Switch back to putting let and case expressions in closures.

In the former case it is actually necessary, in the latter, it partially fixes a mysterious bug with Dict.diff.

Also stop using the LetBoundVars module.
This commit is contained in:
evancz 2013-05-21 22:28:18 +02:00
parent ce51a0e39f
commit 5f1e3bd696
2 changed files with 31 additions and 35 deletions

View file

@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ Library
@ -97,7 +96,6 @@ Executable elm

View file

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import Context
import Rename (derename)
import Cases
import Guid
import LetBoundVars
import Rename (deprime)
import Types.Types ( Type(RecordT) )
@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ showErr err = globalAssign "Elm.Main" (jsFunc "elm" body)
\return { main : T.text(T.monospace(" ++ msg ++ ")) };"
indent = concatMap f
where f '\n' = "\n "
where f '\n' = "\n "
f c = [c]
internalImports =
@ -122,9 +121,8 @@ jsImport (modul, how) =
stmtsToJS :: [Statement] -> String
stmtsToJS stmts = run $ do program <- mapM toJS (sortBy cmpStmt stmts)
return (vars ++ concat program)
return (concat program)
vars = "\nvar " ++ intercalate ", " ("e":"case0":letBoundVars stmts) ++ ";"
cmpStmt s1 s2 = compare (valueOf s1) (valueOf s2)
valueOf s = case s of
Datatype _ _ _ -> 1
@ -142,9 +140,10 @@ class ToJS a where
instance ToJS Def where
toJS (FnDef x [] e) = assign' x `liftM` toJS' e
toJS (FnDef f as e) = (assign' f . wrapper . func) `liftM` toJS' e
where func body = jsFunc (intercalate ", " as) (ret body)
wrapper e | length as == 1 = e
| otherwise = 'F' : show (length as) ++ parens e
func body = jsFunc (intercalate ", " as) (ret body)
wrapper e | length as == 1 = e
| otherwise = 'F' : show (length as) ++ parens e
toJS (OpDef op a1 a2 e) =
do body <- toJS' e
let func = "F2" ++ parens (jsFunc (a1 ++ ", " ++ a2) (ret body))
@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ instance ToJS Statement where
Data (derename name) (map (noContext . Var) vars)
ImportEvent js base elm _ ->
do v <- toJS' base
return $ concat [ "\nvar " ++ elm ++ "=Elm.Signal.constant(" ++ v ++ ");"
return $ concat [ "\nvar " ++ elm ++ "=Elm.Signal(elm).constant(" ++ v ++ ");"
, "\ndocument.addEventListener('", js
, "_' + elm.id, function(e) { elm.notify(", elm
, ".id, e.value); });" ]
@ -268,9 +267,10 @@ multiIfToJS span ps =
return (b' ++ " ? " ++ e')
jsLet defs e' = do ds <- jsDefs defs
e <- toJS' e'
return $ parens (intercalate ", " ds ++ ", " ++ e)
e <- toJS' e'
return $ jsFunc "" (combineDefs ds ++ ret e) ++ "()"
combineDefs = concatMap (\def -> "\nvar " ++ def ++ ";")
jsDefs defs = mapM toJS (sortBy f defs)
f a b = compare (valueOf a) (valueOf b)
valueOf (FnDef _ args _) = min 1 (length args)
@ -279,39 +279,37 @@ jsLet defs e' = do ds <- jsDefs defs
caseToJS span e ps = do
match <- caseToMatch ps
e' <- toJS' e
(match',stmt) <- case (match,e) of
(Match name _ _, C _ _ (Var x)) ->
return (matchSubst [(name,x)] match, Nothing)
(Match name _ _, _) ->
return (match, Just (name ++ " = " ++ e'))
_ -> return (match, Nothing)
let (match',stmt) = case (match,e) of
(Match name _ _, C _ _ (Var x)) -> (matchSubst [(name,x)] match, Nothing)
(Match name _ _, _) -> (match, Just (name ++ " = " ++ e'))
_ -> (match, Nothing)
matches <- matchToJS span match'
return $ case stmt of
Nothing -> matches
Just exp -> parens (exp ++ ", " ++ matches)
let enclose body = "function(){ " ++ body ++ " }()"
return . enclose $ case stmt of
Nothing -> matches
Just exp -> "\nvar " ++ exp ++ ";" ++ matches
matchToJS span match =
let sqnc e1 e2 = parens ("e=" ++ e1 ++ ":null,e!==null?e:" ++ e2)
in case match of
case match of
Match name clauses def ->
do cases <- intercalate ":" `liftM` mapM (clauseToJS span name) clauses
do cases <- concat `liftM` mapM (clauseToJS span name) clauses
finally <- matchToJS span def
return (sqnc cases finally)
return $ concat [ "\nswitch(", name, ".ctor){", indent cases, "\n}", finally ]
Fail -> return ("_E.Case" ++ parens (quoted (show span)))
Break -> return "null"
Other e -> toJS' e
Seq ms -> foldr1 sqnc `liftM` mapM (matchToJS span) (dropEnd [] ms)
where dropEnd acc [] = acc
dropEnd acc (m:ms) =
case m of
Other _ -> acc ++ [m]
_ -> dropEnd (acc ++ [m]) ms
Break -> return "break;"
Other e -> ret `liftM` toJS' e
Seq ms -> concat `liftM` mapM (matchToJS span) (dropEnd [] ms)
dropEnd acc [] = acc
dropEnd acc (m:ms) =
case m of
Other _ -> acc ++ [m]
_ -> dropEnd (acc ++ [m]) ms
clauseToJS span var (Clause name vars e) = do
let vars' = map (\n -> var ++ "._" ++ show n) [0..]
s <- matchToJS span $ matchSubst (zip vars vars') e
return $ concat [ var, ".ctor===", quoted name, "?", s ]
return $ concat [ "\ncase ", quoted name, ":", indent s ]
jsNil = "_L.Nil"
jsCons e1 e2 = "_L.Cons(" ++ e1 ++ "," ++ e2 ++ ")"