Make Pong more concise.

This commit is contained in:
evancz 2013-01-25 03:23:04 -08:00
parent db7e6177e0
commit 2af52672e3

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@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
module Pong where
import JavaScript
import Keyboard.Raw
-- Set the frames per second (FPS) to 60, calculate the deltas (the
@ -70,53 +69,19 @@ delta = lift inSeconds (fps 60)
------ Modelling User Input ------
-- Each paddle can be moving up, down, or not at all. We'll call this
-- the `direction' of the paddle.
-- During gameplay, all keyboard input is about the position of the
-- two paddles. So the keyboard input can be reduced to two directions,
-- each represented by an integer in {-1,0,1}. Furthermore, the SPACE
-- key is used to start the game between rounds, so we also need a
-- boolean value to represent whether it is pressed.
data Direction = Up | Neutral | Down
data KeyInput = KeyInput Bool Int Int
-- During gameplay, all keyboard input is about the position of the two
-- paddles. So the keyboard input can be reduced to two `Directions'.
-- Furthermore, the SPACE key is used to start the game between rounds,
-- so we also need a boolean value to represent whether it is pressed.
data KeyInput = KeyInput Bool Direction Direction
defaultKeyInput = KeyInput False Neutral Neutral
-- Now we determine how to update the direction of a paddle based on
-- keyboard input. The first two args of `updatePaddle` are the key
-- codes of the up and down keys. The next argument is the key that
-- has been pressed. The last argument is the previously calculated
-- direction of the paddle, which is getting updated.
updateDirection upKey downKey key direction =
case direction of
Up -> if key == downKey then Neutral else Up
Down -> if key == upKey then Neutral else Down
Neutral -> if key == upKey then Up else
if key == downKey then Down else Neutral
updateDirection1 = updateDirection 87 83 -- 'w' for up and 's' for down
updateDirection2 = updateDirection 38 40 -- 'UP' for up and 'DOWN' for down
-- Update the keyboard input representation based on a particular key press.
updateInput key (KeyInput space dir1 dir2) =
KeyInput (space || key == 32)
(updateDirection1 key dir1)
(updateDirection2 key dir2)
-- `keysDown` has type (Signal [Int]) so we need to fold `updateInput`
-- over all of the keys that are currently pressed to get the current
-- keyboard state.
keyInput = lift (foldl updateInput defaultKeyInput) keysDown
defaultKeyInput = KeyInput False 0 0
keyInput = lift3 KeyInput
(lift .y Keyboard.wasd)
(lift .y Keyboard.arrows)
@ -191,10 +156,7 @@ defaultGame = GameState BetweenRounds
-- by keyboard input).
stepPaddle delta dir (Paddle y) =
case dir of
Up -> Paddle $ clamp 20 (gameHeight-20) (y - 200 * delta)
Down -> Paddle $ clamp 20 (gameHeight-20) (y + 200 * delta)
Neutral -> Paddle y
Paddle $ clamp 20 (gameHeight-20) (y + toFloat dir * 200 * delta)
-- We must also step the ball forward. This is more complicated due to