Add the Docs.hs file that extracts type annotations.

This commit is contained in:
evancz 2013-03-14 01:04:51 -07:00
parent 1b3480a522
commit 42b4d5531f
7 changed files with 125 additions and 49 deletions

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import System.IO
import Language.Elm
rts = "compiler" </> "elm-runtime.js"
types = "compiler" </> "types.json"
getFiles ext dir = do
contents <- map (dir </>) `fmap` getDirectoryContents dir
@ -34,10 +35,12 @@ main = do
writeFile rts "Elm = {}; Elm.Native = {}; Elm.Native.Graphics = {};\n\
\Elm.Graphics = {}; ElmRuntime = {}; ElmRuntime.Render = {}\n"
mapM_ appendJS =<< getFiles ".js" "libraries"
mapM_ appendElm =<< getFiles ".elm" "libraries"
files <- getFiles ".elm" "libraries"
mapM_ appendElm files
mapM_ appendJS =<< getFiles ".js" "runtime"
putStrLn "\n+------------------------------------------+\
\\n| Success building runtime and libraries! |\
system ("elm-doc " ++ unwords files ++ " > " ++ types)
system ("cabal install compiler" </> "Elm.cabal")

View file

@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ Library
containers >= 0.3,
transformers >= 0.2,
mtl >= 2,
parsec >= 3.1.1,
blaze-html == 0.5.*,
blaze-markup == 0.5.1.*,
shakespeare >= 1,
@ -115,13 +115,32 @@ Executable elm
containers >= 0.3,
transformers >= 0.2,
mtl >= 2,
parsec >= 3.1.1,
blaze-html == 0.5.*,
blaze-markup == 0.5.1.*,
pandoc >= 1.10,
Executable elm-doc
Main-is: Docs.hs
Hs-Source-Dirs: src
other-modules: Ast,
Build-depends: base >=4.2 && <5,
containers >= 0.3,
transformers >= 0.2,
mtl >= 2,
parsec >= 3.1.1,
pandoc >= 1.10,

View file

@ -73,24 +73,26 @@ plist = foldr pcons pnil
ptuple es = PData ("Tuple" ++ show (length es)) es
brkt s = "{ " ++ s ++ " }"
parensIf b s = if b then parens s else s
instance Show Pattern where
show (PRecord fs) = brkt (intercalate ", " fs)
show (PVar x) = x
show PAnything = "_"
show (PData "Cons" [hd@(PData "Cons" _),tl]) =
parens (show hd) ++ " : " ++ show tl
where parens s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
show (PData "Cons" [hd,tl]) = show hd ++ " : " ++ show tl
show (PData "Nil" []) = "[]"
show (PData name ps) =
show p =
case p of
PRecord fs -> brkt (intercalate ", " fs)
PVar x -> x
PAnything -> "_"
PData "Cons" [hd@(PData "Cons" _),tl] ->
parens (show hd) ++ " :: " ++ show tl
PData "Cons" [hd,tl] -> show hd ++ " : " ++ show tl
PData "Nil" [] -> "[]"
PData name ps ->
if take 5 name == "Tuple" && all isDigit (drop 5 name) then
parens . intercalate ", " $ map show ps
else (if null ps then id else parens) $ unwords (name : map show ps)
where parens s = "(" ++ s ++ ")"
else parensIf (not (null ps)) $ unwords (name : map show ps)
instance Show Expr where
show e =
let show' (C _ _ e) = parensIf (needsParens e) (show e) in
case e of
IntNum n -> show n
FloatNum n -> show n
@ -138,13 +140,13 @@ getLambdas (C _ _ (Lambda x e)) = (x:xs,e')
where (xs,e') = getLambdas e
getLambdas e = ([],e)
show' (C _ _ e) = if needsParens e then "(" ++ show e ++ ")" else show e
needsParens (Binop _ _ _) = True
needsParens (Lambda _ _) = True
needsParens (App _ _) = True
needsParens (If _ _ _) = True
needsParens (Let _ _) = True
needsParens (Case _ _) = True
needsParens (Data name (x:xs)) = name /= "Cons"
needsParens _ = False
needsParens e =
case e of
Binop _ _ _ -> True
Lambda _ _ -> True
App _ _ -> True
If _ _ _ -> True
Let _ _ -> True
Case _ _ -> True
Data name (x:xs) -> name /= "Cons"
_ -> False

View file

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Data.List (intersect, intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.String (renderHtml)
@ -68,7 +69,8 @@ fileTo isMini make what jsFiles noscript outputDir rtLoc file = do
return (fmap (:[]) (buildFromSource src))
jss <- concat `fmap` mapM readFile jsFiles
case ems of
Left err -> putStrLn $ "Error while compiling " ++ file ++ ":\n" ++ err
Left err -> do putStrLn $ "Error while compiling " ++ file ++ ":\n" ++ err
Right ms ->
let path = fromMaybe "" outputDir </> file
js = replaceExtension path ".js"

compiler/src/Docs.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
module Main where
import Ast
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.List as List
import Parse.Library
import Parse.Modules (moduleDef)
import Parse.Types (typeAnnotation)
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import Text.Parsec hiding (newline,spaces)
import Types.Types
main = do
srcs <- mapM readFile =<< getArgs
case mapM docParse srcs of
Left err -> putStrLn err >> exitFailure
Right ms -> putStrLn (toModules ms)
toModules ms =
"{ \"modules\" : [\n " ++ intercalate ",\n " (map toModule ms) ++ "\n ]\n}"
toModule (name, values) =
"{ \"module\" : " ++ show name ++ ",\n \"values\" : [\n " ++ vs ++ "\n ]\n }"
where vs = intercalate ",\n " (map toValue values)
toValue (name, tipe) =
"{ \"name\" : " ++ show name ++ ",\n \"type\" : \"" ++ show tipe ++ "\"\n }"
docParse :: String -> Either String (String, [(String, Type)])
docParse = setupParser $ do
optional freshLine
(,) <$> option "Main" moduleName <*> types
skip = manyTill anyChar simpleNewline >> return []
end = many1 anyChar >> return []
tipe = get <$> try typeAnnotation
get stmt = case stmt of { TypeAnnotation n t -> [(n,t)] ; _ -> [] }
types = concat <$> many (tipe <|> try skip <|> end)
getName = intercalate "." . fst
moduleName = do optional freshLine
getName <$> moduleDef `followedBy` freshLine
setupParser p source =
case iParse p "" source of
Right result -> Right result
Left err -> Left $ "Parse error at " ++ show err

View file

@ -86,28 +86,29 @@ parens = ("("++) . (++")")
instance Show Type where
show t =
case t of
{ LambdaT t1@(LambdaT _ _) t2 -> parens (show t1) ++ " -> " ++ show t2
; LambdaT t1 t2 -> show t1 ++ " -> " ++ show t2
; VarT x -> 't' : show x
; ADT "List" [ADT "Char" []] -> "String"
; ADT "List" [tipe] -> "[" ++ show tipe ++ "]"
; ADT name cs ->
if isTupleString name
then parens . intercalate "," $ map show cs
else case cs of
[] -> name
_ -> parens $ name ++ " " ++ unwords (map show cs)
; Super ts -> "{" ++ (intercalate "," . map show $ Set.toList ts) ++ "}"
; EmptyRecord -> "{}"
; RecordT fs t ->
start ++ intercalate ", " (concatMap fields $ Map.toList fs) ++ " }"
where field n s = n ++ " :: " ++ show s
fields (n,ss) = map (field n) ss
start = case t of
EmptyRecord -> "{ "
_ -> "{ " ++ show t ++ " | "
let show' t = case t of { LambdaT _ _ -> parens (show t) ; _ -> show t }
in case t of
LambdaT t1@(LambdaT _ _) t2 -> show' t1 ++ " -> " ++ show t2
LambdaT t1 t2 -> show t1 ++ " -> " ++ show t2
VarT x -> 't' : show x
ADT "List" [ADT "Char" []] -> "String"
ADT "List" [tipe] -> "[" ++ show tipe ++ "]"
ADT name cs ->
if isTupleString name
then parens . intercalate "," $ map show cs
else case cs of
[] -> name
_ -> name ++ " " ++ unwords (map show cs)
Super ts -> "{" ++ (intercalate "," . map show $ Set.toList ts) ++ "}"
EmptyRecord -> "{}"
RecordT fs t ->
start ++ intercalate ", " (concatMap fields $ Map.toList fs) ++ " }"
where field n s = n ++ " :: " ++ show s
fields (n,ss) = map (field n) ss
start = case t of
EmptyRecord -> "{ "
_ -> "{ " ++ show t ++ " | "
instance Show Scheme where
show (Forall [] [] t) = show t

View file

@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ data Gradient
| Radial [(Float,Color)] (Float,Float) Float (Float,Float) Float
linear = Linear
radial = Radial
radial = Radial