Unnecessary style changes

I don't really know why I felt the need to do this, but I am happier
This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-11-04 13:28:03 +01:00
parent b1bca38488
commit 5a1c9ed353
2 changed files with 26 additions and 30 deletions

View file

@ -97,26 +97,22 @@ elmi flags filePath = cachePath flags filePath "elmi"
buildFile :: Flags -> Int -> Int -> Interfaces -> FilePath -> IO (String, ModuleInterface)
buildFile flags moduleNum numModules interfaces filePath = do
compiled <- alreadyCompiled
if compiled then do
if not compiled then compile else do
bytes <- IS.loadInterface (elmi flags filePath)
case bytes >>= IS.interfaceDecode (elmi flags filePath) >>=
IS.validVersion filePath of
let binary = IS.interfaceDecode (elmi flags filePath) =<< bytes
case IS.validVersion filePath =<< binary of
Left err -> do
hPutStrLn stderr err
hPutStrLn stderr err
Right (name, interface) -> do
when (print_types flags)
(printTypes interfaces
(iTypes interface)
(iAliases interface)
(iImports interface))
when (print_types flags) $
printTypes interfaces
(iTypes interface)
(iAliases interface)
(iImports interface)
return (name, interface)
return (name, interface)
alreadyCompiled :: IO Bool
@ -212,9 +208,8 @@ build flags rootFile = do
appendToOutput :: BS.ByteString -> FilePath -> IO BS.ByteString
appendToOutput js filePath =
src <- BS.readFile (elmo flags filePath)
return (BS.append src js)
do src <- BS.readFile (elmo flags filePath)
return (BS.append src js)
sources js = map Link (scripts flags) ++ [ Source js ]

View file

@ -23,26 +23,27 @@ loadInterface filePath = do
return $ Right byteString
return $ Left $ "Unable to find file " ++ filePath ++
" for deserialization!"
return $ Left $ "Unable to find file " ++ filePath ++
" for deserialization!"
interfaceDecode :: Binary.Binary a => FilePath -> L.ByteString ->
Either String a
interfaceDecode :: Binary.Binary a =>
FilePath -> L.ByteString -> Either String a
interfaceDecode filePath bytes = do
case Binary.decodeOrFail bytes of
Left (_, offset, err) -> do
Left $ "Got an error, '" ++ err ++ "' at offset " ++
show offset ++ " of " ++ filePath ++ ".\n\n" ++
"This error may be due to an outdated or corrupt " ++
"artifact from a previous build. Please rebuild " ++
filePath ++ " and try again."
Right (_, _, binaryInfo) -> Right binaryInfo
Left (_, offset, err) ->
Left $ concat [ "Got an error, '" ++ err ++ "' at offset "
, show offset ++ " of " ++ filePath ++ ".\n\n"
, "This error may be due to an outdated or corrupt "
, "artifact from a previous build. Please rebuild "
, filePath ++ " and try again."
validVersion :: FilePath -> (String, ModuleInterface) ->
Either String (String, ModuleInterface)
validVersion filePath (name, interface) =
if (iVersion interface) == showVersion version then
if iVersion interface == showVersion version then
Right (name, interface)
Left $ "Found build artifacts created by a different " ++