Style changes and making things compatible with new Pattern constructor names

This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2014-02-10 00:18:19 +01:00
parent b2f3ff35dc
commit 5a80766051
2 changed files with 104 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import Text.Parsec.Combinator (eof)
import Text.PrettyPrint as P
import SourceSyntax.Literal as Lit
import SourceSyntax.Pattern as Pat
import qualified SourceSyntax.Pattern as P
import SourceSyntax.PrettyPrint (Pretty, pretty)
import Parse.Helpers (IParser, iParse)
import Parse.Literal (literal)
@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ propertyTests =
-- This test was autogenerated from the Pattern test and should be
-- left in all its ugly glory.
longPat = Pat.PData "I" [ Pat.PLiteral (Lit.Chr '+')
, Pat.PRecord [
longPat = P.Data "I" [ P.Literal (Lit.Chr '+')
, P.Record
[ "q7yclkcm7k_ikstrczv_"
, "wQRv6gKsvvkjw4b5F"
@ -44,11 +44,12 @@ propertyTests =
,"o2KiCX5'ZRzHJfRi8" ]
, Pat.PVar "su'BrrbPUK6I33Eq" ]
, P.Var "su'BrrbPUK6I33Eq"
prop_parse_print :: (Pretty a, Arbitrary a, Eq a) => IParser a -> a -> Bool
prop_parse_print p x =
either (const False) (== x) . parse_print p $ x
parse_print :: (Pretty a) => IParser a -> a -> Either String a
parse_print p = either (Left . show) (Right) . iParse (p <* eof) . P.renderStyle {mode=P.LeftMode} . pretty
parse_print p = either (Left . show) Right . iParse (p <* eof) . P.renderStyle {mode=P.LeftMode} . pretty

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@ -8,98 +8,112 @@ import Test.QuickCheck.Gen
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Parse.Helpers (reserveds)
import SourceSyntax.Literal
import SourceSyntax.Pattern
import SourceSyntax.Type hiding (listOf)
import qualified SourceSyntax.Literal as L
import qualified SourceSyntax.Pattern as P
import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as T
instance Arbitrary Literal where
arbitrary = oneof [ IntNum <$> arbitrary
, FloatNum <$> (arbitrary `suchThat` noE)
, Chr <$> arbitrary
instance Arbitrary L.Literal where
arbitrary =
[ L.IntNum <$> arbitrary
, L.FloatNum <$> (arbitrary `suchThat` noE)
, L.Chr <$> arbitrary
-- This is too permissive
, Str <$> arbitrary
, L.Str <$> arbitrary
-- Booleans aren't actually source syntax
-- , Boolean <$> arbitrary
shrink l = case l of
IntNum n -> IntNum <$> shrink n
FloatNum f -> FloatNum <$> (filter noE . shrink $ f)
Chr c -> Chr <$> shrink c
Str s -> Str <$> shrink s
Boolean b -> Boolean <$> shrink b
shrink lit =
case lit of
L.IntNum n -> L.IntNum <$> shrink n
L.FloatNum f -> L.FloatNum <$> (filter noE . shrink $ f)
L.Chr c -> L.Chr <$> shrink c
L.Str s -> L.Str <$> shrink s
L.Boolean b -> L.Boolean <$> shrink b
noE :: Double -> Bool
noE = notElem 'e' . show
instance Arbitrary Pattern where
arbitrary = sized pat
where pat :: Int -> Gen Pattern
pat n = oneof [ pure PAnything
, PVar <$> lowVar
, PRecord <$> (listOf1 lowVar)
, PLiteral <$> arbitrary
, PAlias <$> lowVar <*> pat (n-1)
, PData <$> capVar <*> sizedPats
where sizedPats = do
genVector :: Int -> (Int -> Gen a) -> Gen [a]
genVector n generator = do
len <- choose (0,n)
let m = n `div` (len + 1)
vectorOf len $ pat m
vectorOf len $ generator m
shrink pat = case pat of
PAnything -> []
PVar v -> PVar <$> shrinkWHead v
PRecord fs -> PRecord <$> (filter (all $ not . null) . filter (not . null) $ shrink fs)
PLiteral l -> PLiteral <$> shrink l
PAlias s p -> p : (PAlias <$> shrinkWHead s <*> shrink p)
PData s ps -> ps ++ (PData <$> shrinkWHead s <*> shrink ps)
instance Arbitrary P.Pattern where
arbitrary = sized pat
pat :: Int -> Gen P.Pattern
pat n =
[ pure P.Anything
, P.Var <$> lowVar
, P.Record <$> (listOf1 lowVar)
, P.Literal <$> arbitrary
, P.Alias <$> lowVar <*> pat (n-1)
, P.Data <$> capVar <*> genVector n pat
shrink pat =
case pat of
P.Anything -> []
P.Var v -> P.Var <$> shrinkWHead v
P.Literal l -> P.Literal <$> shrink l
P.Alias s p -> p : (P.Alias <$> shrinkWHead s <*> shrink p)
P.Data s ps -> ps ++ (P.Data <$> shrinkWHead s <*> shrink ps)
P.Record fs ->
P.Record <$> filter (all notNull) (filter notNull (shrink fs))
notNull = not . null
shrinkWHead :: Arbitrary a => [a] -> [[a]]
shrinkWHead [] = error "Should be nonempty"
shrinkWHead (x:xs) = (x:) <$> shrink xs
instance Arbitrary Type where
instance Arbitrary T.Type where
arbitrary = sized tipe
where tipe :: Int -> Gen Type
tipe n = oneof [ Lambda <$> depthTipe <*> depthTipe
, Var <$> lowVar
, Data <$> capVar <*> depthTipes
, Record <$> fields <*> pure Nothing
, Record <$> fields1 <*> (Just <$> lowVar)
where depthTipe = choose (0,n) >>= tipe
depthTipes = do
len <- choose (0,n)
let m = n `div` (len + 1)
vectorOf len $ tipe m
tipe :: Int -> Gen T.Type
tipe n =
let depthTipe = tipe =<< choose (0,n)
field = (,) <$> lowVar <*> depthTipe
fields = do
len <- choose (0,n)
let m = n `div` (len + 1)
vectorOf len $ (,) <$> lowVar <*> tipe m
fields = genVector n (\m -> (,) <$> lowVar <*> tipe m)
fields1 = (:) <$> field <*> fields
[ T.Lambda <$> depthTipe <*> depthTipe
, T.Var <$> lowVar
, T.Data <$> capVar <*> genVector n tipe
, T.Record <$> fields <*> pure Nothing
, T.Record <$> fields1 <*> (Just <$> lowVar)
shrink tipe = case tipe of
Lambda s t -> s : t : (Lambda <$> shrink s <*> shrink t)
Var _ -> []
Data n ts -> ts ++ (Data <$> shrinkWHead n <*> shrink ts)
Record fs t -> map snd fs ++ case t of
Nothing -> Record <$> shrinkList shrinkField fs <*> pure Nothing
shrink tipe =
case tipe of
T.Lambda s t -> s : t : (T.Lambda <$> shrink s <*> shrink t)
T.Var _ -> []
T.Data n ts -> ts ++ (T.Data <$> shrinkWHead n <*> shrink ts)
T.Record fs t -> map snd fs ++ record
record =
case t of
Nothing -> T.Record <$> shrinkList shrinkField fs <*> pure Nothing
Just _ ->
fields <- filter (not . null) $ shrinkList shrinkField fs
return $ Record fields t
where shrinkField (n,t) = (,) <$> shrinkWHead n <*> shrink t
do fields <- filter (not . null) $ shrinkList shrinkField fs
return $ T.Record fields t
shrinkField (n,t) = (,) <$> shrinkWHead n <*> shrink t
lowVar :: Gen String
lowVar = notReserved $ (:) <$> lower <*> listOf varLetter
where lower = elements ['a'..'z']
lower = elements ['a'..'z']
capVar :: Gen String
capVar = notReserved $ (:) <$> upper <*> listOf varLetter
where upper = elements ['A'..'Z']
upper = elements ['A'..'Z']
varLetter :: Gen Char
varLetter = elements $ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['0'..'9'] ++ ['\'', '_']
@ -109,5 +123,6 @@ notReserved = flip exceptFor Parse.Helpers.reserveds
exceptFor :: (Ord a) => Gen a -> [a] -> Gen a
exceptFor g xs = g `suchThat` notAnX
where notAnX = flip Set.notMember xset
notAnX = flip Set.notMember xset
xset = Set.fromList xs