Add type annotations

This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2014-02-12 22:08:31 +01:00
parent a815b2fbd0
commit 25e88a20b2

View file

@ -31,20 +31,24 @@ data Flags = Flags
{ files :: [FilePath] }
deriving (Data,Typeable,Show,Eq)
defaultFlags :: Flags
defaultFlags = Flags
{ files = def &= args &= typ "FILES"
} &= help "Generate documentation for Elm"
&= summary ("Generate documentation for Elm, (c) Evan Czaplicki")
main :: IO ()
main = do
flags <- cmdArgs defaultFlags
mapM parseFile (files flags)
mapM_ parseFile (files flags)
config :: Config
config = Config { confIndent = 2, confCompare = keyOrder keys }
keys = ["tag","name","document","comment","raw","aliases","datatypes"
parseFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
parseFile path = do
source <- readFile path
case iParse docs source of
@ -70,6 +74,7 @@ docComment = do
let reversed = dropWhile (`elem` " \n\r") . drop 2 $ reverse contents
return $ dropWhile (==' ') (reverse reversed)
moduleDocs :: IParser (String, [String], String)
moduleDocs = do
optional freshLine
(names,exports) <- moduleDef
@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ instance ToJSON T.Type where
toJSON tipe =
object $
case tipe of
T.Lambda t1 t2 ->
T.Lambda _ _ ->
let tipes = T.collectLambdas tipe in
[ "tag" .= ("function" :: Text.Text)
, "args" .= toJSON (init tipes)
@ -176,6 +181,7 @@ instance ToJSON T.Type where
, "extension" .= toJSON ext
ctorToJson :: T.Type -> (String, [T.Type]) -> Value
ctorToJson tipe (ctor, tipes) =
object [ "name" .= ctor
, "type" .= foldr T.Lambda tipe tipes ]