Make SortDefinitions aware of ADT constructors, gave incorrect sorts before

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Evan Czaplicki 2013-07-29 15:29:23 +02:00
parent 46cb850570
commit 0f3910d59e

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@ -21,6 +21,16 @@ boundVars pattern =
PAnything -> Set.empty
PLiteral _ -> Set.empty
ctors :: Pattern -> [String]
ctors pattern =
case pattern of
PVar x -> []
PAlias x p -> ctors p
PData ctor ps -> ctor : concatMap ctors ps
PRecord fields -> []
PAnything -> []
PLiteral _ -> []
free :: String -> State (Set.Set String) ()
free x = modify (Set.insert x)
@ -105,7 +115,9 @@ reorder lexpr@(L a b expr) =
case def of
Def pattern _ -> pattern
TypeAnnotation name _ -> PVar name
mapM (bound . boundVars . getPatterns) defs
forM (map getPatterns defs) $ \pattern -> do
bound (boundVars pattern)
mapM free (ctors pattern)
let addDefs ds bod = L a b (Let (concatMap toDefs ds) bod)
@ -128,6 +140,7 @@ bindingReorder :: (Pattern, LExpr t v) -> State (Set.Set String) (Pattern, LExpr
bindingReorder (pattern,expr) =
do expr' <- reorder expr
bound (boundVars pattern)
mapM free (ctors pattern)
return (pattern, expr')