Get elm-doc to extract comments!

This commit is contained in:
evancz 2013-03-17 16:36:24 -07:00
parent 9c74b8697d
commit b1d0c74c2d
2 changed files with 39 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -19,31 +19,44 @@ main = do
Left err -> putStrLn err >> exitFailure
Right ms -> putStrLn (toModules ms)
toModules ms =
"{ \"modules\" : [\n " ++ intercalate ",\n " (map toModule ms) ++ "\n ]\n}"
toModules ms = wrap (intercalate ",\n " (map toModule ms))
where wrap s = "{ \"modules\" : [\n " ++ s ++ "\n ]\n}"
toModule (name, values) =
"{ \"name\" : " ++ show name ++ ",\n \"values\" : [\n " ++ vs ++ "\n ]\n }"
where vs = intercalate ",\n " (map toValue values)
"{ \"name\" : " ++ show name ++ ",\n " ++
"\"values\" : [\n " ++ vs ++ "\n ]\n }"
where vs = intercalate ",\n " (map toValue values)
toValue (name, tipe) =
"{ \"name\" : " ++ show name ++ ",\n \"type\" : \"" ++ show tipe ++ "\"\n }"
toValue (name, tipe, desc) =
"{ \"name\" : " ++ show name ++
",\n \"type\" : \"" ++ show tipe ++
",\n \"desc\" : " ++ show desc ++ "\n }"
docParse :: String -> Either String (String, [(String, Type)])
docParse :: String -> Either String (String, [(String, Type, String)])
docParse = setupParser $ do
optional freshLine
(,) <$> option "Main" moduleName <*> types
skip = manyTill anyChar simpleNewline >> return []
end = many1 anyChar >> return []
tipe = get <$> try typeAnnotation
get stmt = case stmt of { TypeAnnotation n t -> [(n,t)] ; _ -> [] }
types = concat <$> many (tipe <|> try skip <|> end)
types = concat <$> many (docs <|> try skip <|> end)
getName = intercalate "." . fst
moduleName = do optional freshLine
getName <$> moduleDef `followedBy` freshLine
docs :: IParser [(String, Type, String)]
docs = (tipe <$> try typeAnnotation) <|> commentTipe
clip str = case str of { ' ':rest -> rest ; _ -> str }
tipe stmt = case stmt of { TypeAnnotation n t -> [(n,t,"")] ; _ -> [] }
commentTipe = do
cs <- map clip <$> many1 lineComment
typ <- optionMaybe (try typeAnnotation)
return $ case typ of
Just (TypeAnnotation n t) -> [(n, t, intercalate "\n" cs)]
_ -> []
setupParser p source =
case iParse p "" source of
Right result -> Right result

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
at <>
module Language.Elm (
ElmSource (..),
compile, toHtml,
) where
@ -30,52 +30,21 @@ import Paths_Elm
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
-- |This function compiles Elm code to three separate parts: HTML, CSS,
-- and JavaScript. The HTML is only the contents of the body, so the three
-- parts must be combined in a basic HTML skeleton.
compile :: String -> String
compile source = either showErr jsModule modul
where modul = buildFromSource source
-- |This function compiles Elm code into a full HTML page.
toHtml :: String -- ^ Location of elm-min.js as expected by the browser
-> String -- ^ The page title
-> String -- ^ The elm source code
-> Html
toHtml = generateHtml
-- |The absolute path to Elm's runtime system.
runtimeLocation :: IO FilePath
runtimeLocation = getDataFileName "elm-runtime.js"
class ElmSource a where
-- |This function compiles Elm code to three separate parts: HTML, CSS,
-- and JavaScript. The HTML is only the contents of the body, so the three
-- parts must be combined in a basic HTML skeleton.
compile :: a -> String
-- |This function compiles Elm code into a full HTML page.
toHtml :: String -- ^ Location of elm-min.js as expected by the browser
-> String -- ^ The page title
-> a -- ^ The elm source code
-> Html
instance ElmSource String where
compile = compileHelper
toHtml = generateHtml
instance ElmSource Elm where
compile = compileHelper . TL.unpack . renderElm
toHtml elmL title = generateHtml elmL title . TL.unpack . renderElm
-- |Strict text
instance ElmSource TS.Text where
compile = compileHelper . TS.unpack
toHtml elmL title = generateHtml elmL title . TS.unpack
-- |Lazy text
instance ElmSource TL.Text where
compile = compileHelper . TL.unpack
toHtml elmL title = generateHtml elmL title . TL.unpack
-- | (urlRenderFn, urlRenderFn -> Elm)
instance ElmSource (t, t -> Elm) where
compile (f, s) = compileHelper $ TL.unpack $ renderElm $ s f
toHtml elmL title (f, s) = generateHtml elmL title $ TL.unpack $ renderElm $ s f
-- | to be used without URL interpolation
instance ElmSource (t -> Elm) where
compile s = compileHelper $ TL.unpack $ renderElm $ s undefined
toHtml l t s = generateHtml l t $ TL.unpack $ renderElm $ s undefined
-- build helper to avoid boilerplate repetition
compileHelper :: String -> String
compileHelper source = either showErr jsModule modul
where modul = buildFromSource source