First draft of cross-module type checking

Currently, all top-level types are imported. No alias resolution
happens so you need to use "import open M" atm.
This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-07-21 22:50:48 +02:00
parent 4bcde7e799
commit c140d690fc
4 changed files with 25 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module Initialize (buildFromSource, getSortedModuleNames, TypeLibrary) where
module Initialize (buildFromSource, getSortedModuleNames, Interfaces) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Data
@ -17,15 +17,14 @@ import qualified Transform.SortDefinitions as SD
import qualified Type.Inference as TI
import qualified Type.Constrain.Declaration as TcDecl
type TypeLibrary = Map.Map String ModuleInterface
import System.IO.Unsafe
buildFromSource ::
(Data t, Data v) =>
TypeLibrary ->
Interfaces ->
String ->
Either [Doc] (MetadataModule t v)
buildFromSource typeLibrary source =
buildFromSource interfaces source =
do modul@(Module _ _ _ decls') <- Parse.program source
-- check for structural errors
@ -42,14 +41,15 @@ buildFromSource typeLibrary source =
-- reorder AST into strongly connected components
program = SD.sortDefs . dummyLet $ TcDecl.toExpr decls,
types = Map.empty,
datatypes = [ (name, vars, ctors) | Datatype name vars ctors <- decls ],
datatypes = [ (name, vars, ctors) | Datatype name vars ctors <- decls ] ++
concatMap iAdts (Map.elems interfaces),
fixities = [ (assoc,level,op) | Fixity assoc level op <- decls ],
aliases = [ (name,tvs,tipe) | TypeAlias name tvs tipe <- decls ],
foreignImports = [ (evt,v,name,typ) | ImportEvent evt v name typ <- decls ],
foreignExports = [ (evt,name,typ) | ExportEvent evt name typ <- decls ]
types <- TI.infer metaModule
types <- TI.infer interfaces metaModule
return $ metaModule { types = types }

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@ -37,9 +37,11 @@ data MetadataModule t v = MetadataModule {
foreignExports :: [(String, String, Type)]
type Interfaces = Map.Map String ModuleInterface
data ModuleInterface = ModuleInterface {
iTypes :: Map.Map String Type,
iAdts :: Map.Map String (Int, [String])
iAdts :: [(String, [String], [(String,[Type])])]
} deriving Show
instance Binary ModuleInterface where

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@ -22,11 +22,12 @@ initialEnvironment datatypes = do
types <- makeTypes datatypes
return $ Environment {
constructor = makeConstructors types datatypes,
constructor = makeConstructors types,
types = types,
value = Map.empty
makeTypes :: [(String, [String], [(String, [Src.Type])])] -> IO (Map.Map String Type)
makeTypes datatypes =
Map.fromList <$> mapM makeCtor (builtins ++ map nameAndKind datatypes)
@ -46,7 +47,9 @@ makeTypes datatypes =
, kind 0 ["Int","Float","Char","Bool","Element"]
makeConstructors types datatypes = Map.fromList builtins
makeConstructors :: Map.Map String Type -> Map.Map String (IO (Int, [Variable], Type))
makeConstructors types = Map.fromList builtins
list t = (types ! "_List") <| t
maybe t = (types ! "Maybe") <| t

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@ -21,18 +21,24 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe -- Possible to switch over to the ST monad instead of
-- the IO monad. Not sure if that'd be worthwhile.
infer :: MetadataModule t v -> Either [Doc] (Map.Map String T.Variable)
infer modul = unsafePerformIO $ do
infer :: Interfaces -> MetadataModule t v -> Either [Doc] (Map.Map String T.Variable)
infer interfaces modul = unsafePerformIO $ do
env <- Env.initialEnvironment (datatypes modul)
var <- T.flexibleVar
ctors <- forM (Map.keys (Env.constructor env)) $ \name ->
do (_, vars, tipe) <- Env.freshDataScheme env name
return (name, (vars, tipe))
let vars = concatMap (fst . snd) ctors
header = snd (Map.fromList ctors)
importedVars <-
forM (concatMap (Map.toList . iTypes) $ Map.elems interfaces) $ \(name,tipe) ->
(,) name `fmap` Env.instantiateTypeWithContext env tipe Map.empty
let allTypes = ctors ++ importedVars
vars = concatMap (fst . snd) allTypes
header = snd (Map.fromList allTypes)
environ = T.CLet [ T.Scheme vars [] T.CTrue header ]
constraint <- environ `fmap` TcExpr.constrain env (program modul) (T.VarN var)
-- print =<< T.extraPretty constraint
state <- execStateT (Solve.solve constraint) TS.initialState
let errors = TS.sErrors state
if null errors