attempt to make the documentation easier

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Evan Czaplicki 2014-01-24 18:07:49 +01:00
parent 4ef397c3dc
commit 3fec0f94ee

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@ -1,42 +1,49 @@
module Trampoline where
{-| A [trampoline](
makes it possible to recursively call a function without growing the stack.
{-| Trampolining loops for unbounded recursion.
Since most javascript implementations lack tail-call elimination, deeply tail-recursive functions will result in a stack overflow.
Popular JavaScript implementations do not perform any tail-call elimination, so
recursive functions can cause a stack overflow if they go to deep. Trampolines
permit unbounded recursion despite limitations in JavaScript.
fac' : Int -> Int -> Int
fac' n acc = if n <= 0
then acc
else fac' (n - 1) (n * acc)
This strategy may create many intermediate closures, which is very expensive in
JavaScript, so use this library only when it is essential that you recurse deeply.
fac : Int -> Int
fac n = fac' n 1
# Trampolines
@docs trampoline, Trampoline
-- Stack overflow
main = asText <| fac 1000000000000
Trampolining allows for long-running tail-recursive loops to be run without pushing calls onto the stack:
facT : Int -> Int -> Trampoline Int
facT n acc = if n <= 0
then Done acc
else Continue <| \() -> facT (n - 1) (n * acc)
fac : Int -> Int
fac n = trampoline <| facT n 0
-- Doesn't stack overflow
main = asText <| fac 1000000000000
# Trampoline
@docs Trampoline, trampoline
import Native.Trampoline
{-| A computation that might loop. A trampoline is either the resulting value or a thunk that needs to be run more. -}
data Trampoline a = Done a
| Continue (() -> Trampoline a)
{-| A way to build computations that may be deeply recursive. We will take an
example of a tail-recursive function and rewrite it in a way that lets us use
a trampoline:
{-| Run a trampolining loop in constant space. -}
length : [a] -> Int
length list = length' 0 list
length' : Int -> [a] -> Int
length' accum list =
case list of
[] -> accum
hd::tl -> length' (accum+1) tl
This finds the length of a list, but if the list is too long, it may cause a
stack overflow. We can rewrite it as follows:
length : [a] -> Int
length list = trampoline (length' 0 list)
length' : Int -> [a] -> Trampoline Int
length' accum list =
case list of
[] -> Done accum
hd::tl -> Continue (\() -> length' (accum+1) tl)
Now it uses a trampoline and can recurse without growing the stack!
data Trampoline a = Done a | Continue (() -> Trampoline a)
{-| Evaluate a trampolined value in constant space. -}
trampoline : Trampoline a -> a
trampoline = Native.Trampoline.trampoline