Get rid of Transform.Optimize, which is currently unused

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Evan Czaplicki 2014-01-02 23:13:37 -08:00
parent 5c509f2f1e
commit 600e65ca43
2 changed files with 0 additions and 138 deletions

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@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ Library
@ -134,7 +133,6 @@ Executable elm

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@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
module Transform.Optimize (optimize) where
import SourceSyntax.Declaration (Declaration(..))
import SourceSyntax.Expression
import SourceSyntax.Literal
import SourceSyntax.Location
import SourceSyntax.Module
import Control.Arrow (second, (***))
import Data.Char (isAlpha)
optimize (Module name ims exs stmts) =
Module name ims exs (map optimizeStmt stmts)
optimizeStmt stmt = if stmt == stmt' then stmt' else optimizeStmt stmt'
where stmt' = simp stmt
class Simplify a where
simp :: a -> a
instance Simplify (Declaration t v) where
simp (Definition def) = Definition (simp def)
simp (Port name tipe maybe) = Port name tipe (simp `fmap` maybe)
simp stmt = stmt
instance Simplify (Def t v) where
simp (Def name e) = Def name (simp e)
simp x = x
instance Simplify e => Simplify (Located e) where
simp (L s e) = L s (simp e)
instance Simplify (Expr t v) where
simp expr =
let f = simp in
case expr of
Range e1 e2 -> Range (f e1) (f e2)
Binop op e1 e2 -> binop op (f e1) (f e2)
Lambda x e -> Lambda x (f e)
Record fs -> Record (map (second simp) fs)
App e1 e2 -> App (f e1) (f e2)
Let defs e -> Let (map simp defs) (f e)
Data name es -> Data name (map f es)
MultiIf es -> MultiIf . clipBranches $ map (f *** f) es
Case e cases -> Case (f e) (map (second f) cases)
_ -> expr
clipBranches [] = []
clipBranches (e:es) =
case e of
(L _ (Literal (Boolean True)), _) -> [e]
_ -> e : clipBranches es
isValue e =
case e of
Literal _ -> True
Var _ -> True
Data _ _ -> True
_ -> False
binop op ce1@(L s1 e1) ce2@(L s2 e2) =
let c1 = L s1
c2 = L s2
int = Literal . IntNum
str = Literal . Str
bool = Literal . Boolean
case (op, e1, e2) of
(_, Literal (IntNum n), Literal (IntNum m)) ->
case op of
{ "+" -> int $ (+) n m
; "-" -> int $ (-) n m
; "*" -> int $ (*) n m
; "^" -> int $ n ^ m
; "div" -> int $ div n m
; "mod" -> int $ mod n m
; "rem" -> int $ rem n m
; "<" -> bool $ n < m
; ">" -> bool $ n > m
; "<=" -> bool $ n <= m
; ">=" -> bool $ n >= m
; "==" -> bool $ n == m
; "/=" -> bool $ n /= m
; _ -> Binop op ce1 ce2 }
-- flip order to move lone integers to the left
("+", _, IntNum n) -> binop "+" ce2 ce1
("*", _, IntNum n) -> binop "*" ce2 ce1
("+", IntNum 0, _) -> e2
("+", IntNum n, Binop "+" (L _ (IntNum m)) ce) ->
binop "+" (c1 $ IntNum (n+m)) ce
("+", Binop "+" (L _ (IntNum n)) ce1'
, Binop "+" (L _ (IntNum m)) ce2') ->
binop "+" (none $ IntNum (n+m)) (none $ Binop "+" ce1' ce2')
("*", IntNum 0, _) -> e1
("*", IntNum 1, _) -> e2
("*", IntNum n, Binop "*" (L _ (IntNum m)) ce) ->
binop "*" (none $ IntNum (n*m)) ce
("*", Binop "*" (L _ (IntNum n)) ce1'
, Binop "*" (L _ (IntNum m)) ce2') ->
binop "*" (none $ IntNum (n*m)) (none $ Binop "*" ce1' ce2')
("-", _, IntNum 0) -> e1
("/", _, IntNum 1) -> e1
("div", _, IntNum 1) -> e1
(_, Literal (Boolean n), Literal (Boolean m)) ->
case op of
"&&" -> bool $ n && m
"||" -> bool $ n || m
_ -> Binop op ce1 ce2
("&&", Literal (Boolean True), _) -> e2
("&&", Literal (Boolean False), _) -> bool False
("||", Literal (Boolean True), _) -> bool True
("||", Literal (Boolean False), _) -> e2
("::", _, _) -> Data "::" [ce1, ce2]
("++", Literal (Str s1), Literal (Str s2)) -> str $ s1 ++ s2
("++", Literal (Str s1), Binop "++" (L _ (Literal (Str s2))) ce) ->
Binop "++" (c1 . str $ s1 ++ s2) ce
("++", Binop "++" e (L _ (Literal (Str s1))), Literal (Str s2)) ->
Binop "++" e (c1 . str $ s1 ++ s2)
("++", Data "[]" [], _) -> e2
("++", _, Data "[]" []) -> e1
("++", Data "::" [h,t], _) -> Data "::" [h, none $ binop "++" t ce2]
_ | isAlpha (head op) || '_' == head op ->
App (none $ App (none $ Var op) ce1) ce2
| otherwise -> Binop op ce1 ce2