Faster case expressions, and switch to the new uncurried format for function definitions.

This commit is contained in:
evancz 2013-02-28 08:56:21 -08:00
parent 9eddb7a3bd
commit c136ea733e

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module CompileToJS (showErr, jsModule) where
module CompileToJS (showErr, jsModule) where
import Control.Arrow (first,second)
import Control.Monad (liftM,(<=<),join,ap)
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ stmtsToJS :: [Statement] -> String
stmtsToJS stmts = run $ do program <- mapM toJS (sortBy cmpStmt stmts)
return (vars ++ concat program)
vars = "\nvar " ++ intercalate "," (letBoundVars stmts) ++ ";"
vars = "\nvar " ++ intercalate ", " ("e":"case0":letBoundVars stmts) ++ ";"
cmpStmt s1 s2 = compare (valueOf s1) (valueOf s2)
valueOf s = case s of
Datatype _ _ _ -> 1
@ -116,12 +116,14 @@ class ToJS a where
instance ToJS Def where
toJS (FnDef x [] e) = assign' x `liftM` toJS' e
toJS (FnDef f (a:as) e) =
do body <- toJS' (foldr (\x e -> noContext (Lambda x e)) e as)
return $ assign' f (jsFunc a (ret body))
toJS (FnDef f as e) = (assign' f . wrapper . func) `liftM` toJS' e
where func body = jsFunc (intercalate ", " as) (ret body)
wrapper e | length as == 1 = e
| otherwise = 'F' : show (length as) ++ parens e
toJS (OpDef op a1 a2 e) =
do body <- toJS' (foldr (\x e -> noContext (Lambda x e)) e [a1,a2])
return $ concat [ "\n$op['", op, "'] = ", body, ";" ]
do body <- toJS' e
let func = "F2" ++ parens (jsFunc (a1 ++ ", " ++ a2) (ret body))
return (globalAssign ("$op['" ++ op ++ "']") func)
instance ToJS Statement where
toJS stmt =
@ -203,16 +205,7 @@ instance ToJS Expr where
Lambda v e -> liftM (jsFunc v . ret) (toJS' e)
App (C _ _ (Var "toText")) (C _ _ (Str s)) ->
return $ "toText" ++ parens (quoted s)
App (C _ _ (Var "link")) (C _ _ (Str s)) ->
return $ "link(" ++ quoted s ++ ")"
App (C _ _ (Var "plainText")) (C _ _ (Str s)) ->
return $ "plainText(" ++ quoted s ++ ")"
App e1 e2 -> (++) `liftM` (toJS' e1) `ap` (parens `liftM` toJS' e2)
App e1 e2 -> jsApp e1 e2
Let defs e -> jsLet defs e
Data name es ->
do fs <- mapM toJS' es
@ -223,6 +216,19 @@ instance ToJS Expr where
where pad = "<div style=\"height:0;width:0;\">&nbsp;</div>"
md = formatMarkdown $ Pan.writeHtmlString Pan.def doc
jsApp e1 e2 =
do f <- toJS' func
as <- mapM toJS' args
return $ case as of
[a] -> f ++ parens a
_ -> "A" ++ show (length as) ++ parens (intercalate ", " (f:as))
(func, args) = go [e2] e1
go args e =
case e of
(C _ _ (App e1 e2)) -> go (e2 : args) e1
_ -> (e, args)
formatMarkdown = concatMap f
where f '\'' = "\\'"
f '\n' = "\\n"
@ -255,27 +261,39 @@ caseToJS span e ps = do
match <- caseToMatch ps
e' <- toJS' e
(match',stmt) <- case (match,e) of
(Match name _ _, C _ _ (Var x)) -> return (matchSubst [(name,x)] match, "")
(Match name _ _, _) -> return (match, assign name e')
_ -> liftM (\n -> (match, e')) guid
(Match name _ _, C _ _ (Var x)) ->
return (matchSubst [(name,x)] match, Nothing)
(Match name _ _, _) ->
return (match, Just (name ++ " = " ++ e'))
_ -> return (match, Nothing) -- Just e'
matches <- matchToJS span match'
return $ concat [ "function(){", stmt, matches, "}()" ]
return $ case stmt of
Nothing -> matches
Just exp -> parens (exp ++ ", " ++ matches)
matchToJS span match =
let sqnc e1 e2 = parens ("e = " ++ e1 ++ " : null, " ++ "e !== null ? e : " ++ e2)
in case match of
Match name clauses def ->
do cases <- intercalate " : " `liftM` mapM (clauseToJS span name) clauses
finally <- matchToJS span def
return (sqnc cases finally)
Fail -> return ("throw new Error(\"Non-exhaustive pattern match " ++
"in case expression (" ++ show span ++ ")\")")
Break -> return "null"
Other e -> toJS' e
Seq ms -> foldr1 sqnc `liftM` mapM (matchToJS span) (dropEnd [] ms)
where dropEnd acc [] = acc
dropEnd acc (m:ms) =
case m of
Other _ -> acc ++ [m]
_ -> dropEnd (acc ++ [m]) ms
matchToJS span (Match name clauses def) = do
cases <- concat `liftM` mapM (clauseToJS span name) clauses
finally <- matchToJS span def
return $ concat [ "\nswitch(", name, ".ctor){", indent cases, "\n}", finally ]
matchToJS span Fail =
return ("\nthrow new Error(\"Non-exhaustive pattern match " ++
"in case expression (" ++ show span ++ ")\");")
matchToJS span Break = return "break;"
matchToJS span (Other e) = ret `liftM` toJS' e
matchToJS span (Seq ms) = concat `liftM` mapM (matchToJS span) ms
clauseToJS span var (Clause name vars e) = do
let vars' = map (\n -> var ++ "._" ++ show n) [ 1 .. length vars ]
let vars' = map (\n -> var ++ "._" ++ show n) [0..]
s <- matchToJS span $ matchSubst (zip vars vars') e
return $ concat [ "\ncase ", quoted name, ":", s ]
return $ concat [ var, ".ctor === ", quoted name, " ? ", s ]
jsNil = "{ctor:'Nil'}"
jsCons e1 e2 = "{ctor:'Cons',_0:" ++ e1 ++ ",_1:" ++ e2 ++ "}"