Fix error in generalization in which some variables would escape their

rank. Problem was that young variables were not all being marked as

This resolved a soundness issue described in the post on
"How OCaml type checker works".
This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-07-12 11:00:35 +02:00
parent dabada1d98
commit b0387821b4

View file

@ -18,9 +18,11 @@ import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as P
-- This sorts variables into the young and old pools accordingly.
generalize :: TS.Pool -> StateT TS.SolverState IO ()
generalize youngPool = do
youngMark <- TS.uniqueMark
let youngRank = TS.maxRank youngPool
insert dict var = do
desc <- liftIO $ UF.descriptor var
liftIO $ UF.modifyDescriptor var (\desc -> desc { mark = youngMark })
return $ Map.insertWith (++) (rank desc) [var] dict
-- Sort the youngPool variables by rank.
@ -29,42 +31,37 @@ generalize youngPool = do
-- get the ranks right for each entry.
-- start at low ranks so that we only have to pass
-- over the information once.
youngMark <- TS.uniqueMark
visitedMark <- TS.uniqueMark
Traversable.traverse (mapM (adjustRank youngMark visitedMark youngRank)) rankDict
mapM (\(poolRank, vars) -> mapM (adjustRank youngMark visitedMark poolRank) vars) (Map.toList rankDict)
-- Move variables out of the young pool if they do not have a young rank.
-- We should not generalize things we cannot use.
let youngVars = (Map.!) rankDict youngRank
registerIfNotRedundant var = do
-- For variables that have rank lowerer than youngRank, register them in
-- the old pool if they are not redundant.
let registerIfNotRedundant var = do
isRedundant <- liftIO $ UF.redundant var
if isRedundant then return var else TS.register var
registerIfHigherRank var = do
let rankDict' = Map.delete youngRank rankDict
Traversable.traverse (mapM registerIfNotRedundant) rankDict'
-- For variables with rank youngRank
-- If rank < youngRank: register in oldPool
-- otherwise generalize
let registerIfLowerRank var = do
isRedundant <- liftIO $ UF.redundant var
if isRedundant then return () else do
desc <- liftIO $ UF.descriptor var
if rank desc < youngRank
then TS.register var >> return ()
else let flex' = if flex desc == Flexible then Rigid else flex desc
in do liftIO $ UF.setDescriptor var (desc { rank = noRank, flex = flex' })
TS.debug $ print var
in liftIO $ UF.setDescriptor var (desc { rank = noRank, flex = flex' })
Traversable.traverse (mapM registerIfNotRedundant) rankDict
Traversable.traverse (mapM registerIfHigherRank) rankDict
TS.debug $ print youngMark
TS.debug $ print visitedMark
-- TS.debug $ mapM print youngVars
mapM registerIfLowerRank (Map.findWithDefault [] youngRank rankDict)
return ()
-- adjust the ranks of variables such that ranks never increase as you
-- move deeper into a variable. This mean the rank actually represents the
-- deepest variable in the whole type, and we can ignore things at a lower
-- rank than the current constraints.
-- move deeper into a variable.
adjustRank :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Variable -> StateT TS.SolverState IO Int
adjustRank youngMark visitedMark groupRank variable =
let adjust = adjustRank youngMark visitedMark groupRank in
@ -133,19 +130,19 @@ solveScheme scheme =
Scheme rigidQuantifiers flexibleQuantifiers constraint header -> do
let quantifiers = rigidQuantifiers ++ flexibleQuantifiers
currentPool <- TS.getPool
oldPool <- TS.getPool
-- fill in a new pool when working on this scheme's constraints
emptyPool <- TS.nextRankPool
TS.switchToPool emptyPool
freshPool <- TS.nextRankPool
TS.switchToPool freshPool
mapM TS.introduce quantifiers
header' <- Traversable.traverse TS.flatten header
solve constraint
allDistinct rigidQuantifiers
localPool <- TS.getPool
TS.switchToPool currentPool
generalize localPool
youngPool <- TS.getPool
TS.switchToPool oldPool
generalize youngPool
mapM isGeneric rigidQuantifiers
return header'