Update elm-server to work with 0.9, compiles multiple files

This commit is contained in:
Evan Czaplicki 2013-08-10 00:51:29 -07:00
parent 77ff8ca3ab
commit 0f400da42f
2 changed files with 28 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -7,17 +7,19 @@ import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, (\\))
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Happstack.Server
import Happstack.Server.Compression
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Process
import qualified Language.Elm as Elm
import Paths_elm_server
runtime = "/elm-" ++ showVersion version ++ ".js"
runtime = "/elm-runtime.js"
serve :: Int -> String -> IO ()
serve portNumber libLoc = do
putStrLn ("Elm Server " ++ showVersion version ++
": running at <http://localhost:" ++ (show portNumber) ++ ">")
putStrLn $ "Elm Server " ++ showVersion version ++
": running at <http://localhost:" ++ show portNumber ++ ">"
putStrLn "Just refresh a page to recompile it!"
simpleHTTP httpConf $ do
_ <- compressedResponseFilter
@ -30,11 +32,16 @@ serve portNumber libLoc = do
pageTitle :: String -> String
pageTitle = dropExtension . takeBaseName
serveElm :: FilePath -> ServerPartT IO Response
serveElm fp = do
guard (takeExtension fp == ".elm")
content <- liftIO (readFile (tail fp))
length content `seq` (ok . toResponse $ Elm.toHtml runtime (pageTitle fp) content)
let file = tail fp
liftIO $ rawSystem "elm" [ "--make" ,"--runtime=" ++ runtime
, "--cache-dir=elm-server-cache", file ]
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive "elm-server-cache"
serveFile (asContentType "text/html") ("build" </> replaceExtension file "html")
serveLib :: FilePath -> [Char] -> ServerPartT IO Response
serveLib libLoc fp = do
guard (fp == runtime)
serveFile (asContentType "application/javascript") libLoc
@ -45,16 +52,18 @@ main = getArgs >>= parse
parse :: [String] -> IO ()
parse ("--help":_) = putStrLn usage
parse ("--version":_) = putStrLn ("The Elm Server " ++ showVersion version)
parse args = if null remainingArgs
then serve portNumber =<< elmRuntime
else putStrLn usageMini
where runtimeArg = filter (isPrefixOf "--runtime-location=") args
portArg = filter (isPrefixOf "--port=") args
remainingArgs = (args \\ runtimeArg) \\ portArg
parse args =
case null remainingArgs of
True -> serve portNumber =<< elmRuntime
False -> putStrLn usageMini
runtimeArg = filter (isPrefixOf "--runtime-location=") args
portArg = filter (isPrefixOf "--port=") args
remainingArgs = (args \\ runtimeArg) \\ portArg
argValue arg = tail $ dropWhile (/= '=') (head arg)
portNumber = if null portArg then 8000 else read (argValue portArg) :: Int
elmRuntime = if null runtimeArg then Elm.runtime else return $ argValue runtimeArg
argValue arg = tail $ dropWhile (/= '=') (head arg)
portNumber = if null portArg then 8000 else read (argValue portArg) :: Int
elmRuntime = if null runtimeArg then Elm.runtime else return $ argValue runtimeArg
usageMini :: String
usageMini =

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Name: elm-server
Version: 0.8
Version: 0.9
Synopsis: The Elm language server.
Description: This package provides a standalone, Happstack-based Elm server.
@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ Executable elm-server
Main-is: Server.hs
Build-depends: base >=4.2 && <5,
containers >= 0.3,
transformers >= 0.2,
mtl >= 2,
parsec >= 3.1.1,
blaze-html >= 0.5.1,
HTTP >= 4000,
happstack-server == 7.1.1 || == 7.1.7 || == 7.0.2,
Elm >= 0.8
Elm >=,