the button is pressed.
customButtons : a -> { events : Signal a,
customButton : a -> Element -> Element -> Element -> Element }
customButtons = Native.Graphics.Input.customButtons
-- Create a button with custom states for up, hovering, and down
-- (given in that order). The result is an `Element` and
-- a signal of units. This signal triggers whenever the button is pressed.
{-| Create a button with custom states for up, hovering, and down
(given in that order). The result is an `Element` and a signal of
units. This signal triggers whenever the button is pressed.
customButton : Element -> Element -> Element -> (Element, Signal ())
customButton up hover down =
let pool = customButtons ()
in (pool.customButton () up hover down,
-- Create a group of checkboxes.
-- * The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
-- * The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
-- of checkboxes.
-- * The `checkbox` function creates a
-- checkbox with a given state. The `(Bool -> a)` function is used
-- when the checkbox is modified. It takes the new state and turns
-- it into a value that can be sent to `events`. For example, this
-- lets you add an ID to distinguish between checkboxes.
{-| Create a group of checkboxes.
* The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
* The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
of checkboxes.
* The `checkbox` function creates a
checkbox with a given state. The `(Bool -> a)` function is used
when the checkbox is modified. It takes the new state and turns
it into a value that can be sent to `events`. For example, this
lets you add an ID to distinguish between checkboxes.
checkboxes : a -> { events : Signal a,
checkbox : (Bool -> a) -> Bool -> Element }
checkboxes = Native.Graphics.Input.checkboxes
-- Create a checkbox with a given start state. Unlike `button`, this result
-- is a *signal* of elements. That is because a checkbox has state that
-- updates based on user input.
-- The boolean signal represents the current state of the checkbox.
{-| Create a checkbox with a given start state. Unlike `button`, this
result is a *signal* of elements. That is because a checkbox has state
that updates based on user input. The boolean signal represents the
current state of the checkbox.
checkbox : Bool -> (Signal Element, Signal Bool)
checkbox b =
let cbs = checkboxes b
in (lift (cbs.checkbox id),
-- Detect when the mouse is hovering over some elements. This
-- allows you to create and destroy elements dynamically and still
-- detect hover information.
{-| Detect when the mouse is hovering over some elements. This
allows you to create and destroy elements dynamically and still
detect hover information.
hoverables : a -> { events : Signal a,
hoverable : (Bool -> a) -> Element -> Element }
hoverables = Native.Graphics.Input.hoverables
-- Detect when the mouse is hovering over a specifici `Element`.
{-| Detect when the mouse is hovering over a specifici `Element`. -}
hoverable : Element -> (Element, Signal Bool)
hoverable elem =
let pool = hoverables False
in (pool.hoverable id elem,
-- Represents the current state of a text field. The `string` represents the
-- characters filling the text field. The `selectionStart` and `selectionEnd`
-- values represent what the user has selected with their mouse or keyboard.
-- For example:
-- { string="She sells sea shells", selectionStart=3, selectionEnd=0 }
-- This means the user highlighted the substring `"She"` backwards.
{-| Represents the current state of a text field. The `string` represents the
characters filling the text field. The `selectionStart` and `selectionEnd`
values represent what the user has selected with their mouse or keyboard.
For example:
{ string="She sells sea shells", selectionStart=3, selectionEnd=0 }
This means the user highlighted the substring `"She"` backwards.
type FieldState = { string:String, selectionStart:Int, selectionEnd:Int }
-- Create a group of text input fields.
-- * The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
-- * The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
-- of text fields.
-- * The `field` function creates a
-- field with the given ghost text and initial field state.
-- When the field is modified, the `(FieldState -> a)` function
-- takes the new state and turns
-- it into a value that can be sent to `events`. For example, this
-- lets you add an ID to distinguish between input fields.
{-| Create a group of text input fields.
* The first argument is the default value of the `events` signal.
* The `events` signal represents all of the activity in this group
of text fields.
* The `field` function creates a
field with the given ghost text and initial field state.
When the field is modified, the `(FieldState -> a)` function
takes the new state and turns
it into a value that can be sent to `events`. For example, this
lets you add an ID to distinguish between input fields.
fields : a -> { events : Signal a,
field : (FieldState -> a) -> String -> FieldState -> Element }
fields = Native.Graphics.Input.fields
-- The empty field state:
-- { string="", selectionStart=0, selectionEnd=0 }
{-| The empty field state:
{ string="", selectionStart=0, selectionEnd=0 }
emptyFieldState : FieldState
emptyFieldState = { string="", selectionStart=0, selectionEnd=0 }
-- Create a field with the given default text. The output is an element that
-- updates to match the user input and a signal of strings representing the
-- content of the field.
{-| Create a field with the given default text. The output is an element
that updates to match the user input and a signal of strings representing
the content of the field.
field : String -> (Signal Element, Signal String)
field placeHolder =
let tfs = fields emptyFieldState
@ -128,7 +167,7 @@ field placeHolder =
in (lift (tfs.field id placeHolder) changes,
dropRepeats (lift .string changes))
-- Same as `field` but the UI element blocks out each characters.
{-| Same as `field` but the UI element blocks out each characters. -}
password : String -> (Signal Element, Signal String)
password placeHolder =
let tfs = Native.Graphics.Input.passwords emptyFieldState
@ -136,9 +175,10 @@ password placeHolder =
in (lift (tfs.field id placeHolder) changes,
dropRepeats (lift .string changes))
-- Same as `field` but it adds an annotation that this field is for email
-- addresses. This is helpful for auto-complete and for mobile users who may
-- get a custom keyboard with an `@` and `.com` button.
{-| Same as `field` but it adds an annotation that this field is for email
addresses. This is helpful for auto-complete and for mobile users who may
get a custom keyboard with an `@` and `.com` button.
email : String -> (Signal Element, Signal String)
email placeHolder =
let tfs = Native.Graphics.Input.emails emptyFieldState
@ -146,15 +186,17 @@ email placeHolder =
in (lift (tfs.field id placeHolder) changes,
dropRepeats (lift .string changes))
-- Create a drop-down menu. When the user selects a string,
-- the current state of the drop-down is set to the associated
-- value. This lets you avoid manually mapping the string onto
-- functions and values.
{-| Create a drop-down menu. When the user selects a string,
the current state of the drop-down is set to the associated
value. This lets you avoid manually mapping the string onto
functions and values.
dropDown : [(String,a)] -> (Signal Element, Signal a)
dropDown = Native.Graphics.Input.dropDown
-- Create a drop-down menu for selecting strings. The resulting
-- signal of strings represents the string that is currently selected.
{-| Create a drop-down menu for selecting strings. The resulting
signal of strings represents the string that is currently selected.
stringDropDown : [String] -> (Signal Element, Signal String)
stringDropDown strs =
dropDown ( (\s -> (s,s)) strs)

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@ -4,128 +4,163 @@ module List where
import open Basics
import Native.List
-- Add an element to the front of a list `(1 :: [2,3] == [1,2,3])`
A library for manipulating lists of values. Every value in a list must have
the same type.
# Basics
@docs (::), (++), length, reverse, map
# Sub-lists
@docs head, tail, last, filter, take, drop
# Putting Lists Together
@docs concat, concatMap, join, intersperse, zip, zipWith
# Taking Lists Apart
@docs split, partition, unzip
# Folds
@docs foldr, foldl, foldr1, foldl1, scanl, scanl1
# Special Folds
@docs susm, product, maximum, minimum, all, any, and, or
{-| Add an element to the front of a list `(1 :: [2,3] == [1,2,3])` -}
(::) : a -> [a] -> [a]
(::) = Native.List.cons
-- Puts two appendable things together:
-- [1,1] ++ [2,3] == [1,1,2,3]
-- "abc" ++ "123" == "abc123"
{-| Puts two appendable things together:
[1,1] ++ [2,3] == [1,1,2,3]
"abc" ++ "123" == "abc123"
(++) : appendable -> appendable -> appendable
(++) = Native.List.append
-- Extract the first element of a list. List must be non-empty.
-- `(head [1,2,3] == 1)`
{-| Extract the first element of a list. List must be non-empty.
`(head [1,2,3] == 1)`
head : [a] -> a
head = Native.List.head
-- Extract the elements after the head of the list. List must be non-empty.
-- `(tail [1,2,3] == [2,3])`
{-| Extract the elements after the head of the list. List must be non-empty.
`(tail [1,2,3] == [2,3])`
tail : [a] -> [a]
tail = Native.List.tail
-- Extract the last element of a list. List must be non-empty.
-- `(last [1,2,3] == 3)`
{-| Extract the last element of a list. List must be non-empty.
`(last [1,2,3] == 3)`
last : [a] -> a
last = Native.List.last
-- Check if a list is empty `(isEmpty [] == True)`
{-| Check if a list is empty `(isEmpty [] == True)` -}
isEmpty : [a] -> Bool
isEmpty xs =
case xs of
[] -> True
_ -> False
-- Apply a function to every element of a list: `(map sqrt [1,4,9] == [1,2,3])`
{-| Apply a function to every element of a list: `(map sqrt [1,4,9] == [1,2,3])` -}
map : (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map =
-- Reduce a list from the left: `(foldl (::) [] "gateman" == "nametag")`
{-| Reduce a list from the left: `(foldl (::) [] "gateman" == "nametag")` -}
foldl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl = Native.List.foldl
-- Reduce a list from the right: `(foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3] == 6)`
{-| Reduce a list from the right: `(foldr (+) 0 [1,2,3] == 6)` -}
foldr : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr = Native.List.foldr
-- Reduce a list from the left without a base case. List must be non-empty.
{-| Reduce a list from the left without a base case. List must be non-empty. -}
foldl1 : (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
foldl1 = Native.List.foldl1
-- Reduce a list from the right without a base case. List must be non-empty.
{-| Reduce a list from the right without a base case. List must be non-empty. -}
foldr1 : (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
foldr1 = Native.List.foldr1
-- Reduce a list from the left, building up all of the intermediate results into a list.
-- scanl (+) 0 [1,2,3,4] == [0,1,3,6,10]
{-| Reduce a list from the left, building up all of the intermediate results into a list.
scanl (+) 0 [1,2,3,4] == [0,1,3,6,10]
scanl : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
scanl = Native.List.scanl
-- Same as scanl but it doesn't require a base case. List must be non-empty.
-- scanl1 (+) [1,2,3,4] == [1,3,6,10]
{-| Same as scanl but it doesn't require a base case. List must be non-empty.
scanl1 (+) [1,2,3,4] == [1,3,6,10]
scanl1 : (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
scanl1 = Native.List.scanl1
-- Filter out elements which do not satisfy the predicate: `(filter isLower "AaBbCc" == "abc")`
{-| Keep only elements that satisfy the predicate:
`(filter isLower "AaBbCc" == "abc")`
filter : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter = Native.List.filter
-- Determine the length of a list: `(length "innumerable" == 11)`
{-| Determine the length of a list: `(length "innumerable" == 11)` -}
length : [a] -> Int
length = Native.List.length
-- Reverse a list. `(reverse [1..4] == [4,3,2,1])`
{-| Reverse a list. `(reverse [1..4] == [4,3,2,1])` -}
reverse : [a] -> [a]
reverse = Native.List.reverse
-- Check to see if all elements satisfy the predicate.
{-| Check to see if all elements satisfy the predicate. -}
all : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
all = Native.List.all
-- Check to see if any elements satisfy the predicate.
{-| Check to see if any elements satisfy the predicate. -}
any : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
any = Native.List.any
-- Check to see if all elements are True.
{-| Check to see if all elements are True. -}
and : [Bool] -> Bool
and = foldl (&&) True
-- Check to see if any elements are True.
{-| Check to see if any elements are True. -}
or : [Bool] -> Bool
or = foldl (||) False
-- Concatenate a list of appendable things:
-- concat ["tree","house"] == "treehouse"
{-| Concatenate a list of appendable things:
concat ["tree","house"] == "treehouse"
concat : [appendable] -> appendable
concat = Native.List.concat
-- Map a given function onto a list and flatten the resulting lists.
-- concatMap f xs == concat (map f xs)
{-| Map a given function onto a list and flatten the resulting lists.
concatMap f xs == concat (map f xs)
concatMap : (a -> appendable) -> [a] -> appendable
concatMap f list = concat (map f list)
-- Get the sum of the list elements. `(sum [1..4] == 10)`
{-| Get the sum of the list elements. `(sum [1..4] == 10)` -}
sum : [number] -> number
sum = foldl (+) 0
-- Get the product of the list elements. `(product [1..4] == 24)`
{-| Get the product of the list elements. `(product [1..4] == 24)` -}
product : [number] -> number
product = foldl (*) 1
-- Find the maximum element in a non-empty list: `maximum [1,4,2] == 4`
{-| Find the maximum element in a non-empty list: `maximum [1,4,2] == 4` -}
maximum : [comparable] -> comparable
maximum = foldl1 max
-- Find the minimum element in a non-empty list: `minimum [3,2,1] == 1`
{-| Find the minimum element in a non-empty list: `minimum [3,2,1] == 1` -}
minimum : [comparable] -> comparable
minimum = foldl1 min
-- Split a list based on the predicate.
{-| Split a list based on the predicate. -}
partition : (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a],[a])
partition pred lst =
case lst of
@ -133,44 +168,49 @@ partition pred lst =
x::xs -> let (bs,cs) = partition pred xs in
if pred x then (x::bs,cs) else (bs,x::cs)
-- Combine two lists, combining them into tuples pairwise.
-- If one list is longer, the extra elements are dropped.
-- zip [1,2,3] [6,7] == [(1,6),(2,7)]
-- zip == zipWith (,)
{-| Combine two lists, combining them into tuples pairwise.
If one list is longer, the extra elements are dropped.
zip [1,2,3] [6,7] == [(1,6),(2,7)]
zip == zipWith (,)
zip : [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
zip =
-- Combine two lists, combining them with the given function.
-- If one list is longer, the extra elements are dropped.
-- zipWith (+) [1,2,3] [1,2,3,4] == [2,4,6]
{-| Combine two lists, combining them with the given function.
If one list is longer, the extra elements are dropped.
zipWith (+) [1,2,3] [1,2,3,4] == [2,4,6]
zipWith : (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith = Native.List.zipWith
-- Decompose a list of tuples.
{-| Decompose a list of tuples. -}
unzip : [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])
unzip pairs =
case pairs of
[] -> ([],[])
(x,y)::ps -> let (xs,ys) = (unzip ps) in (x::xs,y::ys)
-- Split a list with a given seperator.
-- split "," "hello,there,friend" == ["hello", "there", "friend"]
{-| Split a list with a given seperator.
split "," "hello,there,friend" == ["hello", "there", "friend"]
split : [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
split = Native.List.split
-- Places the given value between all of the lists in the second argument
-- and concatenates the result.
-- join "a" ["H","w","ii","n"] == "Hawaiian"
{-| Places the given value between all of the lists in the second
argument and concatenates the result.
join "a" ["H","w","ii","n"] == "Hawaiian"
join : appendable -> [appendable] -> appendable
join = Native.List.join
-- Places the given value between all members of the given list.
-- intersperse ' ' "INCEPTION" == "I N C E P T I O N"
{-| Places the given value between all members of the given list.
intersperse ' ' "INCEPTION" == "I N C E P T I O N"
intersperse : a -> [a] -> [a]
intersperse sep xs =
case xs of
@ -178,14 +218,16 @@ intersperse sep xs =
[a] -> [a]
[] -> []
-- Take the first n members of a list: `(take 2 [1,2,3,4] == [1,2])`
{-| Take the first n members of a list: `(take 2 [1,2,3,4] == [1,2])` -}
take : Int -> [a] -> [a]
take = Native.List.take
-- Drop the first n members of a list: `(drop 2 [1,2,3,4] == [3,4])`
{-| Drop the first n members of a list: `(drop 2 [1,2,3,4] == [3,4])` -}
drop : Int -> [a] -> [a]
drop = Native.List.drop
-- Creates a list with n copies of a value: `(replicate 3 (0,0) == [(0,0),(0,0),(0,0)]`
{-| Creates a list with *n* copies of a value:
`(repeat 3 (0,0) == [(0,0),(0,0),(0,0)]`
repeat : Int -> a -> [a]
repeat = Native.List.repeat