Merge pull request #251 from mgold/dev2

Convert JavaScript and JSON docs.
This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-09-10 18:03:18 -07:00
commit 8ec4503638
2 changed files with 71 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
module JavaScript where
{-|This library does basic conversions between Elm and JS values. This allows
the internal data structures of Elm to change and improve with no impact on JS
# Javascript to Elm
@docs toString, toInt, toFloat, toBool, toList
# JavaScript from Elm
@docs fromString, fromInt, fromFloat, fromBool fromList
# DOM Nodes and Elements
@docs toElement, fromElement
import Native.JavaScript
import open Basics
@ -45,12 +61,12 @@ fromString : String -> JSString
fromString = Native.JavaScript.fromString
-- Turn an `Element` into a plain old DOM node.
{-| Turn an `Element` into a DOM node. -}
fromElement : Element -> JSDomNode
fromElement = Native.JavaScript.fromElement
-- Turn a DOM node into an `Element`. You can resize the node
-- using the normal `width` and `height` functions.
{-| Turn a DOM node into an `Element`. You can resize the node
using the normal `width` and `height` functions. -}
toElement : Int -> Int -> JSDomNode -> Element
toElement = Native.JavaScript.toElement

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@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
-- TOOD: Evan please review texts
module Json where
{-| Library for working with [JSON]( values.
# Strings
@docs fromString, toString
# JS Strings
@docs fromJSString, toJSString
# JS Objects
@docs fromJSObject, toJSObject
import open Basics
import Dict
import Maybe (Maybe)
@ -10,9 +21,9 @@ import JavaScript as JS
import Native.Json
import JavaScript (JSObject, JSString)
-- This datatype can represent all valid values that can be held in a JSON
-- object. In Elm, a proper JSON object is represented as a (Dict String JsonValue)
-- which is a mapping from strings to Json Values.
{-| This datatype can represent all valid values that can be held in a JSON
object. In Elm, a proper JSON object is represented as a (Dict String JsonValue)
which is a mapping from strings to Json Values. -}
data JsonValue
= String String
| Number Float
@ -24,42 +35,43 @@ data JsonValue
-- String Converters
-- Convert a `JsonValue` into a prettified string.
-- The first argument is a separator token (e.g. \" \", \"\\n\", etc.) that will
-- be used for indentation in the prettified string version of the JSON.
{-| Convert a `JsonValue` into a prettified string.
The first argument is a separator token (e.g. \" \", \"\\n\", etc.) that will
be used for indentation in the prettified string version of the JSON. -}
toString : String -> JsonValue -> String
toString sep v = JS.toString (Native.Json.toJSString sep v)
-- Convert a proper JSON object into a JavaScript string.
-- Note that the type JSString seen here is not the same as the type constructor
-- JsonString used elsewhere in this module.
{-| Convert a proper JSON object into a JavaScript string.
Note that the type JSString seen here is not the same as the type constructor
JsonString used elsewhere in this module. -}
toJSString : String -> JsonValue -> JSString
toJSString = Native.Json.toJSString
-- Parse a string representation of a proper JSON object into
-- its Elm representation.
{-| Parse a string representation of a proper JSON object into
its Elm representation. -}
fromString : String -> Maybe JsonValue
fromString s = Native.Json.fromJSString (JS.fromString s)
-- Parse a JavaScript string representation of a proper JSON object into
-- its Elm representation.
{-| Parse a JavaScript string representation of a proper JSON object into
its Elm representation. -}
fromJSString : JSString -> Maybe JsonValue
fromJSString = Native.Json.fromJSString
-- Convert a JS object into a `JsonValue`.
{-| Convert a JS object into a `JsonValue`. -}
fromJSObject : JSObject -> JsonValue
fromJSObject = Native.Json.fromJSObject
-- Convert a `JsonValue` into a `JSObject`. Paired with the
-- [`JavaScript.Experimental` library](/docs/JavaScript/Experimental.elm),
-- This lets you convert strings into Elm records:
-- import JavaScript.Experimental as JS
-- stringToRecord str =
-- case fromString str of
-- Just jsonValue -> Just (JS.toRecord (toJSObject jsonValue))
-- Nothing -> Nothing
{-| Convert a `JsonValue` into a `JSObject`. Paired with the
[`JavaScript.Experimental` library](/docs/JavaScript/Experimental.elm),
This lets you convert strings into Elm records:
import JavaScript.Experimental as JS
stringToRecord str =
case fromString str of
Just jsonValue -> Just (JS.toRecord (toJSObject jsonValue))
Nothing -> Nothing
toJSObject : JsonValue -> JSObject
toJSObject = Native.Json.toJSObject
@ -83,8 +95,8 @@ toJSObject = Native.Json.toJSObject
-- Extract Elm values from dictionaries of Json values
-- Find a value in a Json Object using the passed get function. If the key is
-- not found, this returns the given default/base value.
{-| Find a value in a Json Object using the passed get function. If the key is
not found, this returns the given default/base value. -}
find get base =
let f key dict =
case Dict.lookup key dict of
@ -92,28 +104,28 @@ toJSObject = Native.Json.toJSObject
Just v -> get v
in f
-- Find a string value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
-- value found is not a string, this returns the empty string.
{-| Find a string value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
value found is not a string, this returns the empty string. -}
findString : String -> Object -> String
findString = find string ""
-- Find a number value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
-- value found is not a number, this returns 0
{-| Find a number value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
value found is not a number, this returns 0 -}
findNumber : String -> Object -> Float
findNumber = find number 0
-- Find a boolean value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
-- value found is not a boolean, this returns the False.
{-| Find a boolean value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
value found is not a boolean, this returns the False. -}
findBoolean : String -> Object -> Bool
findBoolean = find boolean False
-- Find an array value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
-- value found is not an array, this returns an empty list.
{-| Find an array value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
value found is not an array, this returns an empty list. -}
findArray : String -> Object -> [JsonValue]
findArray = find array []
-- Find an object value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
-- value found is not an object, this returns an empty object.
{-| Find an object value in an Elm Json object. If the key is not found or the
value found is not an object, this returns an empty object. -}
findObject : String -> Object -> Object
findObject = find object Dict.empty