Resolve type aliases in instantiator

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Evan Czaplicki 2013-07-26 15:08:04 +02:00
parent 46631c3616
commit 0f85a2fcfa
2 changed files with 54 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -13,23 +13,29 @@ import qualified SourceSyntax.Type as Src
import SourceSyntax.Module (ADT)
import Type.Type
type TypeDict = Map.Map String Type
type VarDict = Map.Map String Variable
data Environment = Environment {
constructor :: Map.Map String (IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)),
types :: Map.Map String Type,
value :: Map.Map String Type
aliases :: Map.Map String ([String], Src.Type),
types :: TypeDict,
value :: TypeDict
initialEnvironment :: [ADT] -> IO Environment
initialEnvironment datatypes = do
initialEnvironment :: [ADT] -> [(String, [String], Src.Type)] -> IO Environment
initialEnvironment datatypes aliases = do
types <- makeTypes datatypes
let aliases' = Map.fromList $ map (\(a,b,c) -> (a,(b,c))) aliases
env = Environment {
constructor = Map.empty,
value = Map.empty,
types = types,
aliases = aliases' }
return $ Environment {
constructor = makeConstructors types datatypes,
types = types,
value = Map.empty
return $ env { constructor = makeConstructors env datatypes }
makeTypes :: [ADT] -> IO (Map.Map String Type)
makeTypes :: [ADT] -> IO TypeDict
makeTypes datatypes =
Map.fromList <$> mapM makeCtor (builtins ++ map nameAndKind datatypes)
@ -51,12 +57,12 @@ makeTypes datatypes =
makeConstructors :: Map.Map String Type
makeConstructors :: Environment
-> [ADT]
-> Map.Map String (IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type))
makeConstructors types datatypes = Map.fromList builtins
makeConstructors env datatypes = Map.fromList builtins
list t = (types ! "_List") <| t
list t = (types env ! "_List") <| t
inst :: Int -> ([Type] -> ([Type], Type)) -> IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)
inst numTVars tipe = do
@ -66,15 +72,14 @@ makeConstructors types datatypes = Map.fromList builtins
tupleCtor n =
let name = "_Tuple" ++ show n
in (name, inst n $ \vs -> (vs, foldl (<|) (types ! name) vs))
in (name, inst n $ \vs -> (vs, foldl (<|) (types env ! name) vs))
builtins :: [ (String, IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)) ]
builtins = [ ("[]" , inst 1 $ \ [t] -> ([], list t))
, ("::" , inst 1 $ \ [t] -> ([t, list t], list t))
] ++ map tupleCtor [0..9]
++ concatMap (ctorToType tempEnv) datatypes
++ concatMap (ctorToType env) datatypes
tempEnv = Environment { types = types, constructor = Map.empty, value = Map.empty }
ctorToType :: Environment -> ADT -> [ (String, IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)) ]
ctorToType env (name, tvars, ctors) =
@ -82,11 +87,11 @@ ctorToType env (name, tvars, ctors) =
inst :: (String, [Src.Type]) -> IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)
inst ctor = do
((args, tipe), dict) <- State.runStateT (go ctor) Map.empty
((args, tipe), (dict,_)) <- State.runStateT (go ctor) (Map.empty, Map.empty)
return (length args, Map.elems dict, args, tipe)
go :: (String, [Src.Type]) -> State.StateT (Map.Map String Variable) IO ([Type], Type)
go :: (String, [Src.Type]) -> State.StateT (VarDict, TypeDict) IO ([Type], Type)
go (ctor, args) = do
types <- mapM (instantiator env) args
returnType <- instantiator env (Src.Data name (map Src.Var tvars))
@ -96,46 +101,61 @@ ctorToType env (name, tvars, ctors) =
get :: Environment -> (Environment -> Map.Map String a) -> String -> a
get env subDict key = Map.findWithDefault err key (subDict env)
err = error $ "Could not find '" ++ key ++ "' in the type environment."
err = error $ "Could not find type constructor '" ++ key ++ "' while checking types."
freshDataScheme :: Environment -> String -> IO (Int, [Variable], [Type], Type)
freshDataScheme env name = get env constructor name
instantiateType ::
Environment -> Src.Type -> Map.Map String Variable -> IO ([Variable], Type)
Environment -> Src.Type -> VarDict -> IO ([Variable], Type)
instantiateType env sourceType dict =
do (tipe, dict') <- State.runStateT (instantiator env sourceType) dict
do (tipe, (dict',_)) <- State.runStateT (instantiator env sourceType) (dict, Map.empty)
return (Map.elems dict', tipe)
instantiator :: Environment -> Src.Type -> State.StateT (Map.Map String Variable) IO Type
instantiator :: Environment -> Src.Type
-> State.StateT (VarDict, TypeDict) IO Type
instantiator env sourceType = go sourceType
go :: Src.Type -> State.StateT (Map.Map String Variable) IO Type
go :: Src.Type -> State.StateT (VarDict, TypeDict) IO Type
go sourceType =
case sourceType of
Src.Lambda t1 t2 -> (==>) <$> go t1 <*> go t2
Src.Var x -> do
dict <- State.get
(dict, aliases) <- State.get
case Map.lookup x dict of
Just var -> return (VarN var)
Nothing ->
do var <- State.liftIO $ namedVar flex x
State.put (Map.insert x var dict)
return (VarN var)
flex | "number" `isPrefixOf` x = Is Number
| "comparable" `isPrefixOf` x = Is Comparable
| "appendable" `isPrefixOf` x = Is Appendable
| otherwise = Flexible
case Map.lookup x aliases of
Just t -> return t
Nothing ->
do var <- State.liftIO $ namedVar flex x
State.put (Map.insert x var dict, aliases)
return (VarN var)
flex | "number" `isPrefixOf` x = Is Number
| "comparable" `isPrefixOf` x = Is Comparable
| "appendable" `isPrefixOf` x = Is Appendable
| otherwise = Flexible
Src.Data "String" [] ->
return (get env types "_List" <| get env types "Char")
Src.Data name ts -> do
ts' <- mapM go ts
return $ foldl (<|) (get env types name) ts'
case Map.lookup name (types env) of
Just t -> return $ foldl (<|) t ts'
Nothing ->
case Map.lookup name (aliases env) of
Nothing -> error $ "Could not find type constructor '" ++ name ++ "' while checking types."
Just (tvars, t) ->
let msg = "Type alias '" ++ name ++ "' expects " ++ show (length tvars) ++
" but was given " ++ show (length ts')
in if length ts' /= length tvars then error msg else
do (dict, aliases) <- State.get
State.put (dict, Map.union aliases . Map.fromList $ zip tvars ts')
go t
Src.EmptyRecord -> return (TermN EmptyRecord1)

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ infer interfaces' modul = unsafePerformIO $ do
-- mapM print (concatMap iAdts (Map.elems interfaces))
env <- Env.initialEnvironment (datatypes modul ++ concatMap iAdts (Map.elems interfaces))
env <- Env.initialEnvironment (datatypes modul ++ concatMap iAdts (Map.elems interfaces)) (aliases modul)
ctors <- forM (Map.keys (Env.constructor env)) $ \name ->
do (_, vars, args, result) <- Env.freshDataScheme env name
return (name, (vars, foldr (T.==>) result args))