Stop creating types for ADT's, use Constant and Flexible in the right place

This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-07-19 18:01:26 +02:00
parent 4c0f716aef
commit 4dc68acd60

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ makeTypes datatypes =
nameAndKind (name, tvars, _) = (name, length tvars)
makeCtor (name, kind) = do
ctor <- VarN <$> namedVar name
ctor <- VarN <$> namedVar Constant name
return (name, ctor)
tuple n = ("_Tuple" ++ show n, n)
@ -46,11 +46,8 @@ makeTypes datatypes =
, kind 0 ["Int","Float","Char","Bool","Element"]
makeConstructors types datatypes =
Map.union (Map.fromList builtins) (Map.unions $ map (instances dummyEnv) datatypes)
makeConstructors types datatypes = Map.fromList builtins
dummyEnv = Environment { constructor=Map.empty, types=types, value=Map.empty }
list t = (types ! "_List") <| t
maybe t = (types ! "Maybe") <| t
@ -71,7 +68,6 @@ makeConstructors types datatypes =
] ++ map tupleCtor [0..9]
get :: Environment -> (Environment -> Map.Map String a) -> String -> a
get env subDict key = Map.findWithDefault err key (subDict env)
@ -82,18 +78,6 @@ freshDataScheme :: Environment -> String -> IO (Int, [Variable], Type)
freshDataScheme env name = get env constructor name
instances :: Environment
-> (String, [String], [(String, [Src.Type])])
-> Map.Map String (IO (Int, [Variable], Type))
instances env (name, tvars, ctors) = Map.fromList $ map go ctors
tipe = Src.Data name (map Src.Var tvars)
go (ctor, tipes) = (,) ctor $ do
let funcType = foldr Src.Lambda tipe tipes
(vars, ttype) <- instantiateTypeWithContext env funcType Map.empty
return (length tipes, vars, ttype)
instantiateType :: Environment -> Src.Type -> IO Type
instantiateType env sourceType =
snd <$> instantiateTypeWithContext env sourceType Map.empty
@ -116,7 +100,7 @@ instantiateTypeWithContext env sourceType dict =
case Map.lookup x dict of
Just var -> return (VarN var)
Nothing -> do
var <- State.liftIO $ namedVar x -- should this be Constant or Flexible?
var <- State.liftIO $ namedVar Flexible x -- should this be Constant or Flexible?
State.put (Map.insert x var dict)
return (VarN var)