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Release 0.3.5
* Add JavaScript event interface. Allows Elm to import and export JS values
and events. This makes it possible to import and export Elements, so users
can use JS techniques and libraries if necessary.
* Add new flags to help with JavaScript event interface.
* Add three built-in event listeners (elm_title, elm_log, elm_redirect) that
make it possible to make some common/simple imperative actions without
having to worry about writing the JS yourself. For example:
foreign export jsevent "elm_title"
title :: Signal JSString
will update the page's title to the current value of the title signal.
Empty strings are ignored. "elm_redirect" and "elm_log" events work much
the same way, except that "elm_log" does not skip empty strings.
* Add new Signal functions:
count :: Signal a -> Signal Int
keepIf :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Signal a -> Signal a
dropIf :: (a -> Bool) -> a -> Signal a -> Signal a
keepWhen :: Signal Bool -> a -> Signal a -> Signal a
dropWhen :: Signal Bool -> a -> Signal a -> Signal a
dropRepeats :: Signal a -> Signal a
The keep and drop functions make it possible to filter events, which
was not possible in prior releases. More documentation:
* Add examples of JS event interface and new signal functions:
* Use more compressed format for strings. Should make strings 10-12 times
more space efficient than in previous releases. Anecdotal evidence:
Elm's home page is now 70% of its previous size.
* Add new function to Data.List:
last :: [a] -> a
* Fix parenthesization bug with binary operators.
2012-06-21 07:04:53 +00:00
Release 0.3.0
Major Changes (Read this part!)
* Add a basic module system.
* Elm's JavaScript runtime is now distributed with the elm package.
Previously it was available for download as an unversioned JavaScript
file (elm-mini.js). It is now installed with the elm compiler as
elm-runtime-0.3.0.js. Be sure to serve the Elm runtime system that matches
the version of the compiler used to generate JavaScript. When working
locally, the compiler will automatically use your local copy of this file.
* BREAKING CHANGE: rgb and rgba (in the color module) now take their red,
green, and blue components as integers between 0 and 255 inclusive.
* Improve error messages for parse errors and runtime errors.
New Functions and Other Additions
* Add support for keyboard events: Keyboard.Raw
* Add buttons in Signal.Input:
button :: String -> (Element, Signal Bool)
* Add new basic element (an empty rectangle, good for adding spaces):
rectangle :: Int -> Int -> Element
* Add (an awkwardly named) way to display right justified text: rightedText
* Add two basic libraries: Data.Char and Data.Maybe
* Add some new colors: magenta, yellow, cyan, gray, grey
* Add functions to Data.List module: take, drop
* Add functions to Prelude (the default imports):
fst, snd, curry, uncurry, and a bunch of list functions
* Add --make, --separate-js, and --only-js flags to help compile
with the new module system.