Make type annotations work properly. Refactor such that they speed up type checking dramatically.

This commit is contained in:
evancz 2013-02-05 03:20:55 -08:00
parent 0ec1cf3e10
commit 7d50769c31

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@ -40,20 +40,40 @@ findAmbiguous hints hints' assumptions continue =
intercalate ", " (filter (isSuffixOf n) hints)
_ -> continue
mergeSchemes :: [Map.Map String Scheme]
-> GuidCounter (TVarMap, ConstraintSet, Map.Map String Scheme)
mergeSchemes schmss = do (ass,css,sss) <- unzip3 `liftM` mapM split kvs
return (Map.unions ass, Set.unions css, Map.unions sss)
kvs = Map.toList $ Map.unionsWith (++) (map ( (:[])) schmss)
split (k,vs) =
let ps = zipWith (\s v -> (s++k,v)) (map (flip replicate '_') [0..]) vs
eq t u = C (Just $ msg ++ k) NoSpan (VarT t :=: VarT u)
msg = "the definition of "
in do xs <- mapM (\_ -> guid) vs
return ( Map.fromList $ zip (map fst ps) (map (:[]) xs)
, case xs of
t:ts -> Set.fromList $ zipWith eq (t:ts) ts
[] -> Set.empty
, Map.fromList ps )
constrain typeHints (Module _ _ imports stmts) = do
(ass,css,schemess) <- unzip3 `liftM` mapM stmtGen stmts
hints <- typeHints
let extraImports = ("Time", Hiding ["read"]) : map (\n -> (n, Hiding []))
(as', cs', schemes) <- mergeSchemes schemess
let constraints = Set.unions (cs':css)
as = unionsA (as':ass)
extraImports = ("Time", Hiding ["read"]) : map (\n -> (n, Hiding []))
insert as n = do v <- guid; return $ Map.insertWith' (\_ x -> x) n [v] as
aliasHints = getAliases (imports ++ extraImports) hints
allHints = Map.fromList (aliasHints ++ concat schemess)
assumptions <- foldM insert (unionsA ass) $ map fst (concat schemess)
allHints = Map.union schemes (Map.fromList aliasHints)
insert as n = do v <- guid; return $ Map.insertWith' (\_ x -> x) n [v] as
assumptions <- foldM insert as (Map.keys schemes)
findAmbiguous (map fst hints) (map fst aliasHints) assumptions $ do
let f k s vs = map (\v -> C (Just k) NoSpan $ v :<<: s) vs
cs = concat . Map.elems $ Map.intersectionWithKey f allHints assumptions
escapees = Map.keys $ Map.difference assumptions allHints
return . Right . (,) escapees $ cs ++ Set.toList (Set.unions css)
return . Right . (,) escapees $ Set.toList constraints ++ cs
type TVarMap = Map.Map String [X]
type ConstraintSet = Set.Set (Context Constraint)
@ -208,32 +228,31 @@ caseGen :: Type
-> GuidCounter (TVarMap, ConstraintSet, Type)
caseGen tipe (p, ce@(C _ span e)) = do
(as ,cs ,t) <- gen ce
(as',cs',[t']) <- patternGen (as,cs,[]) p
let cs'' = Set.union cs' . Set.singleton . ctx p span $ t' :=: tipe
return ( as', cs'', t )
(as',cs',_) <- patternGen (ctx p span) tipe as p
return ( as', Set.union cs cs', t )
patternGen :: (TVarMap, ConstraintSet, [Type])
patternGen :: (Constraint -> Context Constraint)
-> Type
-> TVarMap
-> Pattern
-> GuidCounter (TVarMap, ConstraintSet, [Type])
patternGen (as,cs,ts) PAnything = ((,,) as cs . (\t -> ts++[t])) `liftM` beta
patternGen (as,cs,ts) (PVar v) = do
-> GuidCounter (TVarMap, ConstraintSet, Type)
patternGen ctxt tipe as pattern =
case pattern of
PAnything -> do b <- beta ; return (Map.empty, Set.empty, b)
PVar v -> do
b <- beta
let cs' = map (\x -> ctx v NoSpan $ VarT x :=: b) $ Map.findWithDefault [] v as
return ( Map.delete v as, Set.union cs $ Set.fromList cs', ts ++ [b] )
patternGen (as,cs,ts) p@(PData name ps) = do
let cs = map (ctxt . (b :=:) . VarT) (Map.findWithDefault [] v as)
return ( Map.delete v as, Set.fromList (ctxt (b :=: tipe) : cs), b )
PData name ps -> do
constr <- guid
output <- beta
(as',cs',ts') <- foldM patternGen (as,cs,[]) ps
let t = foldr (==>) output ts'
let getC | isTupleString name = do
vs <- mapM (\_ -> beta) ps
return . Set.singleton . C (Just $ show p) NoSpan $ output :=: ADT name vs
| otherwise = return Set.empty
cs'' <- getC
return ( unionA as' (Map.singleton name [constr])
, Set.unions [cs',cs''
, Set.singleton . ctx p NoSpan $ VarT constr :=: t ]
, ts ++ [output] )
let step (as,cs,tipe) p = do b <- beta
(as',cs',t) <- patternGen ctxt b as p
return (as', Set.union cs cs', t ==> tipe)
(as',cs, t) <- foldM step (as,Set.empty,tipe) (reverse ps)
return ( Map.insert name [constr] as'
, Set.insert (ctxt (VarT constr :=: t)) cs
, output )
defScheme :: Def -> GuidCounter (Map.Map String [X], Scheme)
@ -259,38 +278,32 @@ defGenHelp name args e = do
return ( as', Set.empty, (name, scheme) )
stmtGen :: Statement -> GuidCounter (TVarMap, ConstraintSet, [(String,Scheme)])
stmtGen :: Statement
-> GuidCounter (TVarMap, ConstraintSet, Map.Map String Scheme)
stmtGen stmt =
case stmt of
Definition def -> do (as,cs,hint) <- defGen def
return ( as, cs, [hint] )
TypeAlias alias t -> return (Map.empty, Set.empty, [])
TypeAnnotation name t ->
do Forall _ _ t' <- generalize [] (Forall [] [] t)
x <- guid
return (Map.singleton name [x],
Set.singleton (ctx name NoSpan $ VarT x :=: t'),
return ( as, cs, uncurry Map.singleton hint )
Datatype name xs tcs ->
let toType ts = foldl (==>) (ADT name $ map VarT xs) ts in
do schemes <- mapM (toScheme . second toType) tcs
return (Map.empty, Set.empty, schemes)
let toScheme ts = Forall xs [] (foldr (==>) (ADT name $ map VarT xs) ts)
in return (Map.empty, Set.empty, Map.fromList (map (second toScheme) tcs))
ExportEvent js elm tipe ->
do x <- guid
return ( Map.singleton elm [x]
, Set.singleton . ctx elm NoSpan $ VarT x :=: tipe
, [] )
, Map.empty )
ImportEvent js e@(C txt span base) elm tipe ->
do (as,cs,t) <- gen e
return ( as
, Set.insert (C txt span (signalOf t :=: tipe)) cs
, [ (elm, Forall [] [] tipe) ] )
, Map.singleton elm (Forall [] [] tipe) )
TypeAnnotation name tipe ->
do schm <- generalize [] (Forall [] [] tipe)
return (Map.empty, Set.empty, Map.singleton name schm)
_ -> return (Map.empty, Set.empty, Map.empty)
toScheme :: (String,Type) -> GuidCounter (String,Scheme)
toScheme (name,tipe) = do scheme <- generalize [] (Forall [] [] tipe)
return (name, scheme)