Make cross-module types aware of user-specified aliases

This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-07-22 00:23:26 +02:00
parent c140d690fc
commit 81522b306a

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@ -29,8 +29,20 @@ infer interfaces modul = unsafePerformIO $ do
do (_, vars, tipe) <- Env.freshDataScheme env name
return (name, (vars, tipe))
let combine name importMethod interface =
let tipes = iTypes interface in
case importMethod of
As alias -> Map.mapKeys (\v -> alias ++ "." ++ v) tipes
Hiding hidens -> foldr Map.delete tipes hidens
Importing visibles ->
Map.intersection tipes (Map.fromList [ (v,()) | v <- visibles ])
locals = Map.intersectionWithKey combine (Map.fromList (imports modul)) interfaces
mapM print (imports modul)
importedVars <-
forM (concatMap (Map.toList . iTypes) $ Map.elems interfaces) $ \(name,tipe) ->
forM (concatMap Map.toList $ Map.elems locals) $ \(name,tipe) ->
(,) name `fmap` Env.instantiateTypeWithContext env tipe Map.empty
let allTypes = ctors ++ importedVars